. */ include_once __DIR__.'/../config/Abeille.config.php'; /* Developers debug features */ if (file_exists(dbgFile)) { // include_once dbgFile; /* Dev mode: enabling PHP errors logging */ error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('error_log', __DIR__.'/../../../../log/AbeillePHP.log'); ini_set('log_errors', 'On'); } include_once __DIR__.'/../../../../core/php/core.inc.php'; include_once __DIR__.'/AbeilleTools.class.php'; include_once __DIR__.'/AbeilleMsg.php'; include_once __DIR__.'/AbeilleCmd.class.php'; include_once __DIR__.'/../../plugin_info/install.php'; // updateConfigDB() class Abeille extends eqLogic { /** * migrateBetweenZigates() * * @param beeId: bee Id to be moved * @param zigateY: zigate de destination * * @return none * * https://github.com/KiwiHC16/Abeille/issues/1771 * * 1/ Changement logical Id * 2/ Remove zigbee reseau 1 zigbee * 3/ inclusion normale sur le reseau 2 zigbee * * Faire un bouton qui fait les etapes 1/ et 2 puis demander à l'utilisateur de faire l'étape 3 * */ public static function migrateBetweenZigates($beeId, $zigateY) { $bee = Abeille::byId($beeId); if (!is_object($bee)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Erreur je ne trouve pas l abeille, je ne peux faire l operation.'); return; } $IEEE = $bee->getConfiguration('IEEE', 'none'); if ( $IEEE=='none' ) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'L Abeille na pas d adresse IEEE connue, je ne peux faire l operation.'); } if ($zigateY > config::byKey('zigateNb', 'Abeille', '0', 1)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Cette Zigate n existe pas: '.$zigateY.', je ne peux faire l operation.'); return; } list($destBee, $shortBee) = explode('/', $bee->getLogicalId()); $newDestBee = "Abeille".$zigateY; // 1/ Changement logical Id $bee->setLogicalId($newDestBee.'/'.$shortBee); $bee->save(); // 2/ Remove zigbee reseau 1 zigbee self::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityNeWokeUp, "Cmd".$newDestBee."/0000/Remove", "ParentAddressIEEE=".$IEEE."&ChildAddressIEEE=".$IEEE ); // 3/ inclusion normale sur le reseau 2 zigbee message::add("Abeille", "Je viens de préparer la migration de ".$bee->getHumanName(). ". Veuillez faire maintenant son inclusion dans la zigate: ".$zigateY); } /** * replaceGhost() * * @param ghostId: Id of the bee to be removed * @param realId: Id of the bee which will replace the ghost and receive all informations * * https://github.com/KiwiHC16/Abeille/issues/1055 */ public static function replaceGhost($ghostId, $realId) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Lancement de la procedure de remplacement de '.$ghostId.' par '.$realId ); $ghost = Abeille::byId($ghostId); if (!is_object($ghost)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Erreur je ne trouve pas l abeille ghost.'); return; } $real = Abeille::byId($realId); if (!is_object($real)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Erreur je ne trouve pas l abeille réelle.'); return; } list($destGhost, $shortGhost) = explode('/', $ghost->getLogicalId()); list($destReal, $shortReal) = explode('/', $real->getLogicalId()); // Remove NE from ZigateX $IEEE = $ghost->getConfiguration('IEEE', 'none'); if ( $IEEE=='none' ) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Le ghost n a pas d adresse IEEE connue, je ne peux le retirer de la zigate.'); } else { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Je retire '.$ghost->getName().' de la zigate.'); self::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityNeWokeUp, "Cmd".$destGhost."/0000/Remove", "ParentAddressIEEE=".$IEEE."&ChildAddressIEEE=".$IEEE ); } log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Transfer des informations de l equipment.' ); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Nom.' ); $real->setName($ghost->getName().'_real'); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Parent.' ); $real->setObject($ghost->getObject()); // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Categories.' ); // $real->setCategory($ghost->getCategory()); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Notes.' ); $real->setConfiguration( 'note', $real->getConfiguration('note', '').$ghost->getConfiguration('note', '') ); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'positionX.' ); $real->setConfiguration( 'positionX', $ghost->getConfiguration('positionX', '') ); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'positionY.' ); $real->setConfiguration( 'positionY', $ghost->getConfiguration('positionY', '') ); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'positionZ.' ); $real->setConfiguration( 'positionZ', $ghost->getConfiguration('positionZ', '') ); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Visibilité.' ); $real->setIsVisible($ghost->getIsVisible()); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Enalbed/No.' ); $real->setIsEnable($ghost->getIsEnable()); if ( $ghost->getConfiguration('uniqId', '') == $real->getConfiguration('uniqId', '') ) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Transfer du TimeOut car les equipements partagent le meme modele.' ); $real->setTimeout($ghost->getTimeout()); } else { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Pas de transfer du TimeOut car les equipements ne partagent pas le meme modele.' ); } // Parcours toutes les commandes pour recuperer les historiques, remplacer dans jeedom les instances de #ghost-cmd# par #real-cmd# log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Transfer des commandes une a une.' ); foreach ($ghost->getCmd() as $numGhost => $ghostCmd) { foreach ($real->getCmd() as $numReal => $realCmd) { if ($ghostCmd->getLogicalId() == $realCmd->getLogicalId()) { if ($ghostCmd->getSubType() == $realCmd->getSubType()) { if ($ghostCmd->getType() == 'info' && $realCmd->getType() == 'info') { if ($ghostCmd->getIsHistorized() == 1) { // -- migrer l historique des commandes AbeilleY/YYYY vers AbeilleX/XXXX, les instances des commandes dans scenario et autres // history::copyHistoryToCmd('#17009#', '#17251#'); // echo 'Copy history from '.$ghostCmd->getName().' to '.$realCmd->getName()."\n"; log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Transfer de l historique pour la commande: '.$ghostCmd->getName() ); history::copyHistoryToCmd($ghostCmd->getId(), $realCmd->getId()); } } // -- migrer les instances des commandes dans scenario et autres log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Transfer des instance de la commande: '.$ghostCmd->getName().' dans jeedom.' ); jeedom::replaceTag(array('#'.$ghostCmd->getId().'#' => '#'.$realCmd->getId().'#')); } } } } // -- supprimer l Abeille ghost log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Suppression de l eq ghost.' ); $ghost->remove(); // Sauvegarde log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Sauvegarde du nouvel eq.' ); $real->save(); return; } // Fonction dupliquée dans AbeilleParser. public static function volt2pourcent($voltage) { $max = 3.135; $min = 2.8; if ($voltage / 1000 > $max) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Voltage remonte par le device a plus de '.$max.'V. Je retourne 100%.'); return 100; } if ($voltage / 1000 < $min) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Voltage remonte par le device a moins de '.$min.'V. Je retourne 0%.'); return 0; } return round(100 - ((($max - ($voltage / 1000)) / ($max - $min)) * 100)); } /** * Function return data for santé page * * @param none * * @return test title/decription of the test * @return result test result * @return advice comment by question mark icon * @return state if the test was successful or not */ public static function health() { $return = array(); $result = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= config::byKey('zigateNb', 'Abeille', '1', 1); $i++) { if ( config::byKey('AbeilleActiver'.$i, 'Abeille', '1', 1) ) { $result .= config::byKey('AbeilleSerialPort'.$i, 'Abeille', '', 1); } } $return[] = array( 'test' => 'Ports: ', // title of the line 'result' => $result, // Text which be printed in the line 'advice' => 'Ports utilisés', // Text printed when mouse is on question mark icon 'state' => true, // Status du plugin: true line will be green, false line will be red. ); return $return; } /** * Looking for missing IEEE addresses * Will fetch information from zigbee network to get all missing IEEE * * @return Does not return anything as all action are triggered by sending messages in queues */ public static function tryToGetIEEE() { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Recherche des adresses IEEE manquantes.'); $tryToGetIEEEArray = array(); $eqLogics = Abeille::byType('Abeille'); foreach ($eqLogics as $key => $eqLogic) { if ($eqLogic->getIsEnable() != 1) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' Eq \''.$eqLogic->getLogicalId().'\' désactivé => ignoré'); continue; // Eq disabled => ignored } if ($eqLogic->getTimeout() == 1) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' Eq \''.$eqLogic->getLogicalId().'\' en timeout => ignoré'); continue; // Eq in timeout => ignored } if ($eqLogic->getStatus('lastCommunication') == '') { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' Eq \''.$eqLogic->getLogicalId().'\' n\'a jamais communiqué => ignoré'); continue; // Eq in timeout => ignored } if (strlen($eqLogic->getConfiguration('IEEE', 'none')) == 16) { continue; // J'ai une adresse IEEE dans la conf donc je passe mon chemin } $commandIEEE = $eqLogic->getCmd('info', 'IEEE-Addr'); if ($commandIEEE == null) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' Eq \''.$eqLogic->getLogicalId().'\' sans cmd \'IEEE-Addr\' => ignoré'); continue; // No cmd to retrieve IEEE address. Normal ? } if (strlen($commandIEEE->execCmd()) == 16) { $eqLogic->setConfiguration('IEEE', $commandIEEE->execCmd()); // Si je suis a cette ligne c est que je n ai pas IEEE dans conf mais dans cmd alors je mets dans conf. $eqLogic->save(); $eqLogic->refresh(); continue; // J'ai une adresse IEEE dans la commande donc je passe mon chemin } $tryToGetIEEEArray[] = $key; } // Prend x abeilles au hasard dans cette liste d'abeille a interroger. $eqLogicIds = array_rand($tryToGetIEEEArray, 2); // Pour ces x Abeilles lance l interrogation foreach ($eqLogicIds as $eqLogicId) { echo "Start Loop: ".$eqLogicId."\n"; // echo "Start Loop Detail: "; $eqLogicX = $eqLogics[$tryToGetIEEEArray[$eqLogicId]]; // var_dump($eqLogic); $commandIEEE_X = $eqLogicX->getCmd('info', 'IEEE-Addr'); if ($commandIEEE_X) { $addrIEEE_X = $commandIEEE_X->execCmd(); if (strlen($addrIEEE_X) < 2) { list($dest, $NE) = explode('/', $eqLogicX->getLogicalId()); if (strlen($NE) == 4) { if ($eqLogicX->getIsEnable()) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Demarrage tryToGetIEEE for '.$NE); echo 'Demarrage tryToGetIEEE for '.$NE."\n"; $cmd = "/usr/bin/nohup php ".__DIR__."/../php/AbeilleInterrogate.php ".$dest." ".$NE." >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; // echo "Cmd: ".$cmd."\n"; exec($cmd, $out, $status); } else echo "Je n essaye pas car Abeille inactive.\n"; } else echo "Je n ai pas recuperé l adresse courte !!!\n"; } else echo "IEEE superieure à deux carateres !!! :".$addrIEEE_X."\n"; } else echo "commandIEEE n existe pas !!!!\n"; } } public static function updateConfigAbeille($abeilleIdFilter = false) { } /** * pollingCmd * Collect all cmd with Polling define and execute it * * @param $period One of the crons: cron, cron15, cronHourly.... * * @return Does not return anything as all action are triggered by sending messages in queues */ public static function pollingCmd($period) { foreach (AbeilleCmd::searchConfiguration('Polling', 'Abeille') as $key => $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('Polling') == $period) { $cmd->execute(); } } } /** * RefreshCmd * Execute all cmd to update cmd info (e.g: after a long stop of Abeille to get all data) * * @param none * * @return Does not return anything as all action are triggered by sending messages in queues */ public static function refreshCmd() { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'refreshCmd: start'); $i=15; foreach (AbeilleCmd::searchConfiguration('RefreshData', 'Abeille') as $key => $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('RefreshData',0)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'refreshCmd: '.$cmd->getHumanName().' ('.$cmd->getEqlogic()->getLogicalId().')' ); // $cmd->execute(); le process ne sont pas tous demarrer donc on met une tempo. $topic = $cmd->getEqlogic()->getLogicalId().'/'.$cmd->getLogicalId(); $request = $cmd->getConfiguration('request'); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$topic."&time=".(time()+$i), $request ); $i++; } } log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'refreshCmd: end'); } /** * getIEEE * get IEEE from the eqLogic * * @param $address logicalId of the eqLogic * * @return Does not return anything as all action are triggered by sending messages in queues */ public static function getIEEE($address) { if (strlen(self::byLogicalId($address, 'Abeille')->getConfiguration('IEEE', 'none')) == 16) { return self::byLogicalId($address, 'Abeille')->getConfiguration('IEEE', 'none'); } else { return AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId(self::byLogicalId($address, 'Abeille')->getId(), 'IEEE-Addr')->execCmd(); } } /** * getEqFromIEEE * get eqLogic from IEEE * * @param $IEEE IEEE of the device * * @return eq with this IEEE or Null if not found */ public static function getEqFromIEEE($IEEE) { foreach (self::searchConfiguration('IEEE', 'Abeille') as $eq) { if ($eq->getConfiguration('IEEE') == $IEEE) { return $eq; } } return null; } /** * cronDaily * Called by Jeedom every days. * Refresh LQI * Poll Cmd cronDaily * * @return Does not return anything as all action are triggered by sending messages in queues */ public static function cronDaily() { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Starting cronDaily ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); $preventLQIRequest = config::byKey('preventLQIRequest', 'Abeille', 'no'); if ($preventLQIRequest == "yes") { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cronD: LQI request (AbeilleLQI.php) prevented on user request.'); } else { // Refresh LQI once a day to get IEEE in prevision of futur changes, to get network topo as fresh as possible in json log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cronD: Starting LQI request (AbeilleLQI.php)'); $ROOT = __DIR__."/../php"; $cmd = "cd ".$ROOT."; nohup /usr/bin/php AbeilleLQI.php 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &"; log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cronD: cmd=\''.$cmd.'\''); exec($cmd); } // Poll Cmd self::pollingCmd("cronDaily"); } /** * cronHourly * Called by Jeedom every 60 minutes. * Refresh Ampoule Ikea Bind et set Report * * @return Does not return anything as all action are triggered by sending messages in queues */ public static function cronHourly() { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Starting cronHourly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Check Zigate Presence'); $param = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); if (0) { //-------------------------------------------------------- // Refresh Ampoule Ikea Bind et set Report log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Refresh Ampoule Ikea Bind et set Report'); $eqLogics = Abeille::byType('Abeille'); $i = 0; foreach ($eqLogics as $eqLogic) { // Filtre sur Ikea if (strpos("_".$eqLogic->getConfiguration("icone"), "IkeaTradfriBulb") > 0) { list($dest, $addr) = explode("/", $eqLogic->getLogicalId()); $i = $i + 1; // Recupere IEEE de la Ruche/ZiGate $ZiGateIEEE = self::getIEEE($dest.'/0000'); // Recupere IEEE de l Abeille $addrIEEE = self::getIEEE($dest.'/'.$addr); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Refresh bind and report for Ikea Bulb: '.$addr); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$dest."/0000/bindShort&time=".(time() + (($i * 33) + 1)), "address=".$addr."&targetExtendedAddress=".$addrIEEE."&targetEndpoint=01&ClusterId=0006&reportToAddress=".$ZiGateIEEE); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$dest."/0000/bindShort&time=".(time() + (($i * 33) + 2)), "address=".