[2022-11-21 09:27:20][DEBUG] : Send command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaCmd.py start "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:27:24][DEBUG] : Send command result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 09:27:28][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:27:32][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 09:27:32][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 09:28:41][DEBUG] : Send command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaCmd.py start "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:28:44][DEBUG] : Send command result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 09:28:48][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:28:52][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 09:28:52][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 09:29:25][DEBUG] : Send command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaCmd.py start "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:29:29][DEBUG] : Send command result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 09:29:33][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:29:36][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 09:29:36][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 09:30:04][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:30:04][DEBUG] : Action : discover [2022-11-21 09:30:04][DEBUG] : myDiscover [2022-11-21 09:30:04][DEBUG] : Discover [2022-11-21 09:30:08][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 09:30:08][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 09:30:15][DEBUG] : Discover Results :IP:,blid:6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910 [2022-11-21 09:30:15][DEBUG] : Discover Result :IP:,blid:6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910 [2022-11-21 09:30:15][DEBUG] : Discover ip : [2022-11-21 09:30:15][DEBUG] : Discover blid :6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910 [2022-11-21 09:30:35][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:30:38][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 09:30:38][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 09:31:53][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:31:57][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 09:31:57][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 09:35:03][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:35:06][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [1] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled [2] => {"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 94, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 1, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 10, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 0, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 1846, "nAvail": 55, "hOnDock": 121, "avgMin": 79}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 29, "nMssnF": 5, "nMssnC": 17, "nMssnOk": 8, "aMssnM": 41, "nMssn": 32}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 17, "nGoodLmrks": 16, "aGain": 1, "aExpo": 34}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [1010, 1010, 1010, 18, 46, 46, 46, 19, 46, 46]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 21, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 13, "nSafRst": 0, "safCauses": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, "bbrun": {"nCBump": 0, "nMBStll": 13, "nPanics": 39, "nOvertemps": 0, "nPicks": 267, "nOpticalDD": 1, "nPiezoDD": 5, "nWStll": 0, "nScrubs": 6, "nEvacs": 0, "nStuck": 11, "nCliffsF": 3819, "nCliffsR": 0}, "bbswitch": {"nBumper": 17274, "nDrops": 398, "nDock": 57, "nSpot": 52, "nClean": 138}, "bbsys": {"min": 33, "hr": 171}, "behaviorFwk": null, "bin": {"present": true, "full": false}, "binPause": true, "bleDevLoc": false, "cap": {"binFullDetect": 2, "oMode": 2, "dockComm": 1, "wDevLoc": 2, "bleDevLoc": 1, "edge": 0, "maps": 3, "pmaps": 10, "mc": 2, "tLine": 2, "area": 1, "eco": 1, "multiPass": 2, "team": 1, "pp": 0, "pose": 2, "lang": 2, "5ghz": 1, "prov": 3, "sched": 2, "svcConf": 1, "ota": 2, "log": 2, "langOta": 0, "ns": 1, "tileScan": 1}, "carpetBoost": false, "childLock": false, "chrgLrPtrn": 0, "cleanMissionStatus": {"cycle": "clean", "phase": "run", "expireM": 0, "rechrgM": 0, "error": 0, "notReady": 0, "condNotReady": [], "mssnM": 0, "expireTm": 0, "rechrgTm": 0, "mssnStrtTm": 1669019401, "operatingMode": 2, "initiator": "rmtApp", "nMssn": 33, "missionId": "01GJCMXYS817YBF5EAZKMQ45FH"}, "cleanSchedule2": [], "cloudEnv": "prod", "connected": true, "country": "FR", "deploymentState": 