/*jshint esversion: 6,node: true,-W041: false */ const express = require('express'); const fs = require('fs'); const Alexa = require('./lib/alexa-remote.js'); let alexa; //var XMLHttpRequest = require("xmlhttprequest").XMLHttpRequest ; const request = require('request'); const amazonserver = process.argv[3]; const alexaserver = process.argv[4]; const IPJeedom = process.argv[2]; const ClePlugin = process.argv[5]; const logLevel = process.argv[6]; //if (process.argv[7] == 1) useWsMqtt=true; else useWsMqtt=false; abandonné var useWsMqtt=true; //const debug=1; //mettre 1 pour debug // Références : // https://openclassrooms.com/fr/courses/1173401-les-closures-en-javascript /* Configuration */ const config = { cookieLocation: __dirname + '/data/alexa-cookie.json', cookieRefreshInterval: 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, logger: consoleSigalou, alexaServiceHost: alexaserver, useWsMqtt: useWsMqtt, listeningPort: 3456 }; var dernierStartServeur=0; // Par sécurité pour détecter un éventuel souci : if (!amazonserver) config.logger('Alexa-Config: *********************amazonserver NON DEFINI*********************'); if (!alexaserver) config.logger('Alexa-Config: *********************alexaserver NON DEFINI*********************'); // Speed up calls to hasOwnProperty - Pour le test function isEmpty(obj) var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function isEmpty(obj) { // null and undefined are "empty" if (obj == null) return true; // Assume if it has a length property with a non-zero value // that that property is correct. if (obj.length > 0) return false; if (obj.length === 0) return true; // If it isn't an object at this point // it is empty, but it can't be anything *but* empty // Is it empty? Depends on your application. if (typeof obj !== "object") return true; // Otherwise, does it have any properties of its own? // Note that this doesn't handle // toString and valueOf enumeration bugs in IE < 9 for (var key in obj) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) return false; } return true; } // arguments[0] c'est le texte // arguments[1] c'est le niveau de log ou un array //niveaudeLog=5 c'est tout //niveaudeLog=2 c'est reduit function consoleSigalou(text, level='') { var today = new Date(); // 100=DEBUG // 200=INFO // 300=WARNING // 400=ERROR //1000=AUCUN try { var niveauLevel; switch (level) { case "ERROR": niveauLevel=400; break; case "WARNING": niveauLevel=300; break; case "INFO": niveauLevel=200; break; case "DEBUG": niveauLevel=100; break; default: niveauLevel=400; //pour trouver ce qui n'a pas été affecté à un niveau break; } if (logLevel<=niveauLevel) console.log("[" + today.toLocaleString() + "]["+ level+"] : " + arguments[0].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2))); } catch (e) { console.log(arguments[0]); } } /* Routing */ const app = express(); let server = null; /* Objet contenant les commandes pour appeler via chaine */ var CommandAlexa = {}; /* Apply callback on every cluster's membre (for multiroom device) */ function forEachDevices(nameOrSerial, callback) { var device = alexa.find(nameOrSerial); if (device === undefined) return; if (device.clusterMembers.length == 0) callback(device.serialNumber); for (var i in device.clusterMembers) { if (device.clusterMembers.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // We are sure that obj[key] belongs to the object and was not inherited. callback(device.clusterMembers[i]); } } } function LancementCommande(commande, req) { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commande, "INFO"); } CommandAlexa.query = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); //config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /query'); config.logger('VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'); config.logger('VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV--- R E Q U E T E U R ---VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'); config.logger('VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'); config.logger('Send Request with '+decodeURIComponent(req.query.query)); config.logger('and data='+decodeURIComponent(req.query.data)); config.logger('^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'); alexa.httpsGetCall(decodeURIComponent(req.query.query), function(err) { if (err) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Requeteur', err)); res.status(200).json({}); }, decodeURIComponent(req.query.data)); }; /***** checkAuth ***** URL: /checkAuth Return the status of the Auth [{ auth - binary - authentified or not }] */ CommandAlexa.checkAuth = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); alexa.checkAuthentication(function(auth) { res.status(200).json({ authenticated: auth }); }); }; /**** Alexa.Speak ***** URL: /speak?device=?&text=? device - String - name of the device text - String - Text to speech */ CommandAlexa.Speak = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /Speak avec paramètres -> device:' + req.query.device+'/text:' + req.query.text +'/ssml:' + req.query.ssml +'/jingle:' + req.query.jingle +'/volume:'+ req.query.volume +'/lastvolume:' + req.query.lastvolume, 'INFO'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Speak', 'Missing parameter "device"')); if ('text' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Speak', 'Missing parameter "text"')); var SpeakouAnnouncement = 'speak'; if (('jingle' in req.query === true) && (req.query.jingle == true)) SpeakouAnnouncement = 'announcement'; if (('ssml' in req.query === true) && (req.query.ssml == true)) { SpeakouAnnouncement = 'ssml'; //Si c'est un test, ajouter la balise Speak if (req.query.text.indexOf ("Ceci est un test de message pour la commande")==0) req.query.text=""+req.query.text+""; // Prévenir si le text envoyé ne contient pas la balise speak if (req.query.text.indexOf ("")!=0) req.query.text="La syntaxe au format SSML n'est pas correct"; } let Commands = []; var test = ('volume' in req.query === true) && (req.query.volume != ""); if (test) Commands.push({command: 'volume', value: req.query.volume}); var TXTchaine = req.query.text; var TABdecoupeMot; var TABdecoupe; var NBmots; const LimiteAlexa = 250; var Phrase2 = ''; var Phrase = ''; if (TXTchaine.length <= LimiteAlexa) { Commands.push({command: SpeakouAnnouncement, value: req.query.text}); } else { TABdecoupe = req.query.text.split(/[;,.—]+/); // on met chaque phrase separer d'une ponctuation dans des elements d'un tableau for(var i = 0; i < TABdecoupe.length ; i++) { //on parcourt chaque morceau if (TABdecoupe[i].length > LimiteAlexa) { //si l'element est trop grand au decoupe au niveau des mots Phrase2 =''; TABdecoupeMot = TABdecoupe[i].split(" "); // on met chaque mot du moceau un tableau NBmots = TABdecoupeMot.length; //on determine le nombre de mots dans la phrase for(var xx = 0; xx < NBmots; xx ++){ //autant de boucle que de mot par morceau if ( (Phrase.length + TABdecoupeMot[xx].length) < LimiteAlexa ){ Phrase = Phrase + " " + TABdecoupeMot[xx]; //on construit le premier morceau mot par mot }else{ if (Phrase != '') Commands.push({command: SpeakouAnnouncement, value: Phrase}); Phrase = TABdecoupeMot[xx]; } } if ((Phrase != '') && (i == TABdecoupe.length -1 )) Commands.push({command: SpeakouAnnouncement, value: Phrase}); }else{ //si c'est pas trop grand alors on regarde le morceau if ( Phrase != '' && ((Phrase.length + TABdecoupe[i].length ) < LimiteAlexa) ){ //traiement s'il reste un mocreau decoupé mot a mot Phrase2 = Phrase + "," + TABdecoupe[i] ; } if ( (Phrase2.length + TABdecoupe[i].length) < LimiteAlexa ){ //si le precedent morceau + le nouveau ca ne depaase pas la limite if (i < TABdecoupe.length /*-1*/ ){ if ((i < TABdecoupe.length -1) && (TABdecoupe[i+1].length < LimiteAlexa)){ Phrase2 = Phrase2 + TABdecoupe[i] + ","; //on construit les bloc separé par des virgules }else{ Phrase2 = Phrase2 + TABdecoupe[i] + "."; if ((Phrase2 != '') && (i < TABdecoupe.length -1 )) Commands.push({command: SpeakouAnnouncement, value: Phrase2}); } }else{ Phrase2 = Phrase2 + TABdecoupe[i]; //on construit les bloc separé par des point if ((Phrase2 != '') && (i == TABdecoupe.length -1 )) Commands.push({command: SpeakouAnnouncement, value: Phrase2}); } }else{ //sinon si c'est trop grand je prononce la phrase d'avant et je garde le morceau actuel pour le prochain passage if ((Phrase2 != '') && (Phrase == '') && ( i < TABdecoupe.length )) Commands.push({command: SpeakouAnnouncement, value: Phrase2}); //ne plus toucher - if (Phrase == '') { Phrase2 = TABdecoupe[i] + ","; } } } if ((Phrase2 != '') && (i == (TABdecoupe.length - 1 ) )) Commands.push({command: SpeakouAnnouncement, value: Phrase2});//dernier morceau } } if (('lastvolume' in req.query === true) && test) Commands.push({command: 'volume', value: req.query.lastvolume}); boucleSurSerials_sendMultiSequenceCommand(req, Commands); res.status(200).json({value: "Send"}); //ne teste pas le résultat//supprimé 16/11/2019 }; CommandAlexa.DisplayPower = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /DisplayPower avec paramètres -> device: ' + req.query.device+' & value: ' + req.query.value, "INFO"); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.DisplayPower', 'Missing parameter "device"')); if ('value' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.DisplayPower', 'Missing parameter "value"')); //Il faut recupérer le deviceAccountID let dev =alexa.find(req.query.device); let deviceAccountId = dev.deviceAccountId; let flags = { data: JSON.stringify({value:'"' + req.query.value +'"'}), method: 'PUT' }; let callback = function(testErreur){ if (testErreur) {traiteErreur(testErreur, 'DisplayPower', req.query); res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route, 'Alexa.DeviceControls.DisplayPower', testErreur.message)); } else res.status(200).json({value: "OK"}); //ne teste pas le résultat }; let url = `/api/v1/devices/${deviceAccountId}/settings/displayPower`; alexa.httpsGet (url, callback,flags); }; /**** Alexa.Announcement ***** URL: /announcement?device=?&text=? device - String - name of the device text - String - Text to speech */ CommandAlexa.Announcement = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /Announcement avec paramètres -> device:' + req.query.device+'/text:' + req.query.text +'/volume:' + req.query.volume +'/lastvolume:' + req.query.lastvolume); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Announcement', 'Missing parameter "device"')); if ('text' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Announcement', 'Missing parameter "text"')); let Commands = []; var test = ('volume' in req.query === true) && (req.query.volume != ""); if (test) Commands.push({command: 'volume', value: req.query.volume}); Commands.push({command: 'announcement', value: req.query.text}); if (('lastvolume' in req.query === true) && test) Commands.push({command: 'volume', value: req.query.lastvolume}); boucleSurSerials_sendMultiSequenceCommand(req, Commands); //boucleSurSerials_sendMultiSequenceCommand(req, 'announcement'); // pour ne pas boucler mais ne fonctionne pas sur les groupes /* alexa.sendSequenceCommand(req.query.device, 'announcement', req.query.text, //alexa.sendCommand('G0911W079304113M', 'announcement', 'coucou', function(testErreur){ if (testErreur) {traiteErreur(testErreur); res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route, 'Alexa.DeviceControls.Announcement', testErreur.message)); } else res.status(200).json({value: "OK"}); //ne teste pas le résultat } ); */ res.status(200).json({value: "Send2"}); //ne teste pas le résultat//supprimé 16/11/2019 }; /**** Alexa.Radio ***** URL: /radio?device=?&text=? device - String - name of the device text - String - Text to speech */ CommandAlexa.Radio = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Radio', 'Missing parameter "device"')); if ('station' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Radio', 'Missing parameter "station"')); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /Radio avec paramètres -> device: ' + req.query.device+' & station: ' + req.query.station); // Suppression de la boucle des serial, en effet, si on envoi sur un groupe, la radio fonctionne en multiroom //boucleSurSerials_setTunein(req); alexa.setTunein(req.query.device, req.query.station, function(testErreur){ if (testErreur) {traiteErreur(testErreur, 'radio', req.query); res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route, 'Alexa.DeviceControls.Radio', testErreur.message)); } else res.status(200).json({value: "OK"}); //ne teste pas le résultat } ); }; /***** Alexa.Volume ***** URL: /volume?device=?