#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 """ Read one teleinfo frame and output the frame """ import _thread import argparse import json import sys import traceback import globals try: from jeedom.jeedom import * except ImportError as ex: print("Error: importing module from jeedom folder") print(ex) sys.exit(1) import serial from datetime import datetime # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Teleinfo core # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Teleinfo: """ Fetch teleinformation datas and call user callback each time all data are collected """ def __init__(self): logging.debug("TELEINFO------INIT CONNECTION") @staticmethod def open(): """ open teleinfo modem device """ try: logging.info("TELEINFO------OPEN CONNECTION") globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL = serial.Serial(globals.port, globals.vitesse, bytesize=7, parity='E', stopbits=1) logging.info("TELEINFO------CONNECTION OPENED") except: logging.error("Error opening Teleinfo modem '%s' : %s" % (globals.port, traceback.format_exc())) @staticmethod def close(): """ close telinfo modem """ logging.info("TELEINFO------CLOSE CONNECTION") if globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL is not None and globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.isOpen(): globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.close() logging.info("TELEINFO------CONNECTION CLOSED") def terminate(self): print("Terminating...") self.close() os.remove("/tmp/teleinfo_" + options.type + ".pid") sys.exit() def read(self): """ Fetch one full frame for serial port If some part of the frame is corrupted, it waits until th enext one, so if you have corruption issue, this method can take time but it enures that the frame returned is valid @return frame : list of dict {name, value, checksum} """ if globals.mode == "standard": # Zone linky standard resp = globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.readline() is_ok = False content = {} while not is_ok: try: while 'ADSC' not in resp: resp = globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.readline() if len(resp.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').split('\x09')) == 4: name, horodate, value, checksum = resp.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').split('\x09') #checksum = ' ' #content[name] = value; if self._is_valid(resp, checksum): logging.debug('TELEINFO------ ** DECODAGE Checksum de la ligne ci dessous OK') content[name] = value; else: logging.error("TELEINFO------ ** DONNEES HS ! ** sur trame : " + resp + ' checksum : ' + checksum) logging.debug('TELEINFO------name : ' + name + ' value : ' + value + ' Horodate : ' + horodate + ' checksum : ' + checksum) else: name, value, checksum = resp.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').split('\x09') #logging.debug('Nombre de champs : ' + champs) #content[name] = value; if self._is_valid(resp, checksum): logging.debug('TELEINFO------ ** DECODAGE Checksum de la ligne ci dessous OK') content[name] = value; else: logging.error('TELEINFO------ ** DONNEES HS ! ** sur trame : ' + resp + ' checksum : ' + checksum) logging.debug('TELEINFO------name : ' + name + ' value : ' + value + ' checksum : ' + checksum) is_ok = True except ValueError: checksum = ' ' else: # Zone historique #Get the begin of the frame, markde by \x02 resp = (globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.readline().decode("UTF-8")) is_ok = False content = {} while not is_ok: try: while '\x02' not in resp: resp = (globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.readline().decode("UTF-8")) #\x02 is in the last line of a frame, so go until the next one #print "* Begin frame" resp = (globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.readline().decode("UTF-8")) #A new frame starts #\x03 is the end of the frame while '\x03' not in resp: #Don't use strip() here because the checksum can be ' ' if len(resp.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').split()) == 2: #The checksum char is ' ' name, value = resp.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').split() checksum = ' ' logging.debug('TELEINFO------name : ' + name + ' value : ' + value) else: name, value, checksum = resp.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').split() logging.debug('TELEINFO------name : ' + name + ' value : ' + value + ' checksum : ' + checksum) if self._is_valid(resp, checksum): content[name] = value; else: logging.error("TELEINFO------ ** FRAME CORRUPTED ! **") logging.error('** FRAME : ' + resp + '**') #This frame is corrupted, we need to wait until the next one while '\x02' not in resp: resp = globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.readline() logging.error("* New frame after corrupted") resp = (globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.readline().decode("UTF-8")) #\x03 has been detected, that's the last line of the frame if len(resp.