0, "dock": {"known": true, "pn": null, "state": 300, "id": null, "fwVer": null, "hwRev": null, "varID": null}, "evacAllowed": true, "ecoCharge": false, "featureFlags": {"pmapSharing": 0, "reachableSpaceFlags": 1, "wallE": 0, "stratParams": 0, "childLockEnable": 1, "covHybridPlan": 0, "trainingStrategy": 1, "covPlan": 0, "chrgLrPtrnEnable": 1, "clearHaz": true}, "hwPartsRev": {"mobBrd": 10, "mobBlid": "6FD43ADB1FEC5943DDC1517845CE0B77", "imuPartNo": "LSM6DSR", "lrDrv": "LP5018", "navSerialNo": "CF109A12I", "wlan0HwAddr": "50:14:79:88:42:04", "NavBrd": 1}, "hwDbgr": null, "langs2": {"sVer": "1.0", "dLangs": {"ver": "0.35", "langs": ["ar-SA_1", "ar-SA_2", "cs-CZ_1", "cs-CZ_2", "da-DK_1", "da-DK_2", "de-DE_1", "de-DE_2", "en-GB_1", "en-GB_2", "en-US_1", "en-US_2", "es-ES_1", "es-ES_2", "es-XL_1", "es-XL_2", "fi-FI_1", "fi-FI_2", "fr-CA_1", "fr-CA_2", "fr-FR_1", "fr-FR_2", "he-IL_1", "he-IL_2", "it-IT_1", "it-IT_2", "ja-JP_1", "ja-JP_2", "ko-KR_1", "ko-KR_2", "nb-NO_1", "nb-NO_2", "nl-NL_1", "nl-NL_2", "pl-PL_1", "pl-PL_2", "pt-BR_1", "pt-BR_2", "pt-PT_1", "pt-PT_2", "ru-RU_1", "ru-RU_2", "sv-SE_1", "sv-SE_2", "tr-TR_1", "tr-TR_2", "zh-CN_1", "zh-CN_2", "zh-HK_1", "zh-HK_2", "zh-TW_1", "zh-TW_2"]}, "sLang": "en-GB_1", "aSlots": 0}, "lastCommand": {"command": "start", "time": 1669019399, "initiator": "rmtApp", "favorite_id": "35e5a40df484f3272ae61b9a336fc7f5", "robot_id": "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910"}, "lastDisconnect": 3, "mapUploadAllowed": true, "missionTelemetry": {"aux_comms": 1, "bat_stats": 1, "behaviors_report": 1, "camera_settings": 1, "coverage_report": 1, "map_hypotheses": 1, "map_load": 1, "map_save": 1, "pmap_navigability": 1, "roomseg_report": 1, "sensor_stats": 1, "tumor_classifier_report": 1, "visual_stasis_report": 1, "vital_stats": 1, "vslam_report": 1}, "mssnNavStats": {"nMssn": 32, "missionId": "01GJABPDM042RZJBT0V4KMB2R1", "gLmk": 16, "lmk": 13, "reLc": 0, "plnErr": "none", "mTrk": 17, "kdp": 0, "sfkdp": 0, "nmc": 1, "nmmc": 1, "nrmc": 0, "mpSt": "idle", "l_drift": 0, "h_drift": 0, "l_squal": 98, "h_squal": 0}, "name": "Roomba", "noAutoPasses": false, "openOnly": false, "optFeats": {"pmaps": null}, "pmapLearningAllowed": true, "pmaps": [{"rIDT3p7SSL6lu1IqdRrSXg": "221120T163516"}], "pmapCL": true, "pmapSGen": 4, "pmapShare": {"copy": [1, 2, 4, 6], "share": null}, "rankOverlap": 15, "reflexSettings": {"rlWheelDrop": {"enabled": 1}}, "runtimeStats": {"min": 51, "sqft": 34, "hr": 13}, "sceneRecog": null, "schedHold": false, "secureBoot": {"log": 2, "flip": 0, "sbl1Ver": "B3.2.02_PPUB", "stublVer": "B3.2.03_PPUB", "efuse": 1, "blType": 1, "enforce": 2, "lastRst": "200000001", "recov": "linux+", "idSwitch": 0, "permReq": 0, "perm": "none"}, "sku": "i715640", "softwareVer": "lewis+22.29.3+2022-08-23-eb90240ea48+Firmware-Build+1832", "subModSwVer": {"nav": "lewis-nav+22.29.3+ubuntu-HEAD-eb90240ea48+1832", "mob": "22.29.3+ubuntu-HEAD-eb90240ea48+1832", "pwr": "0.6.0+ubuntu-HEAD-eb90240ea48+1832", "sft": "1.4.0+ubuntu-HEAD-9a9a5d0c891+36", "mobBtl": "4.2", "linux": "linux+4.20.0+Firmware-Build+1832", "con": "3.14.4-tags/release-3.14.4@050d359d/ubuntu"}, "svcEndpoints": {"svcDeplId": "v007"}, "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "tls": {"tzbChk": 1, "privKType": 2, "lcCiphers": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50380848, 50380847]}, "twoPass": false, "tz": {"events": [{"dt": 1664625600, "off": 120}, {"dt": 1667091601, "off": 60}, {"dt": 1679792401, "off": 120}], "ver": 16}, "vacHigh": false, "wDevLoc": false, "netinfo": {"dhcp": true, "addr": "", "mask": "", "gw": "", "dns1": "", "dns2": "", "bssid": "dc:00:b0:f5:b3:00", "sec": 4}, "signal": {"rssi": -42, "snr": 15, "noise": -57}, "wifistat": {"cloud": 14, "wifi": 1, "uap": false}, "wlcfg": {"sec": 4, "ssid": "58617657696669"}}}} ) [2022-11-21 09:35:06][DEBUG] : Roomba state : {"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 94, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 1, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 10, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 0, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 1846, "nAvail": 55, "hOnDock": 121, "avgMin": 79}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 29, "nMssnF": 5, "nMssnC": 17, "nMssnOk": 8, "aMssnM": 41, "nMssn": 32}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 17, "nGoodLmrks": 16, "aGain": 1, "aExpo": 34}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [1010, 1010, 1010, 