&value=? device - String - name of the device value - Integer - Determine the volume level between 0 to 100 (0 is mute and 100 is max) */ CommandAlexa.Volume = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); //Quand Volume est lancé par une autre fonction, la valeur du volume n'est pas value mais volume if ('volume' in req.query) req.query.value=req.query.volume; config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /Volume avec paramètres -> device: ' + req.query.device+' & value: ' + req.query.value+'══════════════════════════════════', "INFO"); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Volume', 'Missing parameter "device"')); if ('value' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Volume', 'Missing parameter "value"')); /* for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { alexa.sendSequenceCommand(req.query.device, 'volume', req.query.value, function(testErreur){if (testErreur) {traiteErreur(testErreur, 'volume', req.query);}}); } */ alexa.sendSequenceCommand(req.query.device, 'volume', req.query.value, function(testErreur){ if (testErreur) {traiteErreur(testErreur, 'volume', req.query); //config.logger('{API} ERREUR ', "INFO"); res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route, 'Alexa.DeviceControls.Volume', testErreur.message)); } else { //config.logger('{API} pAS ERREUR ', "INFO"); res.status(200).json({value: "OK"}); //ne teste pas le résultat } } ); }; /***** Alexa.textCommand ***** URL: /textCommand?device=?&value=? device - String - name of the device value - Integer - Determine the volume level between 0 to 100 (0 is mute and 100 is max) */ CommandAlexa.textCommand = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /textCommand avec paramètres -> device: ' + req.query.device+' & text: ' + req.query.text+'══════════════════════════════════', "INFO"); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.textCommand', 'Missing parameter "device"')); if ('text' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.textCommand', 'Missing parameter "text"')); //req.query.text="je suis fatigué"; alexa.sendSequenceCommand(req.query.device, 'textCommand', req.query.text, function(testErreur){ if (testErreur) {traiteErreur(testErreur, 'textCommand', req.query); res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route, 'Alexa.DeviceControls.textCommand', testErreur.message)); } else res.status(200).json({value: "OK"}); //ne teste pas le résultat } ); }; /***** Alexa.playList ***** URL: /volume?device=?&value=? device - String - name of the device value - Integer - Determine the volume level between 0 to 100 (0 is mute and 100 is max) */ CommandAlexa.playList = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /playList avec paramètres -> device: ' + req.query.device+' & playlist: ' + req.query.playlist); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.playList', 'Missing parameter "device"')); if ('playlist' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.playList', 'Missing parameter "playlist"')); alexa.playList(req.query.device, req.query.playlist, function(testErreur){ if (testErreur){ traiteErreur(testErreur, 'playlist', req.query); res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route, 'Alexa.DeviceControls.playList', testErreur.message)); } else res.status(200).json({value: "OK"}); //ne teste pas le résultat } ); }; /***** CommandAlexa.playMusicTrack ***** */ CommandAlexa.playMusicTrack = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /playMusicTrack avec paramètres -> device: ' + req.query.device+' & trackId: ' + req.query.trackId); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.playMusicTrack', 'Missing parameter "device"')); if ('trackId' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.playMusicTrack', 'Missing parameter "trackId"')); alexa.playMusicTrack(req.query.device, req.query.trackId, function(testErreur){ if (testErreur) { traiteErreur(testErreur, 'playmusictrack', req.query); res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route, 'Alexa.DeviceControls.playMusicTrack', testErreur.message)); } else res.status(200).json({value: "OK"}); //ne teste pas le résultat } ); }; /***** Alexa.Command ***** URL: /command?device=?