$addr."&targetExtendedAddress=".$addrIEEE."&targetEndpoint=01&ClusterId=0008&reportToAddress=".$ZiGateIEEE); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$dest."/0000/setReport&time=".(time() + (($i * 33) + 3)), "address=".$addr."&ClusterId=0006&AttributeId=0000&AttributeType=10"); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$dest."/0000/setReport&time=".(time() + (($i * 33) + 4)), "address=".$addr."&ClusterId=0008&AttributeId=0000&AttributeType=20"); } } if (($i * 33) > (3600)) { message::add("Abeille", "Danger il y a trop de message a envoyer dans le cron 1 heure.", "Contactez KiwiHC16 sur le Forum."); } } //-------------------------------------------------------- // Poll Cmd self::pollingCmd("cronHourly"); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Ending cronHourly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); } /** * cron30 * Called by Jeedom every 30 minutes. * pollingCmd * * @return Does not return anything as all action are triggered by sending messages in queues */ public static function cron30() { // Poll Cmd self::pollingCmd("cron30"); } /** * cron15 * Called by Jeedom every 15 minutes. * Will send a message Annonce to equipement to refresh TimeOut status * Will execute all action cmd needed to refresh some info command * * @return Does not return anything as all action are triggered by sending messages in queues */ public static function cron15() { /* If main daemon is not running, cron must do nothing */ if (AbeilleTools::isAbeilleCronRunning() == false) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cron15: Main daemon stopped => cron15 canceled'); return; } log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cron15: Starting --------------------------------'); /* Look every 15 minutes if the kernel driver is not in error */ log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cron15: Check USB driver potential crash'); $cmd = "egrep 'pl2303' /var/log/syslog | tail -1 | egrep -c 'failed|stopped'"; $output = array(); exec(system::getCmdSudo().$cmd, $output); $usbZigateStatus = !is_null($output) ? (is_numeric($output[0]) ? $output[0] : '-1') : '-1'; if ($usbZigateStatus != '0') { message::add("Abeille", "ERREUR: le pilote pl2303 semble en erreur, impossible de communiquer avec la zigate.", "Il faut débrancher/rebrancher la zigate et relancer le démon."); // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cron15: Fin --------------------------------'); } log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cron15: Interrogating devices silent for more than 15mins.'); $config = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); $i = 0; for ($zgNb = 1; $zgNb <= $config['zigateNb']; $zgNb++) { $zigate = Abeille::byLogicalId('Abeille'.$zgNb.'/0000', 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($zigate)) continue; // Probably deleted on Jeedom side. if (!$zigate->getIsEnable()) continue; // Zigate disabled if ($config['AbeilleActiver'.$zgNb] != 'Y') continue; // Zigate disabled. $eqLogics = Abeille::byType('Abeille'); foreach ($eqLogics as $eqLogic) { list($dest, $addr) = explode("/", $eqLogic->getLogicalId()); if ($dest != 'Abeille'.$zgNb) continue; // Not on current network if (!$eqLogic->getIsEnable()) continue; // Equipment disabled /* Special case: should ignore virtual remote */ if ($eqLogic->getConfiguration("modeleJson") == "remotecontrol") continue; // Abeille virtual remote $eqName = $eqLogic->getname(); /* Checking if received some news in the last 15mins */ $cmd = $eqLogic->getCmd('info', 'Time-TimeStamp'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { // Cmd not found log::add('Abeille', 'warning', "cron15: Commande 'Time-TimeStamp' manquante pour ".$eqName); continue; // No sense to interrogate EQ if Time-TimeStamp does not exists } $lastComm = $cmd->execCmd(); if (!is_numeric($lastComm)) { // Does it avoid PHP warning ? // No comm from EQ yet. $daemonsStart = config::byKey('lastDeamonLaunchTime', 'Abeille', ''); if ($daemonsStart == '') continue; // Daemons not started yet $lastComm = strtotime($daemonsStart); } if ((time() - $lastComm) <= (15 * 60)) continue; // Alive within last 15mins. No need to interrogate. /* No news in the last 15mins. Need to interrogate this eq */ $mainEP = $eqLogic->getConfiguration("mainEP"); if (strlen($mainEP) <= 1) { log::add('Abeille', 'warning', "cron15: 'End Point' principal manquant pour ".$eqName); continue; } $poll = 0; if ($eqLogic->getConfiguration("RxOnWhenIdle", 'none') == 1) $poll = 1; if (strlen($eqLogic->getConfiguration("battery_type", '')) == 0) $poll += 10; if ($eqLogic->getConfiguration("poll", 'none') == "15") $poll += 100; if ($poll > 0) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "cron15: Interrogating '".$eqName."' (addr ".$addr.", poll-reason=".$poll.")"); // Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$dest."/".$addr."/Annonce&time=".(time()+($i*23)), $mainEP); // Reading ZCLVersion attribute which should always be supported Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$dest."/".$addr."/readAttribute&time=".(time()+($i*23)), "ep=".$mainEP."&clustId=0000&attrId=0000"); $i++; } } } if (($i * 23) > (15 * 60)) { // A msg every 23sec must fit in 15mins. message::add("Abeille", "Danger ! Il y a trop de messages à envoyer dans le cron 15 minutes.", "Contacter KiwiHC15 sur le forum"); } // Execute Action Cmd to refresh Info command // self::pollingCmd("cron15"); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cron15:Terminé --------------------------------'); return; } /** * cron10 * Called by Jeedom every 10 minutes. * pollingCmd * * @return Does not return anything as all action are triggered by sending messages in queues */ public static function cron10() { /* If main daemon is not running, cron must do nothing */ if (AbeilleTools::isAbeilleCronRunning() == false) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cron10: Main daemon stopped => cron10 canceled'); return; } // Poll Cmd self::pollingCmd("cron10"); } /** * cron5 * Called by Jeedom every 5 minutes. * pollingCmd * * @return Does not return anything as all action are triggered by sending messages in queues */ public static function cron5() { /* If main daemon is not running, cron must do nothing */ if (AbeilleTools::isAbeilleCronRunning() == false) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cron5: Main daemon stopped => cron5 canceled'); return; } // Poll Cmd self::pollingCmd("cron5"); } /** * cron1 * - Called by Jeedom every 1 minutes. * - Check (& restart if required) daemons status * - Check queues status * - Poll WIFI Zigate to keep esplink open * Polling 1 minute sur etat et level * Refresh health information * Refresh inclusion state * Exec Cmd action which are needed to refresh cmd info * * @param none * @return nothing */ public static function cron() { /* If main daemon is not running, cron must do nothing */ if (AbeilleTools::isAbeilleCronRunning() == false) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cron1: Main daemon stopped => cron1 canceled'); return; } // log::add( 'Abeille', 'debug', 'cron1: Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ); $param = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); $running = AbeilleTools::getRunningDaemons(); $status = AbeilleTools::checkAllDaemons($param, $running); /* For debug purposes, display 'PID/daemonShortName' */ $status = AbeilleTools::getRunningDaemons2(); $daemons = ""; foreach ($status['daemons'] as $daemon) { if ($daemons != "") $daemons .= ", "; $daemons .= $daemon['pid'].'/'.$daemon['shortName']; } log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cron1: '.$daemons); // Check ipcs situation pour detecter des soucis eventuels // Moved from deamon_info() $abQueues = $GLOBALS['abQueues']; if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeyAbeilleToAbeille))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyAbeilleToAbeille'); if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyAbeilleToCmd'); if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeyParserToAbeille))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyParserToAbeille'); if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeyParserToCmd))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyParserToCmd'); // if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeyParserToLQI))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyParserToLQI'); if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue($abQueues["parserToLQI"]["id"]))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyParserToLQI'); if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeyCmdToAbeille))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyCmdToAbeille'); if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeyCmdToCmd))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyCmdToCmd'); if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeyLQIToCmd))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyLQIToCmd'); if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeyXmlToAbeille))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyXmlToAbeille'); if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeyXmlToCmd))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyXmlToCmd'); if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeyFormToCmd))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyFormToCmd'); // if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeySerialToParser))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeySerialToParser'); if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue($abQueues["serialToParser"]["id"]))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeySerialToParser'); if (msg_stat_queue(msg_get_queue(queueKeyParserToCmdSemaphore))["msg_qnum"] > 100) log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'deamon_info(): --------- ipcs queue too full: queueKeyParserToCmdSemaphore'); // https://github.com/jeelabs/esp-link // The ESP-Link connections on port 23 and 2323 have a 5 minute inactivity timeout. // so I need to create a minimum of traffic, so pull zigate every minutes for ($i = 1; $i <= $param['zigateNb']; $i++) { if ($param['AbeilleActiver'.$i] != 'Y') continue; // Zigate disabled if ($param['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i] == "none") continue; // Serial port undefined // TODO Tcharp38: Currently leads to PI zigate timeout. No sense since still alive. // if ($param['AbeilleType'.$i] != "WIFI") // continue; // Not a WIFI zigate. No polling required Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmdAbeille".$i."/0000/getVersion&time=".(time() + 20), "Version"); // beille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmdAbeille".$i."/0000/getNetworkStatus&time=".(time() + 24), "getNetworkStatus"); } $eqLogics = self::byType('Abeille'); /* Refresh status for equipements which require 1min polling */ $i = 0; foreach ($eqLogics as $eqLogic) { if (!$eqLogic->getIsEnable()) continue; // Equipment disabled if ($eqLogic->getConfiguration("poll") != "1") continue; // No 1min polling requirement list($dest, $address) = explode("/", $eqLogic->getLogicalId()); if (strlen($address) != 4) continue; // Bad address, needed for virtual device log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'cron1: GetEtat/GetLevel, addr='.$address); $mainEP = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('mainEP'); // Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$dest."/".$address."/ReadAttributeRequest&time=".(time()+($i*3)), "EP=".$mainEP."&clusterId=0006&attributeId=0000"); // Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$dest."/".$address."/ReadAttributeRequest&time=".(time()+($i*3)), "EP=".$mainEP."&clusterId=0008&attributeId=0000"); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$dest."/".$address."/readAttribute&time=".(time()+($i*3)), "ep=".$mainEP."&clustId=0006&attrId=0000"); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$dest."/".$address."/readAttribute&time=".(time()+($i*3)), "ep=".$mainEP."&clustId=0008&attrId=0000"); $i++; } if (($i * 3) > 60) { message::add("Abeille", "Danger ! Il y a trop de messages à envoyer dans le cron 1 minute.", "Contacter KiwiHC15 sur le forum."); } // Poll Cmd self::pollingCmd("cron"); /** * Refresh health information */ // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', '----------- Refresh health information'); //$eqLogics = self::byType('Abeille'); foreach ($eqLogics as $eqLogic) { if ($eqLogic->getTimeout() > 0) { if (strtotime($eqLogic->getStatus('lastCommunication')) > 0) { $last = strtotime($eqLogic->getStatus('lastCommunication')); } else { $last = 0; } // Alerte sur TimeOut Defini if (($last + (60 * $eqLogic->getTimeout())) > time()) { // Ok $eqLogic->setStatus('state', 'ok'); $eqLogic->setStatus('timeout', 0); } else { // NOK $eqLogic->setStatus('state', 'Time Out Last Communication'); $eqLogic->setStatus('timeout', 1); } // =============================================================================================================================== // log::add( 'Abeille', 'debug', 'Name: '.$eqLogic->getName().' lastCommunication: '.$eqLogic->getStatus( "lastCommunication" ).' timeout value: '.$eqLogic->getTimeout().' timeout status: '.$eqLogic->getStatus( 'timeout' ).' state: '.$eqLogic->getStatus('state')); } else { $eqLogic->setStatus('state', '-'); $eqLogic->setStatus('timeout', 0); } } // Si Inclusion status est à 1 on demande un Refresh de l information // Je regarde si j ai deux zigate en inclusion et si oui je genere une alarme. $count = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $param['zigateNb']; $i++) { if (self::checkInclusionStatus("Abeille".$i) == 1) { Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "CmdAbeille".$i."/0000/permitJoin", "Status"); $count[] = $i; } } if (count($count) > 1) message::add("Abeille", "Danger vous avez plusieurs Zigate en mode inclusion: ".json_encode($count).". L equipement peut se joindre a l un ou l autre resau zigbee.", "Vérifier sur quel reseau se joint l equipement."); // log::add( 'Abeille', 'debug', 'cron1: Fin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ); } /** * Jeedom required function: report plugin & config status * @param none * @return array with state, launchable, launchable_message */ public static function deamon_info() { /* Notes: Since Abeille has its own way to restart missing daemons, reporting only cron status as global Abeille status to avoid conflict between - Jeedom asking daemons restart (automatic management) - Abeille internal daemons restart mecanism */ /* Init with valid status */ $status = array( 'state' => 'ok', // Assuming cron is running 'launchable' => 'ok', // Assuming config ok 'launchable_message' => "" ); /* Checking there is no error getting parameters and daemon can be started. */ // TODO: Tcharp38. Can it be optimized ?. Each deamon_info() call leads to mysql DB interrogation. $config = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); if ($config['parametersCheck'] != "ok") { $status['launchable'] = $config['parametersCheck']; // Tcharp38: Where is reported 'launchable_message' ? $status['launchable_message'] = $config['parametersCheck_message']; log::add('Abeille', 'warning', 'deamon_info(): Config zigate invalide'); } /* Checking main cron = main Abeille's daemon */ if (AbeilleTools::isAbeilleCronRunning() == false) { $status['state'] = "nok"; log::add('Abeille', 'warning', 'deamon_info(): Main daemon is not runnning.'); } log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_info(): '.json_encode($status)); return $status; } /* This function is used before starting daemons to - run some cleanup - update the config database if changes needed Note: incorrect naming 'deamon' instead of 'daemon' due to Jeedom mistake. */ public static function deamon_start_cleanup() { // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_start_cleanup(): Démarrage'); message::removeAll('Abeille'); // Remove temporary files for ($i = 1; $i <= config::byKey('zigateNb', 'Abeille', '1', 1); $i++) { $lockFile = jeedom::getTmpFolder('Abeille').'/AbeilleLQI_MapDataAbeille'.$i.'.json.lock'; if (file_exists($lockFile)) { unlink($lockFile); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_start_cleanup(): Removed '.