18, 46, 46, 46, 19, 46, 46]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 21, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 13, "nSafRst": 0, "safCauses": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, "bbrun": {"nCBump": 0, "nMBStll": 13, "nPanics": 39, "nOvertemps": 0, "nPicks": 267, "nOpticalDD": 1, "nPiezoDD": 5, "nWStll": 0, "nScrubs": 6, "nEvacs": 0, "nStuck": 11, "nCliffsF": 3819, "nCliffsR": 0}, "bbswitch": {"nBumper": 17274, "nDrops": 398, "nDock": 57, "nSpot": 52, "nClean": 138}, "bbsys": {"min": 33, "hr": 171}, "behaviorFwk": null, "bin": {"present": true, "full": false}, "binPause": true, "bleDevLoc": false, "cap": {"binFullDetect": 2, "oMode": 2, "dockComm": 1, "wDevLoc": 2, "bleDevLoc": 1, "edge": 0, "maps": 3, "pmaps": 10, "mc": 2, "tLine": 2, "area": 1, "eco": 1, "multiPass": 2, "team": 1, "pp": 0, "pose": 2, "lang": 2, "5ghz": 1, "prov": 3, "sched": 2, "svcConf": 1, "ota": 2, "log": 2, "langOta": 0, "ns": 1, "tileScan": 1}, "carpetBoost": false, "childLock": false, "chrgLrPtrn": 0, "cleanMissionStatus": {"cycle": "clean", "phase": "run", "expireM": 0, "rechrgM": 0, "error": 0, "notReady": 0, "condNotReady": [], "mssnM": 0, "expireTm": 0, "rechrgTm": 0, "mssnStrtTm": 1669019401, "operatingMode": 2, "initiator": "rmtApp", "nMssn": 33, "missionId": "01GJCMXYS817YBF5EAZKMQ45FH"}, "cleanSchedule2": [], "cloudEnv": "prod", "connected": true, "country": "FR", 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"nb-NO_2", "nl-NL_1", "nl-NL_2", "pl-PL_1", "pl-PL_2", "pt-BR_1", "pt-BR_2", "pt-PT_1", "pt-PT_2", "ru-RU_1", "ru-RU_2", "sv-SE_1", "sv-SE_2", "tr-TR_1", "tr-TR_2", "zh-CN_1", "zh-CN_2", "zh-HK_1", "zh-HK_2", "zh-TW_1", "zh-TW_2"]}, "sLang": "en-GB_1", "aSlots": 0}, "lastCommand": {"command": "start", "time": 1669019399, "initiator": "rmtApp", "favorite_id": "35e5a40df484f3272ae61b9a336fc7f5", "robot_id": "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910"}, "lastDisconnect": 3, "mapUploadAllowed": true, "missionTelemetry": {"aux_comms": 1, "bat_stats": 1, "behaviors_report": 1, "camera_settings": 1, "coverage_report": 1, "map_hypotheses": 1, "map_load": 1, "map_save": 1, "pmap_navigability": 1, "roomseg_report": 1, "sensor_stats": 1, "tumor_classifier_report": 1, "visual_stasis_report": 1, "vital_stats": 1, "vslam_report": 1}, "mssnNavStats": {"nMssn": 32, "missionId": "01GJABPDM042RZJBT0V4KMB2R1", "gLmk": 16, "lmk": 13, "reLc": 0, "plnErr": "none", "mTrk": 17, "kdp": 0, "sfkdp": 0, "nmc": 1, "nmmc": 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"1.4.0+ubuntu-HEAD-9a9a5d0c891+36", "mobBtl": "4.2", "linux": "linux+4.20.0+Firmware-Build+1832", "con": "3.14.4-tags/release-3.14.4@050d359d/ubuntu"}, "svcEndpoints": {"svcDeplId": "v007"}, "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "tls": {"tzbChk": 1, "privKType": 2, "lcCiphers": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50380848, 50380847]}, "twoPass": false, "tz": {"events": [{"dt": 1664625600, "off": 120}, {"dt": 1667091601, "off": 60}, {"dt": 1679792401, "off": 120}], "ver": 16}, "vacHigh": false, "wDevLoc": false, "netinfo": {"dhcp": true, "addr": "", "mask": "", "gw": "", "dns1": "", "dns2": "", "bssid": "dc:00:b0:f5:b3:00", "sec": 4}, "signal": {"rssi": -42, "snr": 15, "noise": -57}, "wifistat": {"cloud": 14, "wifi": 1, "uap": false}, "wlcfg": {"sec": 4, "ssid": "58617657696669"}}}} [2022-11-21 09:35:06][DEBUG] : phase : run [2022-11-21 09:35:06][DEBUG] : batteryType : PanasonicEnergy [2022-11-21 09:35:06][DEBUG] : battery : 94 [2022-11-21 09:35:06][DEBUG] : binfull : false [2022-11-21 09:39:59][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:40:03][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 09:40:03][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 09:40:03][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:40:07][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 09:40:07][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 09:45:03][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:45:06][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [1] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled [2] => {"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 83, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 1, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 10, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 0, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 1846, "nAvail": 55, "hOnDock": 121, "avgMin": 79}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 29, "nMssnF": 5, "nMssnC": 17, "nMssnOk": 