&command=? device - String - name of the device command - String - command : pause|play|next|prev|fwd|rwd|shuffle|repeat */ CommandAlexa.Command = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /Command avec paramètres -> device: ' + req.query.device+' & command: ' + req.query.command); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Command', 'Missing parameter "device"')); if ('command' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Command', 'Missing parameter "command"')); // suppression de la boucle des serial //boucleSurSerials_sendCommand(req); //config.logger('{API}: *******************************************'); alexa.sendCommand(req.query.device, req.query.command, req.query.value, function(testErreur){ if (testErreur) { traiteErreur(testErreur, 'command', req.query); res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route, 'Alexa.DeviceControls.Command', testErreur.message)); } } ); res.status(200).json({value: "Send"}); //ne teste pas le résultat setTimeout(refreshPlayer.bind(null, req.query.device), 3000); // Dans 3s, actualiser le player }; function refreshPlayer(deviceSerialNumber) { //config.logger('{API}: *******************************************7 Lancement /Command avec paramètres -> device: '); var action="REFRESH"; httpPost('refreshPlayer', { deviceSerialNumber: deviceSerialNumber, audioPlayerState: action }); //config.logger('{API}: *******************************************8 Lancement /Command avec paramètres -> device: '); } // This is a fairly complete list of all the colors that Alexa will respond to and their associated RGB value. ALEXA_COLORS = { 'alice_blue': [240, 248, 255], 'antique_white': [250, 235, 215], 'aqua': [0, 255, 255], 'aquamarine': [127, 255, 212], 'azure': [240, 255, 255], 'beige': [245, 245, 220], 'bisque': [255, 228, 196], 'black': [0, 0, 0], 'blanched_almond': [255, 235, 205], 'blue': [0, 0, 255], 'blue_violet': [138, 43, 226], 'brown': [165, 42, 42], 'burlywood': [222, 184, 135], 'cadet_blue': [95, 158, 160], 'chartreuse': [127, 255, 0], 'chocolate': [210, 105, 30], 'coral': [255, 127, 80], 'cornflower_blue': [100, 149, 237], 'cornsilk': [255, 248, 220], 'crimson': [220, 20, 60], 'cyan': [0, 255, 255], 'dark_blue': [0, 0, 139], 'dark_cyan': [0, 139, 139], 'dark_goldenrod': [184, 134, 11], 'dark_green': [0, 100, 0], 'dark_grey': [169, 169, 169], 'dark_khaki': [189, 183, 107], 'dark_magenta': [139, 0, 139], 'dark_olive_green': [85, 107, 47], 'dark_orange': [255, 140, 0], 'dark_orchid': [153, 50, 204], 'dark_red': [139, 0, 0], 'dark_salmon': [233, 150, 122], 'dark_sea_green': [143, 188, 143], 'dark_slate_blue': [72, 61, 139], 'dark_slate_grey': [47, 79, 79], 'dark_turquoise': [0, 206, 209], 'dark_violet': [148, 0, 211], 'deep_pink': [255, 20, 147], 'deep_sky_blue': [0, 191, 255], 'dim_grey': [105, 105, 105], 'dodger_blue': [30, 144, 255], 'firebrick': [178, 34, 34], 'floral_white': [255, 250, 240], 'forest_green': [34, 139, 34], 'fuchsia': [255, 0, 255], 'gainsboro': [220, 220, 220], 'ghost_white': [248, 248, 255], 'gold': [255, 215, 0], 'goldenrod': [218, 165, 32], 'green': [0, 128, 0], 'green_yellow': [173, 255, 47], 'grey': [128, 128, 128], 'honey_dew': [240, 255, 240], 'hot_pink': [255, 105, 180], 'indian_red': [205, 92, 92], 'indigo': [75, 0, 130], 'ivory': [255, 255, 240], 'khaki': [240, 230, 140], 'lavender': [230, 230, 250], 'lavender_blush': [255, 240, 245], 'lawn_green': [124, 252, 0], 'lemon_chiffon': [255, 250, 205], 'light_blue': [173, 216, 230], 'light_coral': [240, 128, 128], 'light_cyan': [224, 255, 255], 'light_goldenrod_yellow': [250, 250, 210], 'light_green': [144, 238, 144], 'light_grey': [211, 211, 211], 'light_pink': [255, 182, 193], 'light_salmon': [255, 160, 122], 'light_sea_green': [32, 178, 170], 'light_sky_blue': [135, 206, 250], 'light_slate_grey': [119, 136, 153], 'light_steel_blue': [176, 196, 222], 'light_yellow': [255, 255, 224], 'lime': [0, 255, 0], 'lime_green': [50, 205, 50], 'linen': [250, 240, 230], 'magenta': [255, 0, 255], 'maroon': [128, 0, 0], 'medium_aqua_marine': [102, 205, 170], 'medium_blue': [0, 0, 205], 'medium_orchid': [186, 85, 211], 'medium_purple': [147, 112, 219], 'medium_sea_green': [60, 179, 113], 'medium_slate_blue': [123, 104, 238], 'medium_spring_green': [0, 250, 154], 'medium_turquoise': [72, 209, 204], 'medium_violet_red': [199, 21, 133], 'midnight_blue': [25, 25, 112], 'mint_cream': [245, 255, 250], 'misty_rose': [255, 228, 225], 'moccasin': [255, 228, 181], 'navajo_white': [255, 222, 173], 'navy': [0, 0, 128], 'old_lace': [253, 245, 230], 'olive': [128, 128, 0], 'olive_drab': [107, 142, 35], 'orange': [255, 165, 0], 'orange_red': [255, 69, 0], 'orchid': [218, 112, 214], 'pale_goldenrod': [238, 232, 170], 'pale_green': [152, 251, 152], 'pale_turquoise': [175, 238, 238], 'pale_violet_red': [219, 112, 147], 'papaya_whip': [255, 239, 213], 'peach_puff': [255, 218, 185], 'peru': [205, 133, 63], 'pink': [255, 192, 203], 'plum': [221, 160, 221], 'powder_blue': [176, 224, 230], 'purple': [128, 0, 128], 'rebecca_purple': [102, 51, 153], 'red': [255, 0, 0], 'rosy_brown': [188, 143, 143], 'royal_blue': [65, 105, 225], 'saddle_brown': [139, 69, 19], 'salmon': [250, 128, 114], 'sandy_brown': [244, 164, 96], 'sea_green': [46, 139, 87], 'sea_shell': [255, 245, 238], 'sienna': [160, 82, 45], 'silver': [192, 192, 192], 'sky_blue': [135, 206, 235], 'slate_blue': [106, 90, 205], 'slate_grey': [112, 128, 144], 'snow': [255, 250, 250], 'spring_green': [0, 255, 127], 'steel_blue': [70, 130, 180], 'tan': [210, 180, 140], 'teal': [0, 128, 128], 'thistle': [216, 191, 216], 'tomato': [255, 99, 71], 'turquoise': [64, 224, 208], 'violet': [238, 130, 238], 'wheat': [245, 222, 179], 'white': [255, 255, 255], 'white_smoke': [245, 245, 245], 'yellow': [255, 255, 0], 'yellow_green': [154, 205, 50], } function red_mean(color1, color2) { /* Get an approximate 'distance' between two colors using red mean. Wikipedia says this method is "one of the better low-cost approximations". */ r_avg = (color2[0] + color1[0]) / 2; r_delta = color2[0] - color1[0]; g_delta = color2[1] - color1[1]; b_delta = color2[2] - color1[2]; r_term = (2 + r_avg / 256) * Math.pow(r_delta, 2); g_term = 4 * Math.pow(g_delta, 2); b_term = (2 + (255 - r_avg) / 256) * Math.pow(b_delta, 2); return Math.sqrt(r_term + g_term + b_term); } function rgb_to_alexa_color(rgb) { var keys = Object.keys(ALEXA_COLORS); return keys.reduce(function (previous, current) { if (red_mean(ALEXA_COLORS[current] , rgb) < red_mean( ALEXA_COLORS[previous[0]], rgb)) { return [current]; } if (ALEXA_COLORS[current] === ALEXA_COLORS[previous[0]]) { previous.push(current); } return previous; }, [keys.shift()])[0]; } function hexToBytes(hex) { for (var bytes = [], c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2) bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16)); return bytes; } /***** Alexa.SmarthomeCommand ***** */ CommandAlexa.SmarthomeCommand = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /SmarthomeCommand avec paramètres -> device: ' + req.query.device+' & command: ' + req.query.command); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.SmarthomeCommand', 'Missing parameter "device"')); if ('command' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.SmarthomeCommand', 'Missing parameter "command"')); var parameters = {}; var toReturn = []; if (req.query.entityType=='') req.query.entityType="APPLIANCE"; parameters.action = 'turnOn'; // Même opération mais d'une autre manière parameters.action = 'turnOff'; // Même opération mais d'une autre manière parameters.action = 'setColor'; // Même opération mais