$lockFile); } } // Clear zigate IEEE status to detect any port switch. // AbeilleIEEE_Ok=-1: Zigate IEEE is NOT the expected one (port switch ?) // " = 0: IEEE check to be done // " = 1: Zigate on the right port for ($zgId = 1; $zgId <= config::byKey('zigateNb', 'Abeille', '1', 1); $zgId++) { config::save("AbeilleIEEE_Ok".$zgId, 0, 'Abeille'); } // Temp check for ($zgId = 1; $zgId <= config::byKey('zigateNb', 'Abeille', '1', 1); $zgId++) { $val = config::byKey("AbeilleIEEE_Ok".$zgId, 'Abeille', 'nope'); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "AbeilleIEEE_Ok".$zgId."=".$val); } /* Checking configuration DB version. If standard user, this should be done by installation process (install.php). If user based on GIT, this is a work-around */ $dbVersion = config::byKey('DbVersion', 'Abeille', ''); $dbVersionLast = 20201122; if (($dbVersion == '') || (intval($dbVersion) < $dbVersionLast)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_start_cleanup(): DB config v'.$dbVersion.' < v'.$dbVersionLast.' => Mise-à-jour'); updateConfigDB(); } // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_start_cleanup(): Terminé'); return; } /* Jeedom required function. Starts all daemons. Note: incorrect naming 'deamon' instead of 'daemon' due to Jeedom mistake. */ public static function deamon_start($_debug = false) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_start(): Démarrage'); /* Some checks before starting daemons - Are dependancies ok ? - does Abeille cron exist ? */ if (self::dependancy_info()['state'] != 'ok') { message::add("Abeille", "Tentative de demarrage alors qu il y a un soucis avec les dependances", "Avez vous installée les dépendances."); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "Tentative de demarrage alors qu il y a un soucis avec les dependances"); return false; } if (!is_object(cron::byClassAndFunction('Abeille', 'deamon'))) { log::add('Abeille', 'error', 'deamon_start(): Tache cron introuvable'); message::add("Abeille", "deamon_start(): Tache cron introuvable", "Est ce un bug dans Abeille ?"); throw new Exception(__('Tache cron introuvable', __FILE__)); } /* Stop all, in case not already the case */ self::deamon_stop(); /* Cleanup */ self::deamon_start_cleanup(); $param = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); /* Checking config */ // TODO Tcharp38: Should be done during deamon_info() and report proper 'launchable' for ($zgNb = 1; $zgNb <= $param['zigateNb']; $zgNb++) { if ($param['AbeilleActiver'.$zgNb] != 'Y') continue; // Disabled /* This zigate is enabled. Checking other parameters */ $error = ""; $sp = $param['AbeilleSerialPort'.$zgNb]; if (($sp == 'none') || ($sp == "")) { $error = "Port série de la zigate ".$zgNb." INVALIDE"; } if ($error == "") { if ($param['AbeilleType'.$zgNb] == "WIFI") { $wifiAddr = $param['IpWifiZigate'.$zgNb]; if (($wifiAddr == 'none') || ($wifiAddr == "")) { $error = "Adresse Wifi de la zigate ".$zgNb." INVALIDE"; } } } if ($error != "") { $param['AbeilleActiver'.$zgNb] = 'N'; config::save('AbeilleActiver'.$zgNb, 'N', 'Abeille'); log::add('Abeille', 'error', $error." ! Zigate désactivée."); } } /* Configuring GPIO for PiZigate if one active found. PiZigate reminder (using 'WiringPi'): - port 0 = RESET - port 2 = FLASH - Production mode: FLASH=1, RESET=0 then 1 */ for ($i = 1; $i <= $param['zigateNb']; $i++) { if (($param['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i] == 'none') or ($param['AbeilleActiver'.$i] != 'Y')) continue; // Undefined or disabled if ($param['AbeilleType'.$i] == "PI") { AbeilleTools::checkGpio(); // Found an active PI Zigate, needed once break; } } /* Starting all required daemons */ AbeilleTools::startDaemons($param); /* Waiting for background daemons to be up & running. If not, the return of first commands sent to zigate might be lost. This was sometimes the case for 0009 cmd which is key to 'enable' msg receive on parser side. */ $expected = 0; // 1 bit per expected serial read daemon for ($zgNb = 1; $zgNb <= $param['zigateNb']; $zgNb++) { if (($param['AbeilleSerialPort'.$zgNb] == 'none') or ($param['AbeilleActiver'.$zgNb] != 'Y')) continue; // Undefined or disabled $expected |= constant("daemonSerialRead".$zgNb); if ($param['AbeilleType'.$zgNb] == 'WIFI') $expected |= constant("daemonSocat".$zgNb); } $timeout = 10; for ($t = 0; $t < $timeout; $t++) { $runArr = AbeilleTools::getRunningDaemons2(); if (($runArr['running'] & $expected) == $expected) break; sleep(1); } if ($t == $timeout) log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_start(): ERROR, still some missing daemons after timeout'); // Starting main daemon; this will start to treat received messages cron::byClassAndFunction('Abeille', 'deamon')->run(); // Tcharp38: Moved to main daemon (deamon()) // // Send a message to Abeille to ask for Abeille Object creation: inclusion, ... // for ($i = 1; $i <= $param['zigateNb']; $i++) { // if (($param['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i] == 'none') or ($param['AbeilleActiver'.$i] != 'Y')) // continue; // Undefined or disabled // // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_start(): ***** creation de ruche '.$i.' (Abeille): '.basename($param['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i])); // Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToAbeille, priorityInterrogation, "CmdRuche/0000/CreateRuche", "Abeille".$i); // // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_start(): ***** Demarrage du réseau Zigbee '.$i.' ********'); // Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "CmdAbeille".$i."/0000/startNetwork", "StartNetwork"); // // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_start(): ***** Set Time réseau Zigbee '.$i.' ********'); // Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "CmdAbeille".$i."/0000/setTimeServer", ""); // /* Get network state to get Zigate IEEE asap and confirm no port change */ // Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "CmdAbeille".$i."/0000/getNetworkStatus", "getNetworkStatus"); // // Set the mode of the zigate, important from 3.1D. // $version = ""; // $ruche = Abeille::byLogicalId('Abeille'.$i.'/Ruche', 'Abeille'); // if ($ruche) { // $cmdlogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($ruche->getId(), 'SW-SDK'); // if ($cmdlogic) { // $version = $cmdlogic->execCmd(); // } // } // if ($version == '031D') { // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_start(): Configuring zigate '. $i.' in hybrid mode'); // // message::add("Abeille", "Demande de fonctionnement de la zigate en mode hybride (firmware >= 3.1D)."); // Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "CmdAbeille".$i."/0000/zgSetMode", "mode=hybrid"); // } else { // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_start(): Configuring zigate '.$i.' in normal mode'); // // message::add("Abeille", "Demande de fonctionnement de la zigate en mode normal (firmware < 3.1D)."); // Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "CmdAbeille".$i."/0000/zgSetMode", "mode=normal"); // } // } // Tcharp38: Moved to main daemon (deamon()) // Essaye de recuperer les etats des equipements // self::refreshCmd(); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_start(): Terminé'); return true; } // /** // * Not used ? // * // * @param $Abeille // * @return string // */ // public static function mapAbeillePort($Abeille) // { // $param = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); // for ($i = 1; $i <= $param['zigateNb']; $i++) { // if ($Abeille == "Abeille".$i) return basename($param['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i]); // } // } // /** // * Not used ? // * // * @param $port // * @return string // */ // public static function mapPortAbeille($port) // { // $param = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); // for ($i = 1; $i <= $param['zigateNb']; $i++) { // if ($port == $param['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i]) return "Abeille".$i; // } // } /* Stopping all daemons and removing queues */ public static function deamon_stop() { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_stop(): Démarrage'); /* Stopping cron */ $cron = cron::byClassAndFunction('Abeille', 'deamon'); if (!is_object($cron)) log::add('Abeille', 'error', 'deamon_stop(): Tache cron introuvable'); else if ($cron->running()) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_stop(): Arret du cron'); $cron->halt(); while ($cron->running()) { usleep(500000); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_stop(): cron STILL running'); } } else log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_stop(): cron déja arrété'); /* Stopping all 'Abeille' daemons */ AbeilleTools::stopDaemons(); /* Removing all queues */ // Tcharp38 note: when all queues in $abQueues, we can delete $allQueues $abQueues = $GLOBALS['abQueues']; $allQueues = array( queueKeyAbeilleToAbeille, queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, queueKeyParserToAbeille, queueKeyParserToAbeille2, queueKeyCmdToAbeille, queueKeyCmdToMon, queueKeyParserToMon, queueKeyMonToCmd, queueKeyAssistToParser, queueKeyParserToAssist, queueKeyAssistToCmd, $abQueues["parserToLQI"]["id"], queueKeyLQIToCmd, queueKeyXmlToAbeille, queueKeyXmlToCmd, queueKeyFormToCmd, $abQueues["parserToCli"]["id"], queueKeyParserToCmd, queueKeyCmdToCmd, $abQueues["serialToParser"]["id"], queueKeyParserToCmdSemaphore, $abQueues["ctrlToParser"]["id"] ); foreach ($allQueues as $queueId) { $queue = msg_get_queue($queueId); if ($queue != false) msg_remove_queue($queue); } log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_stop(): Terminé'); } public static function dependancy_info() { log::add('Abeille', 'warning', '-------------------------------------> dependancy_info()'); // Called by js dans plugin.class.js(getDependancyInfo) -> plugin.ajax.php(dependancy_info()) // $dependancy_info['state'] pour affichage // state = [ok / nok / in_progress (progression/duration)] / state // il n ' y plus de dépendance hotmis pour la zigate wifi (socat) qui est installé par un script a part. $debug_dependancy_info = 1; $return = array(); $return['state'] = 'ok'; $return['progress_file'] = jeedom::getTmpFolder('Abeille').'/dependance'; // Check package socat // Tcharp38: Wrong. This dependancy is required only if wifi zigate. Should not impact those using USB or PI $cmd = "command -v socat"; exec($cmd, $output_dpkg, $return_var); if ($return_var == 1) { message::add("Abeille", "Le package socat est nécéssaire pour l'utilisation de la zigate Wifi. Si vous avez la zigate usb, vous pouvez ignorer ce message"); log::add('Abeille', 'warning', 'Le package socat est nécéssaire pour l\'utilisation de la zigate Wifi.'); } if ($debug_dependancy_info) log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'dependancy_info: '.json_encode($return)); return $return; } /* Called from Jeedom */ public static function dependancy_install() { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Installation des dépendances: IN'); message::add("Abeille", "Installation des dépendances en cours.", "N'oubliez pas de lire la documentation: https://kiwihc16.github.io/AbeilleDoc"); log::remove(__CLASS__.'_update'); $result = [ 'script' => __DIR__.'/../scripts/installDependencies.sh '.jeedom::getTmpFolder('Abeille').'/dependance', 'log' => log::getPathToLog(__CLASS__.'_update') ]; log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Installation des dépendances: OUT: '.implode($result, ' X ')); return $result; } /* This is Abeille's main daemon, directly controlled by Jeedom itself. */ public static function deamon() { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon(): Main daemon starting'); /* Main daemon starting. This means that other daemons have started too. Abeille can communicate with them */ // Send a message to Abeille to ask for Abeille Object creation: inclusion, ... // Tcharp38: Moved from deamon_start() $param = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $param['zigateNb']; $i++) { if (($param['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i] == 'none') or ($param['AbeilleActiver'.$i] != 'Y')) continue; // Undefined or disabled // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon(): ***** creation de ruche '.$i.' (Abeille): '.basename($param['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i])); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToAbeille, priorityInterrogation, "CmdRuche/0000/CreateRuche", "Abeille".$i); // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon(): ***** Demarrage du réseau Zigbee '.$i.' ********'); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "CmdAbeille".$i."/0000/startNetwork", "StartNetwork"); // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon(): ***** Set Time réseau Zigbee '.$i.' ********'); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "CmdAbeille".$i."/0000/setTimeServer", ""); /* Get network state to get Zigate IEEE asap and confirm no port change */ // Tcharp38: moved to parser. // Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "CmdAbeille".$i."/0000/getNetworkStatus", "getNetworkStatus"); // Set the mode of the zigate, important from 3.1D. $version = ""; $ruche = Abeille::byLogicalId('Abeille'.$i.'/0000', 'Abeille'); if ($ruche) { $cmdlogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($ruche->getId(), 'SW-SDK'); if ($cmdlogic) { $version = $cmdlogic->execCmd(); } } if (hexdec($version) >= 0x031D) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon(): FW version >= 3.1D => Configuring zigate '.$i.' in hybrid mode'); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "CmdAbeille".$i."/0000/zgSetMode", "mode=hybrid"); } else { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon(): Configuring zigate '.$i.' in normal mode'); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "CmdAbeille".$i."/0000/zgSetMode", "mode=normal"); } } // Essaye de recuperer les etats des equipements // Tcharp38: Moved from deamon_start() self::refreshCmd(); try { $queueKeyAbeilleToAbeille = msg_get_queue(queueKeyAbeilleToAbeille); $queueKeyParserToAbeille = msg_get_queue(queueKeyParserToAbeille); $queueKeyParserToAbeille2 = msg_get_queue(queueKeyParserToAbeille2); $queueKeyCmdToAbeille = msg_get_queue(queueKeyCmdToAbeille); $queueKeyXmlToAbeille = msg_get_queue(queueKeyXmlToAbeille); $msg_type = NULL; $msg = NULL; $max_msg_size = 512; $message = new MsgAbeille; // https: github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/uapi/asm-generic/errno.h // const int EINVAL = 22; // const int ENOMSG = 42; /* No message of desired type */ while (true) { if (msg_receive($queueKeyAbeilleToAbeille, 0, $msg_type, $max_msg_size, $msg, true, MSG_IPC_NOWAIT, $errCode)) { $message->topic = $msg->message['topic']; $message->payload = $msg->message['payload']; self::message($message); $msg_type = NULL; $msg = NULL; } else { // Error if ($errCode != 42) log::add('Abeille', 'error', 'deamon(): msg_receive queueKeyAbeilleToAbeille error '.$errCode); } /* New path parser to Abeille */ if (msg_receive($queueKeyParserToAbeille2, 0, $msg_type, $max_msg_size, $msg_json, false, MSG_IPC_NOWAIT, $errCode)) { self::msgFromParser(json_decode($msg_json, true)); $msg_type = NULL; $msg = NULL; } else { // Error if ($errCode != 42) log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon(): msg_receive queueKeyParserToAbeille2 error '.$errCode); } /* Legacy path parser to Abeille. To be progressively removed */ if (msg_receive($queueKeyParserToAbeille, 0, $msg_type, $max_msg_size, $msg, true, MSG_IPC_NOWAIT, $errCode)) { $message->topic = $msg->message['topic']; $message->payload = $msg->message['payload']; self::message($message); $msg_type = NULL; $msg = NULL; } else { // Error if ($errCode != 42) log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon(): msg_receive queueKeyParserToAbeille error '.$errCode); } if (msg_receive($queueKeyCmdToAbeille, 0, $msg_type, $max_msg_size, $msg, true, MSG_IPC_NOWAIT, $errCode)) { $message->topic = $msg->message['topic']; $message->payload = $msg->message['payload']; self::message($message); $msg_type = NULL; $msg = NULL; } else { // Error if ($errCode != 42) log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon(): msg_receive queueKeyCmdToAbeille error '.