[2021-01-07 13:57:10][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'message': '22', 'number': 'signal_strength'} [2021-01-07 13:57:10][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): [2021-01-07 13:57:11][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/sms/core/php/jeeSMS.php?apikey=aaN0VG4wjfQfuxwywOMwJtQT7qxIUahW HTTP/1.1" 200 0 [2021-01-07 13:57:41][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2021-01-07 13:57:41][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,1', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:57:42][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:57:42][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 22,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:57:42][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMGL=0 [2021-01-07 13:57:42][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2021-01-07 13:57:42][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:57:42][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 22,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:12][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2021-01-07 13:58:12][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,1', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:13][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:58:13][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 22,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:13][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMGL=0 [2021-01-07 13:58:13][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:13][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:58:13][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 22,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:43][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2021-01-07 13:58:43][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,1', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 21,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMGL=0 [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : response: ['+CMGL: 0,0,,46', '07913386094000F0040B913306879213F10000121070318502401ED17A99CD2E83E8E536BC200FD3EBF232285C0789C37271795C2F03', '+CMGL: 1,0,,47', '07913386094000F0040B913306879213F10000121070318504401FD17A99CD2E83E8E536BC200FD3EBF232285C074DDFF5796BFA668300', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMGD=0,0 [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMGD=1,0 [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : Got SMS message : [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : Got SMS message : [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 21,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 21,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 21,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'message': '21', 'number': 'signal_strength'} [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): [2021-01-07 13:58:44][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/sms/core/php/jeeSMS.php?apikey=aaN0VG4wjfQfuxwywOMwJtQT7qxIUahW HTTP/1.1" 200 0 [2021-01-07 13:59:09][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'+33607829311': {'message': u'Quelle temperature au Sous-Sol ', 'number': u'+33607829311'}}} [2021-01-07 13:59:09][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): [2021-01-07 13:59:09][INFO] : Message venant de 06XXXXXXXX : Quelle temperature au Sous-Sol [2021-01-07 13:59:10][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2021-01-07 13:59:10][INFO] : Réponse : Thermo Sous-Sol, Température 11.7 °C [2021-01-07 13:59:10][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: {"apikey":"aaN0VG4wjfQfuxwywOMwJtQT7qxIUahW","number":"+33607829311","message":"Thermo Sous-Sol, Temp\u00e9rature 11.7 \u00b0C"} [2021-01-07 13:59:10][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2021-01-07 13:59:10][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/sms/core/php/jeeSMS.php?apikey=aaN0VG4wjfQfuxwywOMwJtQT7qxIUahW HTTP/1.1" 200 None [2021-01-07 13:59:14][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2021-01-07 13:59:14][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,1', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:15][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:59:15][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 21,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:15][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMGL=0 [2021-01-07 13:59:15][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:15][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:59:15][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 21,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:15][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2021-01-07 13:59:15][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2021-01-07 13:59:15][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,1', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:16][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:59:16][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 22,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:16][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMGS=85 [2021-01-07 13:59:16][DEBUG] : response: ['> '] [2021-01-07 13:59:16][DEBUG] : write: 0021F60B913306879213F10008480054006800650072006D006F00200053006F00750073002D0053006F006C002C002000540065006D007000E9007200610074007500720065002000310031002E0037002000B00043 [2021-01-07 13:59:16][DEBUG] : response: ['+CMGS: 246', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:46][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2021-01-07 13:59:46][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,1', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 22,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMGL=0 [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : response: ['+CMGL: 0,0,,25', '07913306092041F006F60B913306879213F1121070319561401210703195714000', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMGD=0,0 [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : Got SMS message : [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : No text so nothing to do [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 22,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSQ: 22,99', 'OK'] [2021-01-07 13:59:47][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSQ