[2020-11-05 16:57:36][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2020-11-05 16:57:36][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: {"apikey":"OeN2GlRKHJxpQdqybsTnIMgN4K8XHlIb","cmd":"add","device":{"id":13,"family":"3_0"}} [2020-11-05 16:57:36][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2020-11-05 16:57:36][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2020-11-05 16:57:36][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: {"apikey":"OeN2GlRKHJxpQdqybsTnIMgN4K8XHlIb","cmd":"add","device":{"id":13,"family":"3_0"}} [2020-11-05 16:57:36][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2020-11-05 16:57:36][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2020-11-05 16:57:36][DEBUG] : Add device : {u'id': 13, u'family': u'3_0'} [2020-11-05 16:57:37][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2020-11-05 16:57:37][DEBUG] : Add device : {u'id': 13, u'family': u'3_0'} [2020-11-05 16:57:48][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-75", "floorNoise": "-104", "rfQuality": "7", "protocol": "9", "protocolMeaning": "RTS", "infoType": "3", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Shutter", "id": "4433241", "qualifier": "1", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Down/Off"]}}}} [2020-11-05 16:57:48][DEBUG] : Received a RTS frame [2020-11-05 16:57:48][DEBUG] : type3 [2020-11-05 16:57:48][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'4433241': {'protocol': 'RTS', 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '0', 'label': 'Down/Off', 'dBm': '-75', 'subTypeMeaning': 'Shutter', 'qualifier': '1'}, 'id': '4433241', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '7', 'protocol': '9', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-104', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-75', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '3', 'protocolMeaning': 'RTS'}, 'infos': {'id': '4433241', 'subType': '0', 'subTypeMeaning': 'Shutter', 'qualifier': '1', 'qualifierMeaning': {'flags': ['Down/Off']}}}}}}} [2020-11-05 16:57:48][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): [2020-11-05 16:57:48][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité [2020-11-05 16:57:48][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=OeN2GlRKHJxpQdqybsTnIMgN4K8XHlIb HTTP/1.1" 200 0 [2020-11-05 16:57:49][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-75", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "7", "protocol": "9", "protocolMeaning": "RTS", "infoType": "3", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Shutter", "id": "4433241", "qualifier": "7", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["Up/On"]}}}} [2020-11-05 16:57:49][DEBUG] : Received a RTS frame [2020-11-05 16:57:49][DEBUG] : type3 [2020-11-05 16:57:49][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'4433241': {'protocol': 'RTS', 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '0', 'label': 'Up/On', 'dBm': '-75', 'subTypeMeaning': 'Shutter', 'qualifier': '7'}, 'id': '4433241', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '7', 'protocol': '9', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-75', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '3', 'protocolMeaning': 'RTS'}, 'infos': {'id': '4433241', 'subType': '0', 'subTypeMeaning': 'Shutter', 'qualifier': '7', 'qualifierMeaning': {'flags': ['Up/On']}}}}}}} [2020-11-05 16:57:49][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): [2020-11-05 16:57:49][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité [2020-11-05 16:57:49][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=OeN2GlRKHJxpQdqybsTnIMgN4K8XHlIb HTTP/1.1" 200 0 [2020-11-05 16:57:50][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-73", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "7", "protocol": "9", "protocolMeaning": "RTS", "infoType": "3", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Shutter", "id": "4433241", "qualifier": "4", "qualifierMeaning": { "flags": ["My"]}}}} [2020-11-05 16:57:50][DEBUG] : Received a RTS frame [2020-11-05 16:57:50][DEBUG] : type3 [2020-11-05 16:57:50][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'4433241': {'protocol': 'RTS', 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '0', 'label': 'My', 'dBm': '-73', 'subTypeMeaning': 'Shutter', 'qualifier': '4'}, 'id': '4433241', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '7', 'protocol': '9', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-73', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '3', 'protocolMeaning': 'RTS'}, 'infos': {'id': '4433241', 'subType': '0', 'subTypeMeaning': 'Shutter', 'qualifier': '4', 'qualifierMeaning': {'flags': ['My']}}}}}}} [2020-11-05 16:57:50][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): [2020-11-05 16:57:50][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité [2020-11-05 16:57:50][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=OeN2GlRKHJxpQdqybsTnIMgN4K8XHlIb HTTP/1.1" 200 0 [2020-11-05 16:57:53][DEBUG] : Execute Action > Monter / ON / RTS / 0 [2020-11-05 16:57:53][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2020-11-05 16:57:53][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: {"apikey":"OeN2GlRKHJxpQdqybsTnIMgN4K8XHlIb","cmd":"send","id":"14","action":"ON","type":"RTS","qualifier":"0"} [2020-11-05 16:57:53][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2020-11-05 16:57:53][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2020-11-05 16:57:53][DEBUG] : Commande SEND [2020-11-05 16:57:53][DEBUG] : ON ID 14 RTS [2020-11-05 16:57:53][DEBUG] : Sending message ZIA++ON ID 14 RTS [2020-11-05 16:57:53][DEBUG] : Writen > ZIA++ON ID 14 RTS [2020-11-05 16:58:02][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-92", "floorNoise": "-104", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xFA28", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR810", "adr_channel": "9985", "adr": "39", "channel": "1", "qualifier": "48", "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+12.0", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value" : "50", "unit" : "%"}]}}} [2020-11-05 16:58:02][DEBUG] : Received an Oregon frame [2020-11-05 16:58:02][DEBUG] : type4 [2020-11-05 16:58:02][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'9985': {'protocol': 'OREGON', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '3', 'protocol': '5', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-104', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-92', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '4', 'protocolMeaning': 'OREGON'}, 'infos': {'id_PHYMeaning': 'THGR810', 'adr': '39', 'qualifier': '48', 'id_PHY': '0xFA28', 'adr_channel': '9985', 'measures': [{'type': 'temperature', 'value': '+12.0', 'unit': 'Celsius'}, {'type': 'hygrometry', 'value': '50', 'unit': '%'}], 'subType': '0', 'lowBatt': '0', 'channel': '1'}}}, 'learn': False, 'model': '0xFA28', 'data': {'battery': '100', 'batterybinary': '0', 'dBm': '-92', 'hygrometry': '50', 'temperature': '+12.0'}, 'id': '9985'}}} [2020-11-05 16:58:02][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): [2020-11-05 16:58:02][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité [2020-11-05 16:58:02][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=OeN2GlRKHJxpQdqybsTnIMgN4K8XHlIb HTTP/1.1" 200 0