$errCode); } if (msg_receive($queueKeyXmlToAbeille, 0, $msg_type, $max_msg_size, $msg, true, MSG_IPC_NOWAIT, $errCode)) { $message->topic = $msg->message['topic']; $message->payload = $msg->message['payload']; self::message($message); $msg_type = NULL; $msg = NULL; } else { // Error if ($errCode != 42) log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon(): msg_receive queueKeyXmlToAbeille error '.$errCode); } time_nanosleep(0, 10000000); // 1/100s } } catch (Exception $e) { log::add('Abeille', 'error', 'deamon(): Exception '.$e->getMessage()); } log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon(): Main daemon stoppped'); } // public static function checkParameters() { // // return 1 si Ok, 0 si erreur // $param = Abeille::getParameters(); // if ( !isset($param['zigateNb']) ) { return 0; } // if ( $param['zigateNb'] < 1 ) { return 0; } // if ( $param['zigateNb'] > 9 ) { return 0; } // // Testons la validité de la configuration // $atLeastOneZigateActiveWithOnePortDefined = 0; // for ( $i=1; $i<=$param['zigateNb']; $i++ ) { // if ($return['AbeilleActiver'.$i ]=='Y') { // if ($return['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i]!='none') { // $atLeastOneZigateActiveWithOnePortDefined++; // } // } // } // if ( $atLeastOneZigateActiveWithOnePortDefined <= 0 ) { // log::add('Abeille','debug','checkParameters: aucun serialPort n est pas défini/actif.'); // message::add('Abeille','Warning: Aucun port série n est pas défini/Actif dans la configuration.' ); // return 0; // } // // Vérifions l existence des ports // for ( $i=1; $i<=$param['zigateNb']; $i++ ) { // if ($return['AbeilleActiver'.$i ]=='Y') { // if ($return['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i] != 'none') { // if (@!file_exists($return['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i])) { // log::add('Abeille','debug','checkParameters: Le port série n existe pas: '.$return['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i]); // message::add('Abeille','Warning: Le port série n existe pas: '.$return['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i],'' ); // $return['parametersCheck']="nok"; // $return['parametersCheck_message'] = __('Le port série '.$return['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i].' n existe pas (zigate déconnectée ?)', __FILE__); // return 0; // } else { // if (substr(decoct(fileperms($return['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i])), -4) != "0777") { // exec(system::getCmdSudo().'chmod 777 '.$return['AbeilleSerialPort'.$i].' > /dev/null 2>&1'); // } // } // } // } // } // return 1; // } public static function postSave() { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'postSave()'); /* Tcharp38: Strange. postSave() called when starting daemons. No sense to re-start main daemon from their then */ // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'postSave()'); // $cron = cron::byClassAndFunction('Abeille', 'deamon'); // if (is_object($cron) && !$cron->running()) { // $cron->run(); // } // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'deamon_postSave: OUT'); } public static function fetchShortFromIEEE($IEEE, $checkShort) { // Return: // 0 : Short Address is aligned with the one received // Short : Short Address is NOT aligned with the one received // -1 : Error Nothing found // $lookForIEEE = "000B57fffe490C2a"; // $checkShort = "2006"; // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'KIWI: start function fetchShortFromIEEE'); $abeilles = Abeille::byType('Abeille'); foreach ($abeilles as $abeille) { if (strlen($abeille->getConfiguration('IEEE', 'none')) == 16) { $IEEE_abeille = $abeille->getConfiguration('IEEE', 'none'); } else { $cmdIEEE = $abeille->getCmd('Info', 'IEEE-Addr'); if (is_object($cmdIEEE)) { $IEEE_abeille = $cmdIEEE->execCmd(); if (strlen($IEEE_abeille) == 16) { $abeille->setConfiguration('IEEE', $IEEE_abeille); // si j ai l IEEE dans la cmd et pas dans le conf, je transfer, retro compatibility $abeille->save(); $abeille->refresh(); } } } if ($IEEE_abeille == $IEEE) { $cmdShort = $abeille->getCmd('Info', 'Short-Addr'); if ($cmdShort) { if ($cmdShort->execCmd() == $checkShort) { // echo "Success "; // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'KIWI: function fetchShortFromIEEE return 0'); return 0; } else { // echo "Pas success du tout "; // La cmd short n est pas forcement à jour alors on va essayer avec le nodeId. // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'KIWI: function fetchShortFromIEEE return Short: '.$cmdShort->execCmd() ); // return $cmdShort->execCmd(); // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'KIWI: function fetchShortFromIEEE return Short: '.substr($abeille->getlogicalId(),-4) ); return substr($abeille->getlogicalId(), -4); } return $return; } } } // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'KIWI: function fetchShortFromIEEE return -1'); return -1; } /* Returns inclusion status: 1=include mode, 0=normal, -1=ERROR */ public static function checkInclusionStatus($dest) { // Return: Inclusion status or -1 if error $ruche = Abeille::byLogicalId($dest.'/0000', 'Abeille'); if ($ruche) { // echo "Join status collection\n"; $cmdJoinStatus = $ruche->getCmd('Info', 'permitJoin-Status'); if ($cmdJoinStatus) { return $cmdJoinStatus->execCmd(); } } return -1; } public static function CmdAffichage($affichageType, $Visibility = "na") { // $affichageType could be: // affichageNetwork // affichageTime // affichageCmdAdd // $Visibilty command could be // Y // N // toggle // na if ($Visibility == "na") { return; } $parameters_info = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); $convert = array( "affichageNetwork" => "Network", "affichageTime" => "Time", "affichageCmdAdd" => "additionalCommand" ); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Entering CmdAffichage with affichageType: '.$affichageType.' - Visibility: '.$Visibility); echo 'Entering CmdAffichage with affichageType: '.$affichageType.' - Visibility: '.$Visibility; switch ($Visibility) { case 'Y': break; case 'N': break; case 'toggle': if ($parameters_info[$affichageType] == 'Y') { $Visibility = 'N'; } else { $Visibility = 'Y'; } break; } config::save($affichageType, $Visibility, 'Abeille'); $abeilles = self::byType('Abeille'); foreach ($abeilles as $key => $abeille) { $cmds = $abeille->getCmd(); foreach ($cmds as $keyCmd => $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration("visibilityCategory") == $convert[$affichageType]) { switch ($Visibility) { case 'Y': $cmd->setIsVisible(1); break; case 'N': $cmd->setIsVisible(0); break; } } $cmd->save(); } $abeille->save(); $abeille->refresh(); } log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Leaving CmdAffichage'); return; } public static function interrogateUnknowNE( $dest, $addr ) { if ( config::byKey( 'blocageRecuperationEquipement', 'Abeille', 'Oui', 1 ) == 'Oui' ) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "L equipement ".$dest."/".$addr." n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne cherche pas a le recupérer, param: blocage recuperation equipment."); return; } if ($addr == "0000") return; log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "L equipement ".$dest."/".$addr." n existe pas dans Jeedom, j'essaye d interroger l equipement pour le créer."); // EP 01 self::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityNeWokeUp, "Cmd".$dest."/".$addr."/AnnonceManufacturer", "01"); self::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityNeWokeUp, "Cmd".$dest."/".$addr."/Annonce", "Default"); self::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityNeWokeUp, "Cmd".$dest."/".$addr."/AnnonceProfalux", "Default"); // EP 0B self::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityNeWokeUp, "Cmd".$dest."/".$addr."/AnnonceManufacturer", "0B"); self::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityNeWokeUp, "Cmd".$dest."/".$addr."/Annonce", "Hue"); // EP 03 self::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityNeWokeUp, "Cmd".$dest."/".$addr."/AnnonceManufacturer", "03"); self::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityNeWokeUp, "Cmd".$dest."/".$addr."/Annonce", "OSRAM"); return; } public static function message($message) { // KiwiHC16: Please leave this line log::add commented otherwise too many messages in log Abeille // and keep the 3 lines below which print all messages except Time-Time, Time-TimeStamp and Link-Quality that we get for every message. // Divide by 3 the log quantity and ease the log reading // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "message(topic='".$message->topic."', payload='".$message->payload."')"); $topicArray = explode("/", $message->topic); if (sizeof($topicArray) != 3) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "ERROR: Invalid message: topic=".$message->topic); return; } $parameters_info = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); // if (!preg_match("(Time|Link-Quality)", $message->topic)) { // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "fct message Topic: ->".$message->topic."<- Value ->".$message->payload."<-"); // } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // demande de creation de ruche au cas ou elle n'est pas deja crée.... // La ruche est aussi un objet Abeille if ($message->topic == "CmdRuche/0000/CreateRuche") { // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "Topic: ->".$message->topic."<- Value ->".$message->payload."<-"); self::createRuche($message); return; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // On ne prend en compte que les message Abeille|Ruche|CmdCreate/#/# // CmdCreate -> pour la creation des objets depuis la ruche par exemple pour tester les modeles if (!preg_match("(^Abeille|^Ruche|^CmdCreate|^ttyUSB|^zigate|^monitZigate)", $message->topic)) { // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message: this is not a '.$Filter.' message: topic: '.$message->topic.' message: '.$message->payload); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Analyse du message recu // [CmdAbeille:Abeille] / Address / Cluster-Parameter // [CmdAbeille:Abeille] / $addr / $cmdId => $value // $nodeId = [CmdAbeille:Abeille] / $addr list($Filter, $addr, $cmdId) = explode("/", $message->topic); // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "message(): Filter=".$Filter.", addr=".$addr.", cmdId=".$cmdId); if (preg_match("(^CmdCreate)", $message->topic)) { $Filter = str_replace("CmdCreate", "", $Filter); } $net = $Filter; // Network (ex: 'Abeille1') $dest = $Filter; // log all messages except the one related to Time, which overload the log if (!in_array($cmdId, array("Time-Time", "Time-TimeStamp", "Link-Quality"))) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "message(topic='".$message->topic."', payload='".$message->payload."')"); } $nodeid = $net.'/'.$addr; $value = $message->payload; $type = 'topic'; // type = topic car pas json // Le capteur de temperature rond V1 xiaomi envoie spontanement son nom: ->lumi.sensor_ht<- mais envoie ->lumi.sens<- sur un getName // Tcharp38: To be removed. This cleanup is now done directly in parser on modelIdentifier receive if ($cmdId == "0000-01-0005") { if ($value == "lumi.sens") { $value = "lumi.sensor_ht"; message::add("Abeille", "lumi.sensor_ht case tracking: ".json_encode($message), ''); } if ($value == "lumi.sensor_swit") $value = "lumi.sensor_switch.aq3"; if ($value == "TRADFRI Signal Repeater") $value = "TRADFRI signal repeater"; } // Tcharp38: No longer required here. Treated by msgFromParser() // 'enable is part of 'eqAnnounce' while 'disable' is part of 'leaveIndication' msg. // /* Treat "enable" (device announce) or "disable" (leave indication) cmds. */ // if (($cmdId == "enable") || ($cmdId == "disable")) { // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message(): '.$cmdId.': net='.$Filter.', IEEE='.$value); // /* Look for corresponding equipment (identified via its IEEE addr) */ // $allBees = self::byType('Abeille'); // $missingIEEE = array(); // List of eq with missing IEEE // foreach ($allBees as $key=>$bee) { // $beeLogicId = $bee->getLogicalId(); // Ex: 'Abeille1/xxxx' // list($net, $oldAddr) = explode( "/", $beeLogicId); // if ($net != $Filter) // TODO: $Filter = 'AbeilleX' ?? // continue; // Not on expected network // $ieee = $bee->getConfiguration('IEEE', 'none'); // if ($ieee == 'none') { // $missingIEEE[] = $bee; // continue; // No registered IEEE // } // if ($ieee != $value) // continue; // Not the right equipment // $matchingBee = $bee; // break; // No need to go thru other equipments // } // /* If eq not found, might be due to missing IEEE. Let's check */ // if (!isset($matchingBee) && (sizeof($missingIEEE) != 0)) { // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message(): '.$cmdId.': Vérification des adresses IEEE manquantes'); // foreach ($missingIEEE as $bee) { // $cmd = $bee->getCmd('info', 'IEEE-Addr'); // if ($cmd->execCmd() != $value) // continue; // Still not the correct eq // $matchingBee = $bee; // break; // No need to go thru other equipments // } // } // if (isset($matchingBee)) { // if ($cmdId == "enable") { // $bee->setIsEnable(1); // /* Updating logical ID since short address changed with device announce */ // $oldLogicId = $bee->getLogicalId(); // $nodeid = $Filter.'/'.$addr; // $bee->setLogicalId($nodeid); // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message(): disable: Mise-à-jour '.$oldLogicId.' => '.$nodeid); // // message::add("Abeille", "'".$bee->getHumanName()."' a rejoint le réseau.", ''); // } else { // $bee->setIsEnable(0); // /* Display message only if NOT in include mode */ // if (self::checkInclusionStatus($dest) != 1) // message::add("Abeille", "'".$bee->getHumanName()."' a quitté le réseau => désactivé.", ''); // } // $bee->save(); // $bee->refresh(); // } else // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message(): '.$cmdId.': Eq '.$Filter.'-'.$value.' pas trouvé dans Jeedom.'); // return; // } /* Request to create virtual remote control */ if ($cmdId == "createRemote") { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message(): createRemote'); /* Let's compute RC number */ $eqLogics = Abeille::byType('Abeille'); $max = 1; foreach ($eqLogics as $key => $eqLogic) { list($net2, $addr2) = explode("/", $eqLogic->getLogicalId()); if ($net2 != $net) continue; // Wrong network $jsonId2 = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('modeleJson'); if ($jsonId2 != "remotecontrol") continue; // Not a remote if ($addr2 == '') continue; // No addr for remote on '210607-STABLE-1' leading to 1 remote only per zigate. $addr2 = substr($addr2, 2); // Removing 'rc' if (hexdec($addr2) >= $max) $max = hexdec($addr2) + 1; } /* Remote control short addr = 'rcXX' */ $rcAddr = sprintf("rc%02X", $max); Abeille::createDevice("create", $dest, $rcAddr, '', 'remotecontrol', 'Abeille'); return; } /* Request to update device from JSON. Useful to avoid reinclusion */ if ($cmdId == "updateFromJson") { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message(): updateFromJson, '.$net.'/'.$addr); $eqLogic = Abeille::byLogicalId($net.'/'.$addr, 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' ERROR: Unknown device'); return; } Abeille::createDevice("update", $dest, $addr); return; } /* Request to reset device from JSON. Useful to avoid reinclusion */ if ($cmdId == "resetFromJson") { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message(): resetFromJson, '.$net.'/'.$addr); $eqLogic = Abeille::byLogicalId($net.'/'.