8, "aMssnM": 41, "nMssn": 32}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 17, "nGoodLmrks": 16, "aGain": 1, "aExpo": 34}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [1010, 1010, 1010, 18, 46, 46, 46, 19, 46, 46]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 21, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 13, "nSafRst": 0, "safCauses": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, "bbrun": {"nCBump": 0, "nMBStll": 13, "nPanics": 39, "nOvertemps": 0, "nPicks": 267, "nOpticalDD": 1, "nPiezoDD": 5, "nWStll": 0, "nScrubs": 6, "nEvacs": 0, "nStuck": 11, "nCliffsF": 3819, "nCliffsR": 0}, "bbswitch": {"nBumper": 17490, "nDrops": 398, "nDock": 57, "nSpot": 52, "nClean": 138}, "bbsys": {"min": 43, "hr": 171}, "behaviorFwk": null, "bin": {"present": true, "full": false}, "binPause": true, "bleDevLoc": false, "cap": {"binFullDetect": 2, "oMode": 2, "dockComm": 1, "wDevLoc": 2, "bleDevLoc": 1, "edge": 0, "maps": 3, "pmaps": 10, "mc": 2, "tLine": 2, "area": 1, "eco": 1, "multiPass": 2, "team": 1, "pp": 0, "pose": 2, "lang": 2, "5ghz": 1, "prov": 3, "sched": 2, "svcConf": 1, "ota": 2, "log": 2, "langOta": 0, "ns": 1, "tileScan": 1}, "carpetBoost": false, "childLock": false, "chrgLrPtrn": 0, "cleanMissionStatus": {"cycle": "clean", "phase": "run", "expireM": 0, "rechrgM": 0, "error": 0, "notReady": 0, "condNotReady": [], "mssnM": 0, "expireTm": 0, "rechrgTm": 0, "mssnStrtTm": 1669019401, "operatingMode": 2, "initiator": "rmtApp", "nMssn": 33, "missionId": "01GJCMXYS817YBF5EAZKMQ45FH"}, "cleanSchedule2": [], "cloudEnv": "prod", "connected": true, "country": "FR", "deploymentState": 0, "dock": {"known": true, "pn": null, "state": 300, "id": null, "fwVer": null, "hwRev": 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"3.14.4-tags/release-3.14.4@050d359d/ubuntu"}, "svcEndpoints": {"svcDeplId": "v007"}, "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "tls": {"tzbChk": 1, "privKType": 2, "lcCiphers": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50380848, 50380847]}, "twoPass": false, "tz": {"events": [{"dt": 1664625600, "off": 120}, {"dt": 1667091601, "off": 60}, {"dt": 1679792401, "off": 120}], "ver": 16}, "vacHigh": false, "wDevLoc": false, "netinfo": {"dhcp": true, "addr": "", "mask": "", "gw": "", "dns1": "", "dns2": "", "bssid": "dc:00:b0:f5:b3:00", "sec": 4}, "signal": {"rssi": -40, "snr": 17, "noise": -57}, "wifistat": {"cloud": 14, "wifi": 1, "uap": false}, "wlcfg": {"sec": 4, "ssid": "58617657696669"}}}} ) [2022-11-21 09:45:06][DEBUG] : Roomba state : {"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 83, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 1, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 10, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 0, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 1846, "nAvail": 55, "hOnDock": 121, "avgMin": 79}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 29, "nMssnF": 5, "nMssnC": 17, "nMssnOk": 8, "aMssnM": 41, "nMssn": 32}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 17, "nGoodLmrks": 16, "aGain": 1, "aExpo": 34}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [1010, 1010, 1010, 18, 46, 46, 46, 19, 46, 46]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 21, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 13, "nSafRst": 0, "safCauses": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, "bbrun": {"nCBump": 0, "nMBStll": 13, "nPanics": 39, "nOvertemps": 0, "nPicks": 267, "nOpticalDD": 1, "nPiezoDD": 5, "nWStll": 0, "nScrubs": 6, "nEvacs": 0, "nStuck": 11, "nCliffsF": 3819, "nCliffsR": 0}, "bbswitch": {"nBumper": 17490, "nDrops": 398, "nDock": 57, "nSpot": 52, "nClean": 138}, "bbsys": 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"3.14.4-tags/release-3.14.4@050d359d/ubuntu"}, "svcEndpoints": {"svcDeplId": "v007"}, "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "tls": {"tzbChk": 1, "privKType": 2, "lcCiphers": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50380848, 50380847]}, "twoPass": false, "tz": {"events": [{"dt": 1664625600, "off": 120}, {"dt": 1667091601, "off": 60}, {"dt": 1679792401, "off": 120}], "ver": 16}, "vacHigh": false, "wDevLoc": false, "netinfo": {"dhcp": true, "addr": "", "mask": "", "gw": "", "dns1": "", "dns2": "", "bssid": "dc:00:b0:f5:b3:00", "sec": 4}, "signal": {"rssi": -40, "snr": 17, "noise": -57}, "wifistat": {"cloud": 14, "wifi": 1, "uap": false}, "wlcfg": {"sec": 4, "ssid": "58617657696669"}}}} [2022-11-21 09:45:06][DEBUG] : phase : run [2022-11-21 09:45:06][DEBUG] : battery : 83 [2022-11-21 09:45:06][DEBUG] : binfull : false [2022-11-21 09:50:04][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 09:50:07][DEBUG] : 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{"sec": 4, "ssid": "58617657696669"}}}} ) [2022-11-21 09:50:07][DEBUG] : Roomba state : {"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 78, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 1, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 10, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 0, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 1846, "nAvail": 55, "hOnDock": 121, "avgMin": 79}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 29, "nMssnF": 5, "nMssnC": 17, "nMssnOk": 8, "aMssnM": 41, "nMssn": 32}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 17, "nGoodLmrks": 16, "aGain": 1, "aExpo": 34}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [1010, 1010, 1010, 18, 46, 46, 46, 19, 46, 46]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 21, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 13, "nSafRst": 0, "safCauses": [0, 0, 0, 0, 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"Roomba", "noAutoPasses": false, "openOnly": false, "optFeats": {"pmaps": null}, "pmapLearningAllowed": true, "pmaps": [{"rIDT3p7SSL6lu1IqdRrSXg": "221120T163516"}], "pmapCL": true, "pmapSGen": 4, "pmapShare": {"copy": [1, 2, 4, 6], "share": null}, "rankOverlap": 15, "reflexSettings": {"rlWheelDrop": {"enabled": 1}}, "runtimeStats": {"min": 51, "sqft": 34, "hr": 13}, "sceneRecog": null, "schedHold": false, "secureBoot": {"log": 2, "flip": 0, "sbl1Ver": "B3.2.02_PPUB", "stublVer": "B3.2.03_PPUB", "efuse": 1, "blType": 1, "enforce": 2, "lastRst": "200000001", "recov": "linux+", "idSwitch": 0, "permReq": 0, "perm": "none"}, "sku": "i715640", "softwareVer": "lewis+22.29.3+2022-08-23-eb90240ea48+Firmware-Build+1832", "subModSwVer": {"nav": "lewis-nav+22.29.3+ubuntu-HEAD-eb90240ea48+1832", "mob": "22.29.3+ubuntu-HEAD-eb90240ea48+1832", "pwr": "0.6.0+ubuntu-HEAD-eb90240ea48+1832", "sft": "1.4.0+ubuntu-HEAD-9a9a5d0c891+36", "mobBtl": "4.2", "linux": "linux+4.20.0+Firmware-Build+1832", "con": 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Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 10:05:07][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 10:10:03][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 10:10:06][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [1] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled [2] => {"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 58, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", 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"linux": "linux+4.20.0+Firmware-Build+1832", "con": "3.14.4-tags/release-3.14.4@050d359d/ubuntu"}, "svcEndpoints": {"svcDeplId": "v007"}, "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "tls": {"tzbChk": 1, "privKType": 2, "lcCiphers": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50380848, 50380847]}, "twoPass": false, "tz": {"events": [{"dt": 1664625600, "off": 120}, {"dt": 1667091601, "off": 60}, {"dt": 1679792401, "off": 120}], "ver": 16}, "vacHigh": false, "wDevLoc": false, "netinfo": {"dhcp": true, "addr": "", "mask": "", "gw": "", "dns1": "", "dns2": "", "bssid": "dc:00:b0:f5:b3:00", "sec": 4}, "signal": {"rssi": -24, "snr": 16, "noise": -40}, "wifistat": {"cloud": 14, "wifi": 1, "uap": false}, "wlcfg": {"sec": 4, "ssid": "58617657696669"}}}} [2022-11-21 10:10:06][DEBUG] : phase : run [2022-11-21 10:10:06][DEBUG] : battery : 58 [2022-11-21 10:10:06][DEBUG] : binfull : false [2022-11-21 10:15:03][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 10:15:07][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 10:15:07][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 10:20:04][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 10:20:07][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 10:20:07][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 10:22:12][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 10:22:16][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 10:22:16][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 10:25:03][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 10:25:07][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [1] => Attempting new Connection# 1 [2] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [3] => Attempting new Connection# 2 [4] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [5] => Attempting new Connection# 3 [6] => Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused [7] => Unable to connect [8] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [9] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 10:25:07][DEBUG] : Wrong answer : Array ( ) [2022-11-21 10:30:04][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 10:30:07][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [1] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled [2] => {"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 58, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 1, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 10, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 0, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 1846, "nAvail": 56, "hOnDock": 121, "avgMin": 79}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 30, "nMssnF": 5, "nMssnC": 17, "nMssnOk": 8, "aMssnM": 41, "nMssn": 33}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 17, "nGoodLmrks": 16, "aGain": 1, "aExpo": 34}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [1010, 1010, 1010, 18, 46, 46, 46, 19, 46, 46]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 21, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 13, "nSafRst": 0, "safCauses": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, "bbrun": {"nCBump": 0, "nMBStll": 13, "nPanics": 45, "nOvertemps": 0, "nPicks": 267, "nOpticalDD": 1, "nPiezoDD": 5, "nWStll": 0, "nScrubs": 6, "nEvacs": 0, "nStuck": 11, "nCliffsF": 3826, "nCliffsR": 0}, "bbswitch": {"nBumper": 18200, "nDrops": 401, "nDock": 60, "nSpot": 54, "nClean": 141}, "bbsys": {"min": 28, "hr": 172}, "behaviorFwk": null, "bin": {"present": true, "full": true}, "binPause": true, "bleDevLoc": false, "cap": {"binFullDetect": 2, "oMode": 2, "dockComm": 1, "wDevLoc": 2, "bleDevLoc": 1, "edge": 0, "maps": 3, "pmaps": 10, "mc": 2, "tLine": 2, "area": 1, "eco": 1, "multiPass": 2, "team": 1, "pp": 0, "pose": 2, "lang": 2, "5ghz": 1, "prov": 3, "sched": 2, "svcConf": 1, "ota": 2, "log": 2, "langOta": 0, "ns": 1, "tileScan": 1}, "carpetBoost": false, "childLock": false, "chrgLrPtrn": 0, "cleanMissionStatus": {"cycle": "clean", "phase": "charge", "expireM": 0, "rechrgM": 0, "error": 0, "notReady": 16, "condNotReady": [], "mssnM": 0, "expireTm": 1669065674, "rechrgTm": 0, "mssnStrtTm": 1669019401, 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{"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 58, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 1, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 10, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 0, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 1846, "nAvail": 56, "hOnDock": 121, "avgMin": 79}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 30, "nMssnF": 5, "nMssnC": 17, "nMssnOk": 8, "aMssnM": 41, "nMssn": 33}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 17, "nGoodLmrks": 16, "aGain": 1, "aExpo": 34}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [1010, 1010, 1010, 18, 46, 46, 46, 19, 46, 46]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 21, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 13, "nSafRst": 0, "safCauses": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, "bbrun": {"nCBump": 0, "nMBStll": 13, "nPanics": 45, "nOvertemps": 0, "nPicks": 267, 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{"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 100, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 1, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 11, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 0, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 1846, "nAvail": 56, "hOnDock": 121, "avgMin": 75}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 30, "nMssnF": 5, "nMssnC": 17, "nMssnOk": 8, "aMssnM": 41, "nMssn": 33}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 17, "nGoodLmrks": 16, "aGain": 1, "aExpo": 34}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [1010, 1010, 1010, 18, 46, 46, 46, 19, 46, 46]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 21, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 13, "nSafRst": 0, "safCauses": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, "bbrun": {"nCBump": 0, "nMBStll": 13, "nPanics": 45, "nOvertemps": 0, "nPicks": 267, 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command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaCmd.py start "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 11:10:24][DEBUG] : Send command result : Array ( [0] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [1] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 