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').split()) == 2: name, value = resp.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\x02', '').replace('\x03', '').split() checksum = ' ' logging.debug('TELEINFO------name : ' + name + ' value : ' + value) else: name, value, checksum = resp.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\x02', '').replace('\x03', '').split() logging.debug('TELEINFO------name : ' + name + ' value : ' + value + ' checksum : ' + checksum) if self._is_valid(resp, checksum): is_ok = True else: logging.error("** Last frame invalid") resp = (globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.readline().decode("UTF-8")) except ValueError: #Badly formatted frame #This frame is corrupted, we need to wait until the next one while '\x02' not in resp: resp = (globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.readline().decode("UTF-8")) return content def _is_valid(self, frame, checksum): """ Check if a frame is valid @param frame : the full frame @param checksum : the frame checksum """ if globals.mode == "standard": #Gestion des champs horodates if len(frame.split('\x09')) == 4: datas = '\x09'.join(frame.split('\x09')[0:3]) else: datas = '\x09'.join(frame.split('\x09')[0:2]) my_sum = 0 for cks in datas: my_sum = my_sum + ord(cks) computed_checksum = ((my_sum + 0x09) & int("111111", 2)) + 0x20 if chr(computed_checksum) != checksum[0:1]: logging.error('checksum non concordant. Checksum reçu : ' + checksum[0:1] + ' Checksum calcul : ' + chr(computed_checksum)) else: logging.debug('TELEINFO------ ** checksum concordant. Checksum reçu : ' + checksum[0:1] + ' Checksum calcul : ' + chr(computed_checksum)) else: #print "Check checksum : f = %s, chk = %s" % (frame, checksum) datas = ' '.join(frame.split()[0:2]) my_sum = 0 for cks in datas: my_sum = my_sum + ord(cks) computed_checksum = (my_sum & int("111111", 2)) + 0x20 #print "computed_checksum = %s" % chr(computed_checksum) return chr(computed_checksum) == checksum[0:1] def run(self): """ Main function """ data = {} data_temp = {} raz_calcul = 0 separateur = " " send_data = "" # Read a frame raz_time = datetime.now() while 1: raz_calcul = datetime.now() - raz_time if raz_calcul.seconds > 60: logging.info("TELEINFO------HEARTBEAT") raz_time = datetime.now() for cle, valeur in list(data.items()): data.pop(cle) data_temp.pop(cle) send_data = "" frame_csv = self.read() for cle, valeur in list(frame_csv.items()): if cle == 'PTEC': valeur = valeur.replace(".", "") valeur = valeur.replace(")", "") data[cle] = valeur elif cle == 'OPTARIF': valeur = valeur.replace(".", "") valeur = valeur.replace(")", "") data[cle] = valeur else: # valeur = valeur.replace(" ", "%20") data[cle] = valeur _SendData = {} pending_changes = False for cle, valeur in list(data.items()): if cle in data_temp: if data[cle] != data_temp[cle]: _SendData[cle] = valeur data_temp[cle] = valeur pending_changes = True else: _SendData[cle] = valeur data_temp[cle] = valeur pending_changes = True try: if pending_changes: if globals.mode == "standard": _SendData["device"] = data["ADSC"] globals.JEEDOM_COM.add_changes('device::' + data["ADSC"], _SendData) else: _SendData["device"] = data["ADCO"] globals.JEEDOM_COM.add_changes('device::' + data["ADCO"], _SendData) except Exception: error_com = "Connection error" logging.error(error_com) logging.debug("TELEINFO------START SLEEPING " + str(globals.cycle_sommeil) + " seconds") time.sleep(globals.cycle_sommeil) logging.debug("TELEINFO------WAITING : " + str( globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.inWaiting()) + " octets dans la file apres sleep ") if globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.inWaiting() > 1500: globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.flushInput() logging.info("TELEINFO------BUFFER OVERFLOW => FLUSH") logging.debug(str(globals.TELEINFO_SERIAL.inWaiting()) + "octets dans la file apres flush ") self.terminate() @staticmethod def exit_handler(*args): logging.info("[exit_handler]") global JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE def read_socket(cycle): while True: try: if not JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE.empty(): logging.debug("SOCKET-READ------Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE") message = json.loads(JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE.get()) if message['apikey'] != globals.apikey: logging.error("SOCKET-READ------Invalid apikey from socket : " + str(message)) return logging.debug('SOCKET-READ------Received command from jeedom : ' + str(message['cmd'])) if message['cmd'] == 'action': logging.debug('SOCKET-READ------Attempt an action on a device') _thread.start_new_thread(action_handler, (message,)) logging.debug('SOCKET-READ------Action Thread Launched') elif message['cmd'] == 'logdebug': logging.info('SOCKET-READ------Passage du demon en mode debug force') log = logging.getLogger() for hdlr in log.handlers[:]: log.removeHandler(hdlr) jeedom_utils.set_log_level('debug') logging.debug('SOCKET-READ------<----- La preuve ;)') elif message['cmd'] == 'lognormal': logging.info('SOCKET-READ------Passage du demon en mode de log normal') log = logging.getLogger() for hdlr in log.handlers[:]: log.removeHandler(hdlr) jeedom_utils.set_log_level('error') except Exception as e: logging.error("SOCKET-READ------Exception on socket : %s" % str(e)) logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep(cycle) def log_starting(cycle): time.sleep(90) logging.info('GLOBAL------Passage des logs en normal') log = logging.getLogger() for hdlr in log.handlers[:]: log.removeHandler(hdlr) jeedom_utils.set_log_level('error') def listen(): globals.PENDING_ACTION = False jeedom_socket.open() logging.info("GLOBAL------Start listening...") globals.TELEINFO = Teleinfo() logging.info("GLOBAL------Preparing Teleinfo...") _thread.start_new_thread(read_socket, (globals.cycle,)) logging.debug('GLOBAL------Read Socket Thread Launched') while 1: try: try: logging.info("TELEINFO------RUN") globals.TELEINFO.open() except error as err: logging.error(err.value) globals.TELEINFO.terminate() return _thread.start_new_thread(log_starting, (globals.cycle,)) globals.TELEINFO.run() except Exception as e: print("Error:") print(e) shutdown() def handler(signum=None, frame=None): logging.debug("Signal %i caught, exiting..." % int(signum)) shutdown() def shutdown(): log = logging.getLogger() for hdlr in log.handlers[:]: log.removeHandler(hdlr) jeedom_utils.set_log_level('debug') logging.info("GLOBAL------Shutdown") logging.info("Removing PID file " + str(globals.pidfile)) try: os.remove(globals.pidfile) except: pass try: jeedom_socket.close() except: pass logging.debug("Exit 0") sys.stdout.flush() os._exit(0) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MAIN # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Teleinfo Daemon for Jeedom plugin') parser.add_argument("--apikey", help="Value to write", type=str) parser.add_argument("--loglevel", help="Log Level for the daemon", type=str) parser.add_argument("--callback", help="Value to write", type=str) parser.add_argument("--socketport", help="Socket Port", type=str) parser.add_argument("--sockethost", help="Socket Host", type=str) parser.add_argument("--cycle", help="Cycle to send event", type=str) parser.add_argument("--port", help="Port du modem", type=str) parser.add_argument("--vitesse", help="Vitesse du modem", type=str) parser.add_argument("--type", help="Compteur type", type=str) parser.add_argument("--mode", help="Model mode", type=str) parser.add_argument("--cyclesommeil", help="Wait time between 2 readline", type=str) parser.add_argument("--pidfile", help="pidfile", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() if args.apikey: globals.apikey = args.apikey if args.loglevel: globals.log_level = args.loglevel if args.callback: globals.callback = args.callback if args.socketport: globals.socketport = args.socketport if args.sockethost: globals.sockethost = args.sockethost if args.cycle: globals.cycle = args.cycle if args.port: globals.port = args.port if args.vitesse: globals.vitesse = args.vitesse if args.type: globals.type = args.type if args.mode: globals.mode = args.mode if args.cyclesommeil: globals.cycle_sommeil = args.cyclesommeil if args.pidfile: globals.pidfile = args.pidfile globals.socketport = int(globals.socketport) globals.cycle = float(globals.cycle) globals.cycle_sommeil = float(globals.cycle_sommeil) jeedom_utils.set_log_level(globals.log_level) logging.info('GLOBAL------Start teleinfod') logging.info('GLOBAL------Cycle Sommeil : ' + str(globals.cycle_sommeil)) logging.info('GLOBAL------Socket port : ' + str(globals.socketport)) logging.info('GLOBAL------Socket host : ' + str(globals.sockethost)) logging.info('GLOBAL------Log level : ' + str(globals.log_level)) logging.info('GLOBAL------Callback : ' + str(globals.callback)) logging.info('GLOBAL------Vitesse : ' + str(globals.vitesse)) logging.info('GLOBAL------Apikey : ' + str(globals.apikey)) logging.info('GLOBAL------Cycle : ' + str(globals.cycle)) logging.info('GLOBAL------Port : ' + str(globals.port)) logging.info('GLOBAL------Type : ' + str(globals.type)) logging.info('GLOBAL------Mode : ' + str(globals.mode)) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler) globals.pidfile = globals.pidfile + "_" + globals.type + ".pid" jeedom_utils.write_pid(str(globals.pidfile)) globals.JEEDOM_COM = jeedom_com(apikey=globals.apikey, url=globals.callback, cycle=globals.cycle) if not globals.JEEDOM_COM.test(): logging.error('GLOBAL------Network communication issues. Please fix your Jeedom network configuration.') shutdown() jeedom_socket = jeedom_socket(port=globals.socketport, address=globals.sockethost) listen() sys.exit()