$addr, 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' ERROR: Unknown device'); return; } $jsonId = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('modeleJson'); $jsonLocation = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('ab::jsonLocation', 'Abeille'); $ieee = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('IEEE'); Abeille::createDevice("reset", $dest, $addr); return; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Cherche l objet par sa ref short Address et la commande $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($nodeid, 'Abeille'); if (is_object($eqLogic)) { $cmdlogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), $cmdId); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Tcharp38: Case hereafter is no longer used. Device creation is now triggered by Parser 'eqAnnounce' msg when device is identified. Treated by 'msgFromParser()' */ // Si l objet n existe pas et je recoie son nom => je créé l objet. // if (!is_object($eqLogic) // && (preg_match("/^0000-[0-9A-Fa-f]*-*0005/", $cmdId) // || preg_match("/^0000-[0-9A-Fa-f]*-*0010/", $cmdId) // || preg_match("/^SimpleDesc-[0-9A-Fa-f]*-*DeviceDescription/", $cmdId) // ) // ) { // $trimmedValue = $value; // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Recherche objet: '.$value.' dans les objets connus'); // /* Remove leading "lumi." from name as all xiaomi devices who start with this prefix. */ // if (!strncasecmp($trimmedValue, "lumi.", 5)) // $trimmedValue = substr($trimmedValue, 5); // Remove leading "lumi." case insensitive // //remove all space in names for easier filename handling // $trimmedValue = str_replace(' ', '', $trimmedValue); // // On enleve le / comme par exemple le nom des equipements Legrand // $trimmedValue = str_replace('/', '', $trimmedValue); // // On enleve le * Ampoules GU10 Philips #1778 // $trimmedValue = str_replace('*', '', $trimmedValue); // // On enleve les 0x00 comme par exemple le nom des equipements Legrand // $trimmedValue = str_replace("\0", '', $trimmedValue); // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'value:'.$value.' / trimmed value: ->'.$trimmedValue.'<-'); // $AbeilleObjetDefinition = AbeilleTools::getDeviceConfig($trimmedValue); // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Template initial: '.json_encode($AbeilleObjetDefinition)); // // On recupere le EP // // $EP = substr($cmdId,5,2); // $EP = explode('-', $cmdId)[1]; // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'EP: '.$EP); // $AbeilleObjetDefinitionJson = json_encode($AbeilleObjetDefinition); // $AbeilleObjetDefinitionJson = str_replace('#EP#', $EP, $AbeilleObjetDefinitionJson); // $AbeilleObjetDefinition = json_decode($AbeilleObjetDefinitionJson, true); // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Template mis a jour avec EP: '.json_encode($AbeilleObjetDefinition)); // if (array_key_exists($trimmedValue, $AbeilleObjetDefinition)) { // $jsonId = $trimmedValue; // } // if (array_key_exists('defaultUnknown', $AbeilleObjetDefinition)) { // $jsonId = 'defaultUnknown'; // } // /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // // Creation de l objet Abeille // // Exemple pour les objets créés par les commandes Ruche. // if (strlen($addr) != 4) { // $index = rand(1000, 9999); // $addr = $addr."-".$index; // $nodeid = $nodeid."-".$index; // } // $eqLogic = new Abeille(); // $eqLogic->setEqType_name('Abeille'); // $eqLogic->setName("nouveau-".$addr); // Temp name to have it non empty // $eqLogic->save(); // Save to force Jeedom to assign an ID // $name = $Filter."-".$eqLogic->getId(); // message::add("Abeille", "Nouvel équipement détecté: ".$name.". Création en cours. Rafraîchissez votre dashboard dans qq secondes.", ''); // $eqLogic->setName($name); // $eqLogic->setLogicalId($nodeid); // $eqLogic->setObject_id($parameters_info['AbeilleParentId']); // $objetDefSpecific = $AbeilleObjetDefinition[$jsonId]; // $objetConfiguration = $objetDefSpecific["configuration"]; // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Template configuration: '.json_encode($objetConfiguration)); // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('modeleJson', $trimmedValue); // // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('topic', $nodeid); // not needed as the info is in logicalId. // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('type', $type); // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('uniqId', $objetConfiguration["uniqId"]); // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('icone', $objetConfiguration["icone"]); // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('mainEP', $objetConfiguration["mainEP"]); // $lastCommTimeout = (array_key_exists("lastCommunicationTimeOut", $objetConfiguration) ? $objetConfiguration["lastCommunicationTimeOut"] : '-1'); // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('lastCommunicationTimeOut', $lastCommTimeout); // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('type', $type); // if (isset($objetConfiguration['battery_type'])) { // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('battery_type', $objetConfiguration['battery_type']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['paramType'])) // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('paramType', $objetConfiguration['paramType']); // if (isset($objetConfiguration['Groupe'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? Telecommande Innr - KiwiHC16: on doit pouvoir simplifier ce code. Mais comme c etait la premiere version j ai fait detaillé. // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('Groupe', $objetConfiguration['Groupe']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['Groupe'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('Groupe', $objetConfiguration['Groupe']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP1'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP1', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP1']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP3'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP3', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP3']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP4'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP4', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP4']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP5'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP5', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP5']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP6'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP6', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP6']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP7'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP7', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP7']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP8'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP8', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP8']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['onTime'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('onTime', $objetConfiguration['onTime']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['Zigate'])) { // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('Zigate', $objetConfiguration['Zigate']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['protocol'])) { // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('protocol', $objetConfiguration['protocol']); // } // if (isset($objetConfiguration['poll'])) { // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('poll', $objetConfiguration['poll']); // } // if (isset($objetDefSpecific["isVisible"])) // $eqLogic->setIsVisible($objetDefSpecific["isVisible"]); // else // $eqLogic->setIsVisible(1); // // eqReal_id // $eqLogic->setIsEnable("1"); // // status // // timeout // $eqLogic->setTimeout($objetDefSpecific["timeout"]); // $eqLogic->setCategory(array_keys($objetDefSpecific["Categorie"])[0], $objetDefSpecific["Categorie"][array_keys($objetDefSpecific["Categorie"])[0]]); // // display // // order // // comment // //log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'Saving device '.$nodeid); // //$eqLogic->save(); // $eqLogic->setStatus('lastCommunication', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); // $eqLogic->save(); // // Creation des commandes pour l objet Abeille juste créé. // if (isset($GLOBALS['debugKIWI']) && $GLOBALS['debugKIWI']) { // echo "On va creer les commandes.\n"; // print_r($objetDefSpecific['Commandes']); // } // foreach ($objetDefSpecific['Commandes'] as $cmd => $cmdValueDefaut) { // log::add('Abeille', 'info', "Eq ".$name.": Ajout de la commande '".$cmdValueDefaut["name"]."' => '".$cmd."'"); // // 'Creation de la commande: '.$nodeid.'/'.$cmd.' suivant model de l objet pour l objet: '.$name // $cmdlogic = new AbeilleCmd(); // // id // $cmdlogic->setEqLogic_id($eqLogic->getId()); // $cmdlogic->setEqType('Abeille'); // $cmdlogic->setLogicalId($cmd); // if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["order"])) // $cmdlogic->setOrder($cmdValueDefaut["order"]); // $cmdlogic->setName($cmdValueDefaut["name"]); // // value // if ($cmdValueDefaut["Type"] == "info") { // // $cmdlogic->setConfiguration('topic', $nodeid.'/'.$cmd); // $cmdlogic->setConfiguration('topic', $cmd); // } // if ($cmdValueDefaut["Type"] == "action") { // // $cmdlogic->setConfiguration('retain', '0'); // not needed anymore, was used for mosquitto // if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["value"])) { // // value: pour les commandes action, contient la commande info qui est la valeur actuel de la variable controlée. // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Define cmd info pour cmd action: '.$eqLogic->getHumanName()." - ".$cmdValueDefaut["value"]); // $cmdPointeur_Value = cmd::byTypeEqLogicNameCmdName("Abeille", $eqLogic->getName(), $cmdValueDefaut["value"]); // $cmdlogic->setValue($cmdPointeur_Value->getId()); // } // } // // La boucle est pour info et pour action // foreach ($cmdValueDefaut["configuration"] as $confKey => $confValue) { // // Pour certaine Action on doit remplacer le #addr# par la vrai valeur // // $cmdlogic->setConfiguration($confKey, str_replace('#addr#', $addr, $confValue)); // Ce n'est plus necessaire car l adresse est maintenant dans le logicalId // $cmdlogic->setConfiguration($confKey, $confValue); // // Ne pas effacer, en cours de dev. // // $cmdlogic->setConfiguration($confKey, str_replace('#addrIEEE#', '#addrIEEE#', $confValue)); // // $cmdlogic->setConfiguration($confKey, str_replace('#ZiGateIEEE#', '#ZiGateIEEE#', $confValue)); // } // // On conserve l info du template pour la visibility // $cmdlogic->setConfiguration("visibiltyTemplate", $cmdValueDefaut["isVisible"]); // // template // if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["template"])) { // $cmdlogic->setTemplate('dashboard', $cmdValueDefaut["template"]); // $cmdlogic->setTemplate('mobile', $cmdValueDefaut["template"]); // } // $cmdlogic->setIsHistorized($cmdValueDefaut["isHistorized"]); // $cmdlogic->setType($cmdValueDefaut["Type"]); // $cmdlogic->setSubType($cmdValueDefaut["subType"]); // if (array_key_exists("generic_type", $cmdValueDefaut)) // $cmdlogic->setGeneric_type($cmdValueDefaut["generic_type"]); // // unite // if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["unite"])) { // $cmdlogic->setUnite($cmdValueDefaut["unite"]); // } // if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["invertBinary"])) { // $cmdlogic->setDisplay('invertBinary', $cmdValueDefaut["invertBinary"]); // } // // La boucle est pour info et pour action // // isVisible // $parameters_info = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); // $isVisible = $cmdValueDefaut["isVisible"]; // if (array_key_exists("display", $cmdValueDefaut)) // foreach ($cmdValueDefaut["display"] as $confKey => $confValue) { // // Pour certaine Action on doit remplacer le #addr# par la vrai valeur // $cmdlogic->setDisplay($confKey, $confValue); // } // $cmdlogic->setIsVisible($isVisible); // // html // // alert // $cmdlogic->save(); // // $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd( $cmdlogic, $cmdValueDefaut["value"] ); // if ($cmdlogic->getName() == "Short-Addr") { // $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdlogic, $addr); // } // } // // On defini le nom de l objet // $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdId, $value); // return; // } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* If unknown eq and IEEE received, looking for eq with same IEEE to update logicalName & topic */ // e.g. Short address change (Si l adresse a changé, on ne peut pas trouver l objet par son nodeId) if (!is_object($eqLogic) && ($cmdId == "IEEE-Addr")) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message(), !objet & IEEE: Recherche de l\'equipement correspondant'); // 0 : Short Address is aligned with the one received // Short : Short Address is NOT aligned with the one received // -1 : Error Nothing found $ShortFound = Abeille::fetchShortFromIEEE($value, $addr); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message(), !objet & IEEE: Trouvé='.$ShortFound); if ((strlen($ShortFound) == 4) && ($addr != "0000")) { $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($dest."/".$ShortFound, 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message(), !objet & IEEE: L\'équipement ne semble pas sur la bonne zigate. Abeille ne fait rien automatiquement. L\'utilisateur doit résoudre la situation.'); return; } // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "message(), !objet & IEEE: Adresse IEEE $value pour $addr qui remonte est deja dans l objet $ShortFound - ".$eqLogic->getName().", on fait la mise a jour automatique"); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "message(), !objet & IEEE: $value correspond à '".$eqLogic->getHumanName()."'. Mise-à-jour de l'adresse courte $ShortFound vers $addr."); // Comme c est automatique des que le retour d experience sera suffisant, on n alerte pas l utilisateur. Il n a pas besoin de savoir // message::add("Abeille", "IEEE-Addr; adresse IEEE $value pour $addr qui remonte est deja dans l objet $ShortFound - ".$eqLogic->getName().", on fait la mise a jour automatique", ''); message::add("Abeille", "Nouvelle adresse '".$addr."' pour '".$eqLogic->getHumanName()."'. Mise à jour automatique."); // Si on trouve l adresse dans le nom, on remplace par la nouvelle adresse // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "!objet&IEEE --> IEEE-Addr; Ancien nom: ".$eqLogic->getName().", nouveau nom: ".str_replace($ShortFound, $addr, $eqLogic->getName())); // $eqLogic->setName(str_replace($ShortFound, $addr, $eqLogic->getName())); $eqLogic->setLogicalId($dest."/".$addr); $eqLogic->setConfiguration('topic', $dest."/".$addr); $eqLogic->save(); // Il faut aussi mettre a jour la commande short address Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToAbeille, priorityInterrogation, $dest."/".$addr."/Short-Addr", $addr); } else { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message(), !objet & IEEE: Je n ai pas trouvé d Abeille qui corresponde.'); self::interrogateUnknowNE( $dest, $addr ); } // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', '!objet&IEEE --> fin du traitement'); return; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Si l objet n existe pas et je recoie une commande => je drop la cmd but I try to get the device into Abeille // e.g. un Equipement envoie des infos, mais l objet n existe pas dans Jeedom if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { // Je ne fais les demandes que si les commandes ne sont pas Time-Time, Time-Stamp et Link-Quality if (!preg_match("(Time|Link-Quality)", $message->topic)) { if (!Abeille::checkInclusionStatus($dest)) { log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'Des informations remontent pour un equipement inconnu d Abeille avec pour adresse '.$addr.' et pour la commande '.$cmdId ); } self::interrogateUnknowNE( $dest, $addr ); } return; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Si l objet exist et on recoie une IEEE // e.g. Un NE renvoie son annonce if (is_object($eqLogic) && ($cmdId == "IEEE-Addr")) { // Je rejete les valeur null (arrive avec les equipement xiaomi qui envoie leur nom spontanement alors que l IEEE n est pas recue. if (strlen($value) < 2) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'IEEE-Addr; =>'.$value.'<= ; IEEE non valable pour un equipement, valeur rejetée: '.$addr.": IEEE =>".$value."<="); return; } // Je ne sais pas pourquoi des fois on recoit des IEEE null if ($value == "0000000000000000") { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'IEEE-Addr;'.