11:10:28][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 11:10:30][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [1] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled [2] => {"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 100, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": 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"6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 11:11:55][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [1] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled [2] => {"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 100, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 1, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 11, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 0, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 1846, "nAvail": 56, "hOnDock": 121, "avgMin": 75}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 30, "nMssnF": 5, "nMssnC": 17, "nMssnOk": 8, "aMssnM": 41, "nMssn": 33}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 17, "nGoodLmrks": 16, "aGain": 1, "aExpo": 34}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [1010, 1010, 1010, 18, 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"58617657696669"}}}} [2022-11-21 11:11:55][DEBUG] : phase : charge [2022-11-21 11:11:55][DEBUG] : battery : 100 [2022-11-21 11:11:55][DEBUG] : binfull : false [2022-11-21 11:12:57][DEBUG] : Action : getPassword [2022-11-21 11:12:57][DEBUG] : getPassword 6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910 [2022-11-21 11:12:57][DEBUG] : getPassword command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 getPassword.py [2022-11-21 11:13:07][DEBUG] : getPassword result :IP:,blid:6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910 [2022-11-21 11:13:07][DEBUG] : getPassword result :Password :1:1668851616:OnDJk7sJuyoX5Ebc [2022-11-21 11:13:07][DEBUG] : getPassword found ::1:1668851616:OnDJk7sJuyoX5Ebc [2022-11-21 11:13:24][DEBUG] : Send command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaCmd.py start "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 11:13:27][DEBUG] : Send command result : Array ( [0] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [1] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled ) [2022-11-21 11:13:31][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 11:13:33][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [1] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled [2] => {"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 100, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 1, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 11, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 0, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 1846, "nAvail": 56, "hOnDock": 121, "avgMin": 75}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 30, "nMssnF": 5, "nMssnC": 17, "nMssnOk": 8, "aMssnM": 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"linux+4.20.0+Firmware-Build+1832", "con": "3.14.4-tags/release-3.14.4@050d359d/ubuntu"}, "svcEndpoints": {"svcDeplId": "v007"}, "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "tls": {"tzbChk": 1, "privKType": 2, "lcCiphers": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50380848, 50380847]}, "twoPass": false, "tz": {"events": [{"dt": 1664625600, "off": 120}, {"dt": 1667091601, "off": 60}, {"dt": 1679792401, "off": 120}], "ver": 16}, "vacHigh": false, "wDevLoc": false, "netinfo": {"dhcp": true, "addr": "", "mask": "", "gw": "", "dns1": "", "dns2": "", "bssid": "dc:00:b0:f5:b3:04", "sec": 4}, "signal": {"rssi": -51, "snr": 28, "noise": -79}, "wifistat": {"cloud": 14, "wifi": 1, "uap": false}, "wlcfg": {"sec": 4, "ssid": "58617657696669"}}}} [2022-11-21 11:14:23][DEBUG] : phase : charge [2022-11-21 11:14:23][DEBUG] : battery : 100 [2022-11-21 11:14:23][DEBUG] : binfull : false [2022-11-21 11:15:03][DEBUG] : Mission command : cd /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/resources && python3 roombaStatus.py "" "6B8E8DBD15494781AD398D632695A910" "****" [2022-11-21 11:15:06][DEBUG] : Mission raw result : Array ( [0] => CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL [1] => PIL module not found, maps are disabled [2] => {"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 100, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 1, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 11, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 0, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 