/* This file is part of Jeedom. * * Jeedom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Jeedom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jeedom. If not, see . */ if((!isset(userProfils.doNotAutoHideMenu) || userProfils.doNotAutoHideMenu != 1) && !jQuery.support.touch){ $('#sd_objectList').hide(); $('#div_graphiqueDisplay').removeClass('col-xs-10').addClass('col-xs-12'); $('#bt_displayObjectList').on('mouseenter',function(){ var timer = setTimeout(function(){ $('#bt_displayObjectList').find('i').hide(); $('#div_graphiqueDisplay').addClass('col-xs-10').removeClass('col-xs-12'); $('#sd_objectList').show(); $(window).resize(); }, 100); $(this).data('timerMouseleave', timer) }).on("mouseleave", function(){ clearTimeout($(this).data('timerMouseleave')); }); $('#sd_objectList').on('mouseleave',function(){ var timer = setTimeout(function(){ $('#sd_objectList').hide(); $('#bt_displayObjectList').find('i').show(); $('#div_graphiqueDisplay').removeClass('col-xs-10').addClass('col-xs-12'); setTimeout(function(){ $(window).resize(); },100); setTimeout(function(){ $(window).resize(); },300); setTimeout(function(){ $(window).resize(); },500); }, 300); $(this).data('timerMouseleave', timer); }).on("mouseenter", function(){ clearTimeout($(this).data('timerMouseleave')); }); } $(".in_datepicker").datepicker(); $('#bt_validChangeDate').on('click', function () { getDatas(object_id, $('#in_startDate').value(), $('#in_endDate').value()); }); $('#cb_powerLissage').on('change',function(){ if($(this).value() == 1){ window.location.href=$(this).attr('data-href')+'&powerDisplay=1h'; }else{ window.location.href=$(this).attr('data-href')+'&powerDisplay=15min'; } }); setTimeout(function(){ getDatas(object_id); }, 1); function getDatas(_object_id, _dateStart, _dateEnd) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'plugins/energy/core/ajax/energy.ajax.php', data: { action: 'getData', object_id: init(_object_id), dateStart: init(_dateStart), dateEnd: init(_dateEnd), energyType : energyType }, dataType: 'json', error: function (request, status, error) { handleAjaxError(request, status, error); }, success: function (data) { console.log('==getDatas==') console.log(data) if (data.state != 'ok') { $('#div_alert').showAlert({message: data.result, level: 'danger'}); return; } $('.objectName').empty().append(data.result.object.name); $('#div_energy').setValues(data.result.datas, '.energyAttr'); $('#div_energy').setValues(data.result, '.energyAttr'); var series = [] series.push({ step: true, name: '{{Coût}} ('+data.result.currency+')', data: data.result.datas.cost, type: 'column', stack : 1, unite : data.result.currency, stacking : 'normal', dataGrouping: { approximation: "sum", enabled: true, forced: true, units: [[groupBy,[1]]] }, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2 }, }); drawSimpleGraph('div_graphCost',series); if(energyType != 'electricity'){ var series = [] if(isset(data.result.datas.totalConsumption)){ series.push({ name: '{{Consommation total}} ('+data.result.datas.consumptionUnite+')', data: data.result.datas.totalConsumption, type: 'column', stack : 1, dataGrouping: { approximation: "sum", enabled: true, forced: true, units: [[groupBy,[1]]] }, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2 }, }); } drawSimpleGraph('div_graphDetailConsumption',series); return; } var series = [] if($('#cb_powerLissage').value() == 1){ var powerGroup = [['hour',[1]]] }else{ var powerGroup = [['minute',[15]]] } for(var i in data.result.datas.power){ if($.isArray(data.result.datas.power[i]) && data.result.datas.power[i].length > 0){ series.push({ step: true, name: i+' (W)', data: data.result.datas.power[i], unite : 'W', type: 'area', stack : 1, stacking : 'normal', dataGrouping: { approximation: "high", enabled: true, forced: true, units: powerGroup }, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2 }, }); } } drawSimpleGraph('div_graphPower',series); var series = [] for(var i in data.result.datas.category){ if($.isArray(data.result.datas.category[i]) && data.result.datas.category[i].length > 0){ series.push({ step: true, name: data.result.datas.translation[i]+' (kWh)', data: data.result.datas.category[i], type: 'column', stack : 1, stacking : 'normal', dataGrouping: { approximation: "high", enabled: true, forced: true, units: [[groupBy,[1]]] }, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2 }, }); } } if(isset( data.result.datas.totalConsumption)){ series.push({ step: false, color:'red', name: '{{Consommation total}} (kWh)', data: data.result.datas.totalConsumption, type: 'spline', stack : 2, dataGrouping: { approximation: "high", enabled: true, forced: true, units: [[groupBy,[1]]] }, stacking : 'normal', tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2 }, }); } drawSimpleGraph('div_graphDetailConsumptionByCategorie',series); var series = [] for(var i in data.result.datas.object){ if($.isArray(data.result.datas.object[i]) && data.result.datas.object[i].length > 0){ // console.log('_') // console.log(i) // console.log(data.result.datas.object[i]) series.push({ step: true, name: i+' (kWh)', data: data.result.datas.object[i], type: 'column', stack : 1, stacking : 'normal', dataGrouping: { approximation: "high", enabled: true, forced: true, units: [[groupBy,[1]]] }, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2 }, }); } } if(isset(data.result.datas.totalConsumption)){ series.push({ step: false, name: '{{Consommation total}} (kWh)', data: data.result.datas.totalConsumption, type: 'spline', stack : 2, color:'red', stacking : 'normal', dataGrouping: { approximation: "high", enabled: true, forced: true, units: [[groupBy,[1]]] }, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2 }, }); } drawSimpleGraph('div_graphDetailConsumptionByObject',series); } }); } function drawSimpleGraph(_el, _serie) { console.log('drawSimpleGraph : ' + _el ) _serie.forEach(element => console.log(' => ' + element.name + ' - ' + element.data.length)); var legend = { enabled: true, borderColor: 'black', borderWidth: 2, shadow: true }; new Highcharts.StockChart({ chart: { zoomType: 'x', renderTo: _el, height: 350, spacingTop: 0, spacingLeft: 0, spacingRight: 0, spacingBottom: 0 }, credits: { text: 'Copyright Jeedom', href: 'https://www.jeedom.com', }, navigator: { enabled: false }, rangeSelector: { buttons: [{ type: 'week', count: 1, text: 'S' }, { type: 'month', count: 1, text: 'M' }, { type: 'year', count: 1, text: 'A' }, { type: 'all', count: 1, text: 'Tous' }], selected: 6, inputEnabled: false }, legend: legend, tooltip: { pointFormat: '{series.name}: {point.y}
', valueDecimals: 2, }, yAxis: { format: '{value}', showEmpty: false, showLastLabel: true, min: 0, labels: { align: 'right', x: -5 } }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime' }, scrollbar: { barBackgroundColor: 'gray', barBorderRadius: 7, barBorderWidth: 0, buttonBackgroundColor: 'gray', buttonBorderWidth: 0, buttonBorderRadius: 7, trackBackgroundColor: 'none', trackBorderWidth: 1, trackBorderRadius: 8, trackBorderColor: '#CCC' }, series: _serie }); }