$value.';IEEE recue est null, je ne fais rien.'); return; } // ffffffffffffffff remonte avec les mesures LQI si nouveau equipements. if ($value == "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF") { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'IEEE-Addr; =>'.$value.'<= ; IEEE non valable pour un equipement, valeur rejetée: '.$addr.": IEEE =>".$value."<="); return; } // Update IEEE cmd if (!is_object($cmdlogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'IEEE-Addr commande n existe pas'); return; } // $IEEE = $cmdlogic->execCmd(); $IEEE = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('IEEE','None'); if ( ($IEEE!=$value) && (strlen($IEEE)==16) ) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'IEEE-Addr;'.$value.';Alerte changement de l adresse IEEE pour un equipement !!! '.$addr.": ".$IEEE." =>".$value."<="); message::add("Abeille", "Alerte changement de l adresse IEEE pour un equipement !!! ( $addr : $IEEE =>$value<= )", ''); } $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdlogic, $value); $eqLogic->setConfiguration('IEEE', $value); $eqLogic->save(); $eqLogic->refresh(); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' IEEE-Addr cmd and eq updated: '.$eqLogic->getName().' - '.$eqLogic->getConfiguration('IEEE', 'Unknown') ); return; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Tcharp38: No longer required. MACCap is collected during device announce and passed thru "eqAnnounce" msg (treated by msgFromParser()) // // Si l objet exist et on recoie une MACCapa // // e.g. Un NE renvoie son annonce // if (is_object($eqLogic) && ($cmdId == "MACCapa-MACCapa")) { // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'MACCapa-MACCapa: '.$value.' saving into eqlogic'); // $mc = hexdec($value); // $rxOnWhenIdle = ($mc >> 3) & 0b1; // $powerSource = ($mc >> 2) & 0b1; // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('MACCapa', $value); // if ($powerSource) // 1=mains-powererd // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('AC_Power', 1); // else // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('AC_Power', 0); // if ($rxOnWhenIdle) // 1=Receiver enabled when idle // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('RxOnWhenIdle', 1); // else // $eqLogic->setConfiguration('RxOnWhenIdle', 0); // $eqLogic->save(); // $eqLogic->refresh(); // return; // } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Si equipement et cmd existe alors on met la valeur a jour if (is_object($eqLogic) && is_object($cmdlogic)) { /* Traitement particulier pour les batteries */ if ($cmdId == "Batterie-Volt") { /* Volt en milli V. Max a 3,1V Min a 2,7V, stockage en % batterie */ // Tcharp38: To be removed. Should not be systematic. Device may report percent too */ $eqLogic->setStatus('battery', self::volt2pourcent($value)); $eqLogic->setStatus('batteryDatetime', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } else if (($cmdId == "Battery-Percent") || ($cmdId == "Batterie-Pourcent")) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Battery % reporting: ".$cmdId.", val=".$value); $eqLogic->setStatus('battery', $value); $eqLogic->setStatus('batteryDatetime', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } // Tcharp38: Correct % value directly reported by parser according to zigbee spec (raw value / 2) // if ($cmdId == "0001-01-0021") { // /* en % batterie example Ikea Remote */ // // BatteryPercentageRemaining Attribute Specifies the remaining battery life as a half integer percentage of the full battery capacity (e.g. // // 34.5%, 45%, 68.5%, 90%) with a range between zero and 100%, with 0x00 = 0%, 0x64 = 50%, and 0xC8 = 100%. This is particularly suited for devices with // // rechargeable batteries. The value 0xff indicates an invalid or unknown reading. This attribute SHALL be configurable for attribute reporting. // // C8 is 200, so value/200*100 // $eqLogic->setStatus('battery', $value / 2); // $eqLogic->setStatus('batteryDatetime', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); // } else if (preg_match("/^0001-[0-9A-F]*-0021/", $cmdId)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Battery % reporting: ".$cmdId.", val=".$value); $eqLogic->setStatus('battery', $value); $eqLogic->setStatus('batteryDatetime', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } /* Traitement particulier pour la remontée de nom qui est utilisé pour les ping des routeurs */ // if (($cmdId == "0000-0005") || ($cmdId == "0000-0010")) { // if (preg_match("/^0000-[0-9A-F]*-*0005/", $cmdId) || preg_match("/^0000-[0-9A-F]*-*0010/", $cmdId)) { else if ($cmdId == "Time-TimeStamp") { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Updating 'online' status for '".$dest."/".$addr."'"); $cmdlogicOnline = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), 'online'); $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdlogicOnline, 1); } // Traitement particulier pour rejeter certaines valeurs // exemple: le Xiaomi Wall Switch 2 Bouton envoie un On et un Off dans le même message donc Abeille recoit un ON/OFF consecutif et // ne sais pas vraiment le gérer donc ici on rejete le Off et on met un retour d'etat dans la commande Jeedom if ($cmdlogic->getConfiguration('AbeilleRejectValue', -9999.99) == $value) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Rejet de la valeur: '.$cmdlogic->getConfiguration('AbeilleRejectValue', -9999.99).' - '.$value); return; } $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdlogic, $value); // Polling to trigger based on this info cmd change: e.g. state moved to On, getPower value. $cmds = AbeilleCmd::searchConfigurationEqLogic($eqLogic->getId(), 'PollingOnCmdChange', 'action'); foreach ($cmds as $key => $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('PollingOnCmdChange') == $cmdId) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Cmd action execution: '.$cmd->getName()); // $cmd->execute(); si j'envoie la demande immediatement le device n a pas le temps de refaire ses mesures et repond avec les valeurs d avant levenement // Je vais attendre qq secondes aveant de faire la demande // Abeille::publishMosquitto( queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$dest."/".$address."/ReadAttributeRequest&time=".(time()+2), "EP=".$eqLogic->getConfiguration('mainEP')."&clusterId=0006&attributeId=0000" ); Abeille::publishMosquitto(queueKeyAbeilleToCmd, priorityInterrogation, "TempoCmd".$cmd->getEqLogic()->getLogicalId()."/".$cmd->getLogicalId()."&time=".(time() + $cmd->getConfiguration('PollingOnCmdChangeDelay')), $cmd->getConfiguration('request')); } } /* 'trig' defined in command allows to trig another command on new value receipt. Syntax: 'trig': 'trig-cmd-logicalId' */ $trigLogicId = $cmdlogic->getConfiguration('ab::trig'); if ($trigLogicId) { $newValue = $cmdlogic->execCmd(); // Value might be updated with a "calculValueOffset" rule $trigOffset = $cmdlogic->getConfiguration('ab::trigOffset'); if ($trigOffset) $trigValue = jeedom::evaluateExpression(str_replace('#value#', $newValue, $trigOffset)); else $trigValue = $newValue; $trigCmd = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), $trigLogicId); if ($trigCmd) { $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($trigCmd, $trigValue); } if (preg_match("/^0001-[0-9A-F]*-0021/", $trigLogicId)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Battery % reporting: ".$trigLogicId.", val=".$trigValue); $eqLogic->setStatus('battery', $trigValue); $eqLogic->setStatus('batteryDatetime', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } } return; } if (is_object($eqLogic) && !is_object($cmdlogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " L'objet '".$nodeid."' existe mais pas la cmde '".$cmdId."' => message ignoré"); return; } log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " WARNING: Unexpected state at end of message()."); return; } // End message() /* Trig another command defined by 'trigLogicId'. The 'newValue' is computed with 'trigOffset' if required then applied to 'trigLogicId' */ public static function trigCommand($eqLogic, $newValue, $trigLogicId, $trigOffset = null) { if ($trigOffset) $trigValue = jeedom::evaluateExpression(str_replace('#value#', $newValue, $trigOffset)); else $trigValue = $newValue; $trigCmd = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), $trigLogicId); if ($trigCmd) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Triggering cmd '".$trigLogicId."' with val=".$trigValue); $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($trigCmd, $trigValue); } if (preg_match("/^0001-[0-9A-F]*-0021/", $trigLogicId)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Battery % reporting: ".$trigLogicId.", val=".$trigValue); $eqLogic->setStatus('battery', $trigValue); $eqLogic->setStatus('batteryDatetime', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } } /* Deal with messages coming from parser. Note: this is the new way to handle messages from parser, replacing progressively 'message()' */ public static function msgFromParser($msg) { $net = $msg['net']; if (isset($msg['addr'])) $addr = $msg['addr']; if (isset($msg['ep'])) $ep = $msg['ep']; /* Parser has received a "device announce" and has identified (or not) the device. */ if ($msg['type'] == "eqAnnounce") { /* Msg reminder $msg = array( 'src' => 'parser', 'type' => 'eqAnnounce', 'net' => $net, 'addr' => $addr, 'ieee' => $eq['ieee'], 'ep' => $eq['epFirst'], 'jsonId' => $eq['jsonId'], // JSON identifier 'jsonLocation' => '', // 'Abeille' or 'local' 'capa' => $eq['capa'], 'time' => time() ); */ $logicalId = $net.'/'.$addr; $jsonId = $msg['jsonId']; $jsonLocation = $msg['jsonLocation']; // 'Abeille' or 'local' log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): Eq announce received for ".$net.'/'.$addr.", jsonId='".$jsonId."'".", jsonLoc='".$jsonLocation."'"); $ieee = $msg['ieee']; $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($logicalId, 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { /* Unknown device with net/addr logicalId. Probably due to addr change on 'dev announce'. Looking for EQ based on its IEEE address */ $all = self::byType('Abeille'); foreach ($all as $key => $eqLogic) { $eqLogicId = $eqLogic->getLogicalId(); // Ex: 'Abeille1/xxxx' list($net2, $addr2) = explode( "/", $eqLogicId); if ($net2 != $net) continue; // Not on expected network if ((substr($addr2, 0, 2) == "rc") || ($addr2 == "")) continue; // Virtual remote control $ieee2 = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('IEEE', ''); if ($ieee2 == '') { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): WARNING. No IEEE addr in '".$eqLogicId."' config."); continue; // No registered IEEE } if ($ieee2 != $ieee) continue; // Not the right equipment $eqLogic->setLogicalId($logicalId); // Updating logical ID $eqLogic->save(); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): Eq found with old addr ".$addr2.". Update done."); break; // No need to go thru other equipments } } /* Create or update device from JSON. Note: ep = first End Point */ Abeille::createDevice("create", $net, $addr, $ieee, $jsonId, $jsonLocation); $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($logicalId, 'Abeille'); /* MAC capa */ $mc = hexdec($msg['capa']); $rxOnWhenIdle = ($mc >> 3) & 0b1; $mainsPowered = ($mc >> 2) & 0b1; $eqLogic->setConfiguration('MACCapa', $msg['capa']); if ($mainsPowered) // 1=mains-powererd $eqLogic->setConfiguration('AC_Power', 1); else $eqLogic->setConfiguration('AC_Power', 0); if ($rxOnWhenIdle) // 1=Receiver enabled when idle $eqLogic->setConfiguration('RxOnWhenIdle', 1); else $eqLogic->setConfiguration('RxOnWhenIdle', 0); $eqLogic->save(); Abeille::updateTimestamp($eqLogic, $msg['time']); $cmdlogic = cmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), "Short-Addr"); if (is_object($cmdlogic)) $ret = $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdlogic, $addr); $cmdlogic = cmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), "IEEE-Addr"); if (is_object($cmdlogic)) $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdlogic, $ieee); $cmdlogic = cmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), "Mains-Powered"); if (!is_object($cmdlogic)) $cmdlogic = cmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), "Power-Source"); // Old name support if (is_object($cmdlogic)) $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdlogic, $mainsPowered); return; } // End 'eqAnnounce' /* Parser has received a "leave indication" */ if ($msg['type'] == "leaveIndication") { /* $msg reminder 'src' => 'parser', 'type' => 'leaveIndication', 'net' => $dest, 'ieee' => $IEEE, 'rejoin' => $RejoinStatus, 'time' => time(), 'lqi' => $lqi */ $ieee = $msg['ieee']; log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): Leave indication for IEEE ".$ieee.", rejoin=".$msg['rejoin']); /* Look for corresponding equipment (identified via its IEEE addr) */ $all = self::byType('Abeille'); $eqLogic = null; foreach ($all as $key => $eqLogic2) { $eqLogicId2 = $eqLogic2->getLogicalId(); // Ex: 'Abeille1/xxxx' list($net2, $addr2) = explode( "/", $eqLogicId2); if ($net2 != $net) continue; // Not on expected network if ((substr($addr2, 0, 2) == "rc") || ($addr2 == "")) continue; // Virtual remote control $ieee2 = $eqLogic2->getConfiguration('IEEE', ''); if ($ieee2 == '') { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): WARNING. No IEEE addr in '".$eqLogicId2."' config."); $cmd = $eqLogic2->getCmd('info', 'IEEE-Addr'); if (is_object($cmd)) { $ieee2 = $cmd->execCmd(); if ($ieee2 != $ieee) continue; // Still no registered IEEE // Tcharp38: It should not be possible that IEEE be in cmd but not in configuration. No sense // since IEEE always provided with device announce. $eqLogic2->setConfiguration('IEEE', $ieee2); $eqLogic2->save(); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): Missing IEEE addr corrected"); } } if ($ieee2 != $ieee) continue; // Not the right equipment $eqLogic = $eqLogic2; break; // No need to go thru other equipments } if (isset($eqLogic)) { $eqLogic->setIsEnable(0); /* Display message only if NOT in include mode */ if (self::checkInclusionStatus($net) != 1) message::add("Abeille", "'".$eqLogic->getHumanName()."' a quitté le réseau => désactivé.", ''); $eqLogic->save(); $eqLogic->refresh(); Abeille::updateTimestamp($eqLogic, $msg['time'], $msg['lqi']); } else log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'msgFromParser(): WARNING: Device with IEEE '.$ieee.' NOT found in Jeedom'); return; } // End 'leaveIndication' /* Attribute report (8100 & 8102 responses) */ if ($msg['type'] == "attributeReport") { /* $msg reminder 'src' => 'parser', 'type' => 'attributeReport', 'net' => $net, 'addr' => $addr, 'ep' => 'xx', // End point hex string 'name' => 'xxx', // Attribut name = cmd logical ID 'value' => false, // False = unsupported 'time' => time(), 'lqi' => $lqi */ log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): Attribute report from '".$net."/".$addr."/".$ep."': Attr='".$msg['name']."', Val='".$msg['value']."'"); $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($net.'/'.$addr, 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Unknown device '".$net."/".$addr."'"); return; // Unknown device } $cmdLogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), $msg['name']); if (!is_object($cmdLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Unknown command '".$msg['name']."'"); return; // Unknown command } $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdLogic, $msg['value']); // Trig another command ? $trigLogicId = $cmdLogic->getConfiguration('ab::trig'); if ($trigLogicId) { $trigOffset = $cmdLogic->getConfiguration('ab::trigOffset'); Abeille::trigCommand($eqLogic, $cmdLogic->execCmd(), $trigLogicId, $trigOffset); } Abeille::updateTimestamp($eqLogic, $msg['time'], $msg['lqi']); return; } // End 'attributeReport' /* Grouped attributes read or report (8002 response, cmds 01 or 0A) */ if (($msg['type'] == "reportAttributes") || ($msg['type'] == "readAttributesResponse")) { /* $msg reminder 'src' => 'parser', 'type' => 'reportAttributes', // or 'readAttributesResponse' 'net' => $dest, 'addr' => $srcAddr, 'ep' => $srcEp, 'clustId' => $cluster, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'time' => time(), 'lqi' => $lqi, */ log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): Attributes report from '".