1846, "nAvail": 56, "hOnDock": 121, "avgMin": 75}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 30, "nMssnF": 5, "nMssnC": 17, "nMssnOk": 8, "aMssnM": 41, "nMssn": 33}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 17, "nGoodLmrks": 16, "aGain": 1, "aExpo": 34}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [1010, 1010, 1010, 18, 46, 46, 46, 19, 46, 46]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 21, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 13, "nSafRst": 0, "safCauses": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}, "bbrun": {"nCBump": 0, "nMBStll": 13, "nPanics": 45, "nOvertemps": 0, "nPicks": 267, "nOpticalDD": 1, "nPiezoDD": 5, "nWStll": 0, "nScrubs": 6, "nEvacs": 0, "nStuck": 11, "nCliffsF": 3826, "nCliffsR": 0}, "bbswitch": {"nBumper": 18200, "nDrops": 401, "nDock": 61, "nSpot": 54, "nClean": 141}, "bbsys": {"min": 13, "hr": 173}, "behaviorFwk": null, "bin": {"present": true, "full": false}, "binPause": true, "bleDevLoc": false, "cap": {"binFullDetect": 2, "oMode": 2, "dockComm": 1, "wDevLoc": 2, "bleDevLoc": 1, "edge": 0, "maps": 3, "pmaps": 10, "mc": 2, "tLine": 2, "area": 1, "eco": 1, "multiPass": 2, "team": 1, "pp": 0, "pose": 2, "lang": 2, "5ghz": 1, "prov": 3, "sched": 2, "svcConf": 1, "ota": 2, "log": 2, "langOta": 0, "ns": 1, "tileScan": 1}, "carpetBoost": false, "childLock": false, "chrgLrPtrn": 0, "cleanMissionStatus": {"cycle": "clean", "phase": "charge", "expireM": 0, "rechrgM": 0, "error": 0, "notReady": 0, "condNotReady": [], "mssnM": 0, "expireTm": 1669030714, "rechrgTm": 0, "mssnStrtTm": 1669019401, "operatingMode": 0, "initiator": "rmtApp", "nMssn": 33, "missionId": "01GJCMXYS817YBF5EAZKMQ45FH"}, "cleanSchedule2": [], "cloudEnv": "prod", "connected": true, "country": "FR", "deploymentState": 0, "dock": {"known": true, "pn": null, "state": null, "id": null, "fwVer": null, "hwRev": null, "varID": null}, "evacAllowed": true, "ecoCharge": false, "featureFlags": {"pmapSharing": 0, "reachableSpaceFlags": 1, "wallE": 0, "stratParams": 0, "childLockEnable": 1, "covHybridPlan": 0, "trainingStrategy": 1, "covPlan": 0, "chrgLrPtrnEnable": 1, "clearHaz": true}, "hwPartsRev": {"mobBrd": 10, "mobBlid": "6FD43ADB1FEC5943DDC1517845CE0B77", "imuPartNo": "LSM6DSR", "lrDrv": "LP5018", "navSerialNo": "CF109A12I", "wlan0HwAddr": "50:14:79:88:42:04", "NavBrd": 1}, "hwDbgr": null, "langs2": {"sVer": "1.0", "dLangs": {"ver": "0.35", "langs": ["ar-SA_1", "ar-SA_2", "cs-CZ_1", "cs-CZ_2", "da-DK_1", "da-DK_2", "de-DE_1", "de-DE_2", "en-GB_1", "en-GB_2", "en-US_1", "en-US_2", "es-ES_1", "es-ES_2", "es-XL_1", "es-XL_2", "fi-FI_1", "fi-FI_2", "fr-CA_1", "fr-CA_2", "fr-FR_1", "fr-FR_2", "he-IL_1", "he-IL_2", "it-IT_1", "it-IT_2", "ja-JP_1", "ja-JP_2", "ko-KR_1", "ko-KR_2", "nb-NO_1", "nb-NO_2", "nl-NL_1", "nl-NL_2", "pl-PL_1", "pl-PL_2", "pt-BR_1", "pt-BR_2", "pt-PT_1", "pt-PT_2", "ru-RU_1", "ru-RU_2", "sv-SE_1", "sv-SE_2", "tr-TR_1", "tr-TR_2", "zh-CN_1", "zh-CN_2", "zh-HK_1", "zh-HK_2", "zh-TW_1", "zh-TW_2"]}, "sLang": "en-GB_1", "aSlots": 0}, "lastCommand": {"command": "addrobotdone", "time": null, "initiator": null, "favorite_id": null, "robot_id": null}, "lastDisconnect": 3, "mapUploadAllowed": true, "missionTelemetry": {"aux_comms": 1, "bat_stats": 1, "behaviors_report": 1, "camera_settings": 1, "coverage_report": 1, "map_hypotheses": 1, "map_load": 1, "map_save": 1, "pmap_navigability": 1, "roomseg_report": 1, 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false}, "wlcfg": {"sec": 4, "ssid": "58617657696669"}}}} ) [2022-11-21 11:15:06][DEBUG] : Roomba state : {"state": {"reported": {"audio": {"volume": 100}, "batPct": 100, "batteryType": "F12432832R", "batInfo": {"mDate": "2020-9-7", "mName": "PanasonicEnergy", "mDaySerial": 28929, "mData": "303030333034303200000000000000000000000000", "mLife": "0C430B11107D0B9B4E24001C04B3F76000CAFED1290AFFFF0005008700000000", "cCount": 8, "afCount": 0}, "batAuthEnable": null, "bbchg": {"nChatters": 0, "nKnockoffs": 1, "nLithF": 0, "nChgOk": 11, "aborts": [0, 0, 0], "chgErr": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "smberr": 0, "nChgErr": 0}, "bbchg3": {"estCap": 1846, "nAvail": 56, "hOnDock": 121, "avgMin": 75}, "bbmssn": {"aCycleM": 30, "nMssnF": 5, "nMssnC": 17, "nMssnOk": 8, "aMssnM": 41, "nMssn": 33}, "bbnav": {"aMtrack": 17, "nGoodLmrks": 16, "aGain": 1, "aExpo": 34}, "bbpause": {"pauses": [1010, 1010, 1010, 18, 46, 46, 46, 19, 46, 46]}, "bbrstinfo": {"nNavRst": 21, "nMapLoadRst": 0, "nMobRst": 13, "nSafRst": 0, 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