d'une autre manière parameters.action = req.query.command; if (parameters.action == "turnOn" || parameters.action == "turnOff") { var powerState="0"; if (parameters.action == 'turnOn') powerState="1"; toReturn.push({ 'device': req.query.device, 'command': parameters.action, 'powerState': powerState }); } else if (parameters.action == "setColorTemperature") { toReturn.push({ 'device': req.query.device, 'command': parameters.action, 'color': req.query.color }); parameters.colorTemperatureName=req.query.color; } else if (parameters.action == "setColor") { toReturn.push({ 'device': req.query.device, 'command': parameters.action, 'color': req.query.color }); parameters.colorName=req.query.color; } else if (parameters.action == "setRgbColor") { toReturn.push({ 'device': req.query.device, 'command': parameters.action, 'color': req.query.color }); parameters.action = "setColor" parameters.colorName = rgb_to_alexa_color(hexToBytes(req.query.color)); } else if (parameters.action == "setBrightness") { parameters.brightness=req.query.brightness; toReturn.push({ 'device': req.query.device, 'command': parameters.action, 'brightness': req.query.brightness }); } else if (parameters.action == "setTargetTemperature") { parameters={'action': parameters.action,"targetTemperature.value":req.query.targetTemperature,"targetTemperature.scale":"celsius"}; toReturn.push({ 'device': req.query.device, 'command': parameters.action, 'targetSetpoint': req.query.targetTemperature }); } else if (parameters.action == "setThermostatMode") { parameters={'action': 'setThermostatMode',"thermostatMode.value":req.query.thermostatMode}; toReturn.push({ 'device': req.query.device, 'command': parameters.action, 'thermostatMode': req.query.thermostatMode }); } else if (parameters.action == "Fan.Speed") { parameters={'instance': parameters.action,'action': 'setRangeValue','rangeValue': {'value':req.query.rangeValue,'unitOfMeasure':''}}; toReturn.push({ 'device': req.query.device, 'command': req.query.action, 'rangeValue': req.query.rangeValue }); } else if (parameters.action == "Blind.Lift") { parameters={'instance': parameters.action,'action': 'setRangeValue','rangeValue': {'value':req.query.rangeValue,'unitOfMeasure':'Alexa.Unit.Percent'}}; toReturn.push({ 'device': req.query.device, 'command': req.query.action, 'rangeValue': req.query.rangeValue }); } //executeSmarthomeDeviceAction(entityIds, parameters, entityType, callback) { alexa.executeSmarthomeDeviceAction(req.query.device, parameters, req.query.entityType, function(testErreur){ if (testErreur) traiteErreur(testErreur); } ); res.status(200).json(toReturn); //res.status(200).json({value: "Send"}); //ne teste pas le résultat }; CommandAlexa.querySmarthomeDevices = function(req,res){ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NE FONCTIONNE PAS IL MANQUE applicanceIds QUI EST DIFF2RENT DE entityIds //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- res.type('json'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.SmarthomeCommand', 'Missing parameter "device"')); var entityType; if (req.query.entityType!='') entityType=req.query.entityType; else entityType="APPLIANCE"; //executeSmarthomeDeviceAction(entityIds, parameters, entityType, callback) { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /querySmarthomeDevices avec paramètres !-> device: ' + req.query.device+'req.query.entityType: ' + req.query.entityType+ ' req.query.type: ' + req.query.type, 'INFO'); //config.logger('{API} >>>>>>>>>>Debug:' + JSON.stringify(req.query), 'INFO'); /* alexa.querySmarthomeDevices(req.query.device, entityType, function(devices){ config.logger('{API}: trouvé :'+devices); //valeurvolume=devices["volume"]; res.status(200).json({ value: devices }); //if (testErreur) traiteErreur(testErreur); } ); */ alexa.querySmarthomeDevices2(req.query.device, entityType, function(deviceStatesErrors){ try { deviceStates=deviceStatesErrors.deviceStates; errors=deviceStatesErrors.errors; } catch(error) { //config.logger('Souci, le serveur Amazon est bien disponible ? Erreur sur '+entityType+"/"+