$net."/".$addr."/".$ep); $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($net.'/'.$addr, 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Unknown device ".$net.'/'.$addr); return; // Unknown device } $clustId = $msg['clustId']; foreach ($msg['attributes'] as $attrId => $attr) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " ClustId=".$clustId.", AttrId='".$attrId."', Val='".$attr['value']."'"); $cmdName = $clustId.'-'.$ep.'-'.$attrId; $cmdLogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), $cmdName); if (!is_object($cmdLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Unknown command logicalid ".$cmdName); return; // Unknown command } $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdLogic, $attr['value']); // Trig another command ? $trigLogicId = $cmdLogic->getConfiguration('ab::trig'); if ($trigLogicId) { $trigOffset = $cmdLogic->getConfiguration('ab::trigOffset'); Abeille::trigCommand($eqLogic, $cmdLogic->execCmd(), $trigLogicId, $trigOffset); } } Abeille::updateTimestamp($eqLogic, $msg['time'], $msg['lqi']); return; } // End 'reportAttributes' or 'readAttributesResponse' /* Zigate version (8010 response) */ if ($msg['type'] == "zigateVersion") { /* Reminder $msg = array( 'src' => 'parser', 'type' => 'zigateVersion', 'net' => $dest, 'major' => $major, 'minor' => $minor, 'time' => time() ); */ log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): ".$net.", Zigate version ".$msg['major']."-".$msg['minor']); $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($net."/0000", 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " ERROR: No zigate for network ".$net); return; } $cmdLogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), 'SW-Application'); if ($cmdLogic) $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdLogic, $msg['major']); $cmdLogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), 'SW-SDK'); if ($cmdLogic) $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdLogic, $msg['minor']); Abeille::updateTimestamp($eqLogic, $msg['time']); return; } /* Zigate time (8017 response) */ if ($msg['type'] == "zigateTime") { /* $msg reminder 'src' => 'parser', 'type' => 'zigateTime', 'net' => $dest, 'timeServer' => $data, 'time' => time() */ log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): ".$net.", Zigate timeServer ".$msg['time']); $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($net."/0000", 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " ERROR: No zigate for network ".$net); return; } $cmdLogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqLogic->getId(), 'ZiGate-Time'); if ($cmdLogic) $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdLogic, $msg['timeServer']); Abeille::updateTimestamp($eqLogic, $msg['time']); return; } /* Network state (8009 response) */ if ($msg['type'] == "networkState") { /* Reminder $msg = array( 'src' => 'parser', 'type' => 'networkState', 'net' => $dest, 'addr' => $ShortAddress, 'ieee' => $ExtendedAddress, 'panId' => $PAN_ID, 'extPanId' => $Ext_PAN_ID, 'chan' => $Channel, 'time' => time() ); */ log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): ".$net.", network state, ieee=".$msg['ieee'].", chan=".$msg['chan']); $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($net."/0000", 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " ERROR: No zigate for network ".$net); return; } $ieee = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('IEEE', 'none'); if ($ieee != $msg['ieee']) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " ERROR: IEEE mistmatch, got ".$msg['ieee']." while expecting ".$ieee); return; } $eqId = $eqLogic->getId(); $cmdLogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqId, 'PAN-ID'); if ($cmdLogic) $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdLogic, $msg['panId']); $cmdLogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqId, 'Ext_PAN-ID'); if ($cmdLogic) $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdLogic, $msg['extPanId']); $cmdLogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqId, 'Network-Channel'); if ($cmdLogic) $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdLogic, $msg['chan']); Abeille::updateTimestamp($eqLogic, $msg['time']); return; } /* Network started (8024 response) */ if ($msg['type'] == "networkStarted") { /* Reminder $msg = array( 'src' => 'parser', 'type' => 'networkStarted', 'net' => $dest, 'status' => $status, 'statusTxt' => $data, 'addr' => $dataShort, // Should be always 0000 'ieee' => $dataIEEE, // Zigate IEEE 'chan' => $dataNetwork, 'time' => time() ); */ log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): ".$net.", network started, ieee=".$msg['ieee'].", chan=".$msg['chan']); $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($net."/0000", 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " ERROR: No zigate for network ".$net); return; } $ieee = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('IEEE', ''); if (($ieee != '') && ($ieee != $msg['ieee'])) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " ERROR: IEEE mistmatch, got ".$msg['ieee']." while expecting ".$ieee); return; } $eqId = $eqLogic->getId(); $cmdLogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqId, 'Network-Status'); if ($cmdLogic) $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdLogic, $msg['statusTxt']); $cmdLogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqId, 'Network-Channel'); if ($cmdLogic) $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdLogic, $msg['chan']); Abeille::updateTimestamp($eqLogic, $msg['time']); return; } /* Permit join status (8014 response) */ if ($msg['type'] == "permitJoin") { /* Reminder 'src' => 'parser', 'type' => 'permitJoin', 'net' => $dest, 'status' => $Status, 'time' => time() ); */ log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): ".$net.", permit join, status=".$msg['status']); $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($net."/0000", 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " ERROR: No zigate for network ".$net); return; } $eqId = $eqLogic->getId(); $cmdLogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqId, 'permitJoin-Status'); if ($cmdLogic) $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdLogic, $msg['status']); Abeille::updateTimestamp($eqLogic, $msg['time']); return; } log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): WARNING: Unsupported msg"); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "msgFromParser(): ".json_encode($msg)); } // End msgFromParser() public static function publishMosquitto($queueId, $priority, $topic, $payload) { static $queueStatus = []; // "ok" or "error" $queue = msg_get_queue($queueId); if ($queue == false) { // log::add('Abeille', 'error', "publishMosquitto(): La queue ".$queueId." n'existe pas. Message ignoré."); return; } if (($stat = msg_stat_queue($queue)) == false) { return; // Something wrong } /* To avoid plenty errors, checking if someone really reads the queue. If not, do nothing but a message to user first time. Note: Assuming potential pb if more than 50 pending messages. */ $pendMsg = $stat['msg_qnum']; // Pending messages if ($pendMsg > 50) { if (file_exists("/proc/") && !file_exists("/proc/".$stat['msg_lrpid'])) { /* Receiver process seems down */ if (isset($queueStatus[$queueId]) && ($queueStatus[$queueId] == "error")) return; // Queue already marked "in error" message::add("Abeille", "Alerte ! Démon arrété ou planté. (Re)démarrage nécessaire.", ''); $queueStatus[$queueId] = "error"; return; } } // $parameters_info = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); $msgAbeille = new MsgAbeille; $msgAbeille->message['topic'] = $topic; $msgAbeille->message['payload'] = $payload; if (msg_send($queue, $priority, $msgAbeille, true, false, $error_code)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', "publishMosquitto(): Envoyé '".json_encode($msgAbeille->message)."' vers queue ".$queueId); $queueStatus[$queueId] = "ok"; // Status ok } else log::add('Abeille', 'warning', "publishMosquitto(): Impossible d'envoyer '".json_encode($msgAbeille->message)."' vers queue ".$queueId); } // End publishMosquitto() public static function createRuche($message = null) { $dest = $message->payload; $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($dest."/0000", 'Abeille'); if (is_object($eqLogic)) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'message: createRuche: objet: '.$eqLogic->getLogicalId().' existe deja'); return; } // Creation de la ruche log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'objet ruche : creation par model de '.$dest."/0000"); /* $cmdId = end($topicArray); $key = count($topicArray) - 1; unset($topicArray[$key]); $addr = end($topicArray); // nodeid est le topic sans le dernier champ $nodeid = implode($topicArray, '/'); */ message::add("Abeille", "Création de l'équipement 'Ruche' en cours. Rafraichissez votre dashboard dans qq secondes.", ''); $parameters_info = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); $eqLogic = new Abeille(); //id $eqLogic->setName("Ruche-".$dest); $eqLogic->setLogicalId($dest."/0000"); if ($parameters_info['AbeilleParentId'] > 0) { $eqLogic->setObject_id($parameters_info['AbeilleParentId']); } else { $eqLogic->setObject_id(jeeObject::rootObject()->getId()); } $eqLogic->setEqType_name('Abeille'); $eqLogic->setConfiguration('topic', $dest."/0000"); $eqLogic->setConfiguration('type', 'topic'); $eqLogic->setConfiguration('lastCommunicationTimeOut', '-1'); $eqLogic->setIsVisible("1"); $eqLogic->setConfiguration('icone', "Ruche"); // eqReal_id $eqLogic->setIsEnable("1"); // status $eqLogic->setTimeout(5); // timeout en minutes // $eqLogic->setCategory(); // display // order // comment //log::add('Abeille', 'info', 'Saving device '.$nodeid); //$eqLogic->save(); $eqLogic->setStatus('lastCommunication', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $eqLogic->save(); $rucheCommandList = AbeilleTools::getJSonConfigFiles('rucheCommand.json', 'Abeille'); // Only needed for debug and dev so by default it's not done. if (0) { $i = 100; //Load all commandes from defined objects (except ruche), and create them hidden in Ruche to allow debug and research. $items = AbeilleTools::getDeviceNameFromJson('Abeille'); foreach ($items as $item) { $AbeilleObjetDefinition = AbeilleTools::getJSonConfigFilebyDevices(AbeilleTools::getTrimmedValueForJsonFiles($item), 'Abeille'); // Creation des commandes au niveau de la ruche pour tester la creations des objets (Boutons par defaut pas visibles). foreach ($AbeilleObjetDefinition as $objetId => $objetType) { $rucheCommandList[$objetId] = array( "name" => $objetId, "order" => $i++, "isVisible" => "0", "isHistorized" => "0", "Type" => "action", "subType" => "other", "configuration" => array("topic" => "CmdCreate/".$objetId."/0000-0005", "request" => $objetId, "visibilityCategory" => "additionalCommand", "visibiltyTemplate" => "0"), ); } } // print_r($rucheCommandList); } //Create ruche object and commands foreach ($rucheCommandList as $cmd => $cmdValueDefaut) { $nomObjet = "Ruche"; log::add( 'Abeille', 'info', // 'Creation de la command: '.$nodeid.'/'.$cmd.' suivant model de l objet: '.$nomObjet 'Creation de la command: '.$cmd.' suivant model de l objet: '.$nomObjet ); $cmdlogic = new AbeilleCmd(); // id $cmdlogic->setEqLogic_id($eqLogic->getId()); $cmdlogic->setEqType('Abeille'); $cmdlogic->setLogicalId($cmd); $cmdlogic->setOrder($cmdValueDefaut["order"]); $cmdlogic->setName($cmdValueDefaut["name"]); if ($cmdValueDefaut["Type"] == "action") { // $cmdlogic->setConfiguration('topic', 'Cmd'.$nodeid.'/'.$cmd); $cmdlogic->setConfiguration('topic', $cmd); // Tcharp38: work in progress. Adding support for linked commands // Note: Error if info cmd is not registered BEFORE action cmd. // if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["value"])) { // // value: pour les commandes action, contient la commande info qui est la valeur actuel de la variable controlée. // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'Define cmd info pour cmd action: '.$eqLogic->getHumanName()." - ".$cmdValueDefaut["value"]); // $cmdPointeur_Value = cmd::byTypeEqLogicNameCmdName("Abeille", $eqLogic->getName(), $cmdValueDefaut["value"]); // $cmdlogic->setValue($cmdPointeur_Value->getId()); // } } else { // $cmdlogic->setConfiguration('topic', $nodeid.'/'.$cmd); $cmdlogic->setConfiguration('topic', $cmd); } // if ($cmdValueDefaut["Type"] == "action") { // not needed as mosquitto is not used anymore // $cmdlogic->setConfiguration('retain', '0'); // } if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["configuration"])) { foreach ($cmdValueDefaut["configuration"] as $confKey => $confValue) { $cmdlogic->setConfiguration($confKey, $confValue); } } // template if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["template"])) $cmdlogic->setTemplate('dashboard', $cmdValueDefaut["template"]); if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["template"])) $cmdlogic->setTemplate('mobile', $cmdValueDefaut["template"]); if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["isHistorized"])) $cmdlogic->setIsHistorized($cmdValueDefaut["isHistorized"]); $cmdlogic->setType($cmdValueDefaut["Type"]); $cmdlogic->setSubType($cmdValueDefaut["subType"]); // unite if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["invertBinary"])) $cmdlogic->setDisplay('invertBinary', '0'); // La boucle est pour info et pour action if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["display"])) { foreach ($cmdValueDefaut["display"] as $confKey => $confValue) { // Pour certaine Action on doit remplacer le #addr# par la vrai valeur $cmdlogic->setDisplay($confKey, $confValue); } } if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["isVisible"])) $cmdlogic->setIsVisible($cmdValueDefaut["isVisible"]); // value // html // alert $cmdlogic->save(); // $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdId, $cmdValueDefaut["value"]); } } // End createRuche() /* Create or update Jeedom device based on its JSON config. Called in the following cases - On 'eqAnnounce' message from parser (device announce) => action = 'create' - To create a virtual 'remotecontrol' => action = 'create' - To reload JSON & update commands (EQ page/advanced/reload JSON) => action = 'update' - To reset from JSON (identical to new inclusion) => action = 'reset' */ public static function createDevice($action, $net, $addr, $ieee = '', $jsonId = '', $jsonLocation = '') { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', 'createDevice('.$action.', net='.$net.', addr='.$addr.')'); $logicalId = $net.'/'.$addr; if ($jsonId != '' && $jsonLocation != '') { $deviceConfig = AbeilleTools::getDeviceConfig($jsonId, $jsonLocation); $eqType = $deviceConfig['type']; } $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($logicalId, 'Abeille'); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { $newEq = true; if (($action == 'update') || ($action == 'reset')) { // Update or reset from JSON log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' ERROR: Action='.$action.' but device '.$logicalId.' does not exist'); return; } // $action == 'create' log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' New device '.$logicalId); if ($jsonId != "defaultUnknown") message::add("Abeille", "Nouvel équipement identifié (".$eqType."). Création en cours. Rafraîchissez votre dashboard dans qq secondes.", ''); else message::add("Abeille", "Nouvel équipement détecté mais non supporté. Création en cours avec la config par défaut (".$jsonId."). Rafraîchissez votre dashboard dans qq secondes.", ''); $eqLogic = new Abeille(); $eqLogic->setEqType_name('Abeille'); $eqLogic->setName("newDevice-".$addr); // Temp name to have it non empty $eqLogic->save(); // Save to force Jeedom to assign an ID $eqName = $net."-".$eqLogic->getId(); // Default name (ex: 'Abeille1-12') $eqLogic->setName($eqName); $eqLogic->setLogicalId($logicalId); $abeilleConfig = AbeilleTools::getParameters(); $eqLogic->setObject_id($abeilleConfig['AbeilleParentId']); } else { $newEq = false; $eqName = $eqLogic->getName(); $eqHName = $eqLogic->getHumanName(); // Jeedom hierarchical name log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' Already existing device '.$logicalId.' => '.$eqHName); if (($action == 'update') || ($action == 'reset')) { // Update or reset from JSON $jsonId = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('modeleJson'); $jsonLocation = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('ab::jsonLocation', 'Abeille'); $ieee = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('IEEE'); if ($action == "update") message::add("Abeille", "Mise-à-jour de '".$eqHName."' à partir de son fichier JSON"); else message::add("Abeille", "Réinitialisation de '".$eqHName."' à partir de son fichier JSON"); $deviceConfig = AbeilleTools::getDeviceConfig($jsonId, $jsonLocation); } else { // action == create $eqCurJsonId = $eqLogic->getConfiguration('modeleJson'); // Current JSON ID if (($eqCurJsonId == 'defaultUnknown') && ($jsonId != 'defaultUnknown')) message::add("Abeille", "'".$eqHName."' s'est réannoncé. Mise-à-jour de la config par défaut vers '".$eqType."'", ''); else { /* Tcharp38: Following https://github.com/KiwiHC16/Abeille/issues/2132#, device re-announce is just ignored here to not generate plenty messages, unless device was disabled. Other reasons to generate message ? */ if ($eqLogic->getIsEnable() == 1) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' Device is already enabled. Doing nothing.'); return; // Doing nothing on re-announce } message::add("Abeille", "'".$eqHName."' s'est réannoncé. Mise-à-jour en cours.", ''); } } } if ($jsonLocation != "Abeille") { $fullPath = __DIR__."/../config/devices/".$jsonId."/".$jsonId.".json"; if (file_exists($fullPath)) message::add("Abeille", "ATTENTION: Config locale (devices_local) utilisée alors qu'une config officielle existe.", ''); } /* Whatever creation or update, common steps follows */ $objetConfiguration = $deviceConfig["configuration"]; log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' config='.json_encode($objetConfiguration)); /* mainEP: Used to define default end point to target, when undefined in command itself (use of '#EP#'). */ if (isset($objetConfiguration['mainEP'])) { $mainEP = $objetConfiguration['mainEP']; } else { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' WARNING: Undefined mainEP => defaulting to 01'); $mainEP = "01"; } $eqLogic->setConfiguration('mainEP', $mainEP); $eqLogic->setConfiguration('modeleJson', $jsonId); if ($jsonLocation != "Abeille") $eqLogic->setConfiguration('ab::jsonLocation', 'local'); else $eqLogic->setConfiguration('ab::jsonLocation', null); $eqLogic->setConfiguration('type', 'topic'); // ??, type = topic car pas json. Tcharp38: what for ? if (($action == 'reset') || $newEq) { // Update icon only if new device if (isset($objetConfiguration["icon"])) $icon = $objetConfiguration["icon"]; else $icon = ''; $eqLogic->setConfiguration('icone', $icon); } $lastCommTimeout = (array_key_exists("lastCommunicationTimeOut", $objetConfiguration) ? $objetConfiguration["lastCommunicationTimeOut"] : '-1'); $eqLogic->setConfiguration('lastCommunicationTimeOut', $lastCommTimeout); $eqLogic->setConfiguration('IEEE', $ieee); if (isset($objetConfiguration['batteryType'])) $eqLogic->setConfiguration('battery_type', $objetConfiguration['batteryType']); else $eqLogic->setConfiguration('battery_type', null); if (isset($objetConfiguration['paramType'])) $eqLogic->setConfiguration('paramType', $objetConfiguration['paramType']); if (isset($objetConfiguration['Groupe'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? Telecommande Innr - KiwiHC16: on doit pouvoir simplifier ce code. Mais comme c etait la premiere version j ai fait detaillé. $eqLogic->setConfiguration('Groupe', $objetConfiguration['Groupe']); } if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP1'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP1', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP1']); } if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP3'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP3', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP3']); } if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP4'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP4', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP4']); } if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP5'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP5', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP5']); } if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP6'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP6', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP6']); } if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP7'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP7', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP7']); } if (isset($objetConfiguration['GroupeEP8'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? $eqLogic->setConfiguration('GroupeEP8', $objetConfiguration['GroupeEP8']); } if (isset($objetConfiguration['onTime'])) { // Tcharp38: What for ? $eqLogic->setConfiguration('onTime', $objetConfiguration['onTime']); } if (isset($objetConfiguration['Zigate'])) { $eqLogic->setConfiguration('Zigate', $objetConfiguration['Zigate']); } if (isset($objetConfiguration['protocol'])) { $eqLogic->setConfiguration('protocol', $objetConfiguration['protocol']); } if (isset($objetConfiguration['poll'])) { $eqLogic->setConfiguration('poll', $objetConfiguration['poll']); } if (($action == 'reset') || $newEq) { // Update visibility only if new device if (isset($deviceConfig["isVisible"])) $eqLogic->setIsVisible($deviceConfig["isVisible"]); else $eqLogic->setIsVisible(1); } $eqLogic->setIsEnable(1); if (isset($deviceConfig["timeout"])) $eqLogic->setTimeout($deviceConfig["timeout"]); if (($action == 'reset') || ($newEq && isset($deviceConfig["category"]))) { // Update category only if new device $categories = $deviceConfig["category"]; // $eqLogic->setCategory(array_keys($deviceConfig["Categorie"])[0], $deviceConfig["Categorie"][array_keys($objetDefSpecific["Categorie"])[0]]); $allCat = ["heating","security","energy","light","opening","automatism","multimedia","default"]; foreach ($allCat as $cat) { // Clear all $eqLogic->setCategory($cat, "0"); } foreach ($categories as $key => $value) { $eqLogic->setCategory($key, $value); } } // $eqLogic->setStatus('lastCommunication', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); // Tcharp38: Done by updateTimestamp() $eqLogic->save(); /* During commands creation #EP# must be replaced by proper endpoint. If not already done, using default (mainEP) value */ if (isset($deviceConfig['commands'])) { $jsonCmds = $deviceConfig['commands']; $jsonCmds2 = json_encode($jsonCmds); if (strstr($jsonCmds2, '#EP#') !== false) { if ($mainEP == "") { message::add("Abeille", "'mainEP' est requis mais n'est pas défini dans '".$jsonId.".json'", ''); $mainEP = "01"; } log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' mainEP='.$mainEP); $jsonCmds2 = str_ireplace('#EP#', $mainEP, $jsonCmds2); $jsonCmds = json_decode($jsonCmds2, true); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' Updated commands='.json_encode($jsonCmds)); } } /* Removing obsolete commands, not listed in JSON. Might be needed for ex if device was previously 'defaultUnknown'. */ $cmds = Cmd::byEqLogicId($eqLogic->getId()); foreach ($cmds as $cmdLogic) { $found = false; $cmdName = $cmdLogic->getName(); foreach ($jsonCmds as $cmdKey => $cmdValueDefaut) { $cmdJName = $cmdKey; // Jeedom command name if ($cmdName == $cmdJName) { $found = true; break; // Listed in JSON } } if ($found == false) { log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Removing cmd '".$cmdName."'"); $cmdLogic->remove(); // No longer required } } /* Creating or updating commands. */ $order = 0; foreach ($jsonCmds as $cmdKey => $cmdValueDefaut) { $cmdJName = $cmdKey; // Jeedom command name if ($cmdValueDefaut["type"] == "info") $type = "info"; else if ($cmdValueDefaut["type"] == "action") $type = "action"; else { log::add('Abeille', 'error', "La commande '".$cmdJName."' (fichier ".$cmdKey.".json) n'a pas de type défini => ignorée"); break; } // $cmdJName = $cmdValueDefaut["name"]; // Jeedom command name if ($type == "info") $cmdAName = $cmdValueDefaut["logicalId"]; // Abeille command name else $cmdAName = $cmdValueDefaut["configuration"]['topic']; // Abeille command name if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["configuration"]['request'])) $cmdAParams = $cmdValueDefaut["configuration"]['request']; // Abeille command params else $cmdAParams = ''; /* New or existing cmd ? */ $cmdlogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdCmdName($eqLogic->getId(), $cmdJName); if (!is_object($cmdlogic)) { $newCmd = true; log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Adding cmd '".$cmdJName."' => '".$cmdAName."', '".$cmdAParams."'"); $cmdlogic = new AbeilleCmd(); } else { $newCmd = false; log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " Updating cmd '".$cmdJName."' => '".$cmdAName."', '".$cmdAParams."'"); } $cmdlogic->setEqLogic_id($eqLogic->getId()); $cmdlogic->setEqType('Abeille'); // Tcharp38: Cmds now created in order of declarations in device JSON. // Does not make sense to be defined in cmd itself since can be reused by different device. // if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["order"])) // $cmdlogic->setOrder($cmdValueDefaut["order"]); $cmdlogic->setOrder($order++); $cmdlogic->setName($cmdJName); if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["logicalId"])) // Mandatory for info cmds $cmdlogic->setLogicalId($cmdValueDefaut["logicalId"]); else $cmdlogic->setLogicalId($cmdKey); if ($type == "info") { // info cmd } else { // action cmd if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["value"])) { // value: pour les commandes action, contient la commande info qui est la valeur actuel de la variable controlée. log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' Define cmd info pour cmd action: '.$eqLogic->getHumanName()." - ".$cmdValueDefaut["value"]); $cmdPointeur_Value = cmd::byTypeEqLogicNameCmdName("Abeille", $eqLogic->getName(), $cmdValueDefaut["value"]); if ($cmdPointeur_Value) $cmdlogic->setValue($cmdPointeur_Value->getId()); } } /* Updating 'configuration' fields of eqLogic from JSON. In case of update, some fields may no longer be required ($unusedConfKey). They are removed if not updated from JSON. */ $unusedConfKey = ['visibilityCategory', 'minValue', 'maxValue', 'historizeRound', 'calculValueOffset', 'execAtCreation', 'execAtCreationDelay', 'uniqId', 'repeatEventManagement', 'topic']; array_push($unusedConfKey, 'ab::trig', 'ab::trigOffset'); if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["configuration"])) { $configuration = $cmdValueDefaut["configuration"]; if (isset($configuration["trig"])) $cmdlogic->setConfiguration('ab::trig', $configuration["trig"]); else $cmdlogic->setConfiguration('ab::trig', null); // Removing config entry if (isset($configuration["trigOffset"])) $cmdlogic->setConfiguration('ab::trigOffset', $configuration["trigOffset"]); else $cmdlogic->setConfiguration('ab::trigOffset', null); // Removing config entry foreach ($configuration as $confKey => $confValue) { // Trick for conversion 'key' => 'ab::key' for Abeille specifics // Note: this is currently not applied to all Abeille specific fields. if ($confKey == 'trig') $confKey = "ab::trig"; else if ($confKey == 'trigOffset') $confKey = "ab::trigOffset"; $cmdlogic->setConfiguration($confKey, $confValue); foreach ($unusedConfKey as $uk => $uv) { if ($uv != $confKey) continue; unset($unusedConfKey[$uk]); } } } /* Removing any obsolete 'configuration' field */ foreach ($unusedConfKey as $confKey) { // Tcharp38: Is it the proper way to know if entry exists ? if ($cmdlogic->getConfiguration($confKey) == null) continue; // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' Removing obsolete configuration entry: '.$confKey); $cmdlogic->setConfiguration($confKey, null); // Removing config entry } // On conserve l info du template pour la visibility // Tcharp38: What for ? Not found where it is used if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["isVisible"])) $cmdlogic->setConfiguration("visibiltyTemplate", $cmdValueDefaut["isVisible"]); /* Command widget: can be defaulted with 'template' Updating only if new command to not overwrite user changes (see issue #2075) */ if (($action == 'reset') || $newCmd) { // Don't touch anything if defined empty in JSON if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["template"]) && ($cmdValueDefaut["template"] != "")) { $cmdlogic->setTemplate('dashboard', $cmdValueDefaut["template"]); $cmdlogic->setTemplate('mobile', $cmdValueDefaut["template"]); } } $cmdlogic->setType($cmdValueDefaut["type"]); $cmdlogic->setSubType($cmdValueDefaut["subType"]); if (array_key_exists("generic_type", $cmdValueDefaut)) $cmdlogic->setGeneric_type($cmdValueDefaut["generic_type"]); if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["unite"])) $cmdlogic->setUnite($cmdValueDefaut["unite"]); if (($action == 'reset') || $newCmd) { // Update only if new command if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["isHistorized"])) $cmdlogic->setIsHistorized($cmdValueDefaut["isHistorized"]); else $cmdlogic->setIsHistorized(0); } // Display stuff is updated only if new eq or new cmd to not overwrite user changes if (($action == 'reset') || $newCmd) { // Update only if new command if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["isVisible"])) $cmdlogic->setIsVisible($cmdValueDefaut["isVisible"]); else $cmdlogic->setIsVisible(0); } // Display stuff is updated only if new eq or new cmd to not overwrite user changes if (($action == 'reset') || $newCmd) { // TODO: Update all JSON to move "invertBinary" into "display" section if (isset($cmdValueDefaut["invertBinary"])) { $cmdlogic->setDisplay('invertBinary', $cmdValueDefaut["invertBinary"]); } if (array_key_exists("display", $cmdValueDefaut)) foreach ($cmdValueDefaut["display"] as $confKey => $confValue) { $cmdlogic->setDisplay($confKey, $confValue); } // TODO: Missing a way to remove obsolete entries } $cmdlogic->save(); } } // End createDevice() /* Update all infos related to last communication time & LQI of given device. This is based on timestamp of last communication received from device itself. */ public static function updateTimestamp($eqLogic, $timestamp, $lqi = null) { $eqLogicId = $eqLogic->getLogicalId(); $eqId = $eqLogic->getId(); log::add('Abeille', 'debug', " updateTimestamp(): Updating last comm. time for '".$eqLogicId."'"); // Updating directly eqLogic/setStatus/'lastCommunication' & 'timeout' with real timestamp $eqLogic->setStatus(array('lastCommunication' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp), 'timeout' => 0)); /* Tcharp38 note: The cases hereafter could be removed. Using 'lastCommunication' allows to no longer use these 3 specific & redondant commands. To be discussed. */ $cmdlogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqId, "Time-TimeStamp"); if (!is_object($cmdlogic)) log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' updateTimestamp(): WARNING: '.$eqLogicId.", missing cmd 'Time-TimeStamp'"); else $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdlogic, $timestamp); $cmdlogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqId, "Time-Time"); if (!is_object($cmdlogic)) log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' updateTimestamp(): WARNING: '.$eqLogicId.", missing cmd 'Time-Time'"); else $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdlogic, date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp)); $cmdlogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqId, 'online'); if (is_object($cmdlogic)) // log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' updateTimestamp(): WARNING: '.$eqLogicId.", missing cmd 'online'"); // else $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdlogic, 1); if ($lqi != null) { $cmdlogic = AbeilleCmd::byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId($eqId, 'Link-Quality'); if (!is_object($cmdlogic)) log::add('Abeille', 'debug', ' updateTimestamp(): WARNING: '.$eqLogicId.", missing cmd 'Link-Quality'"); else $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($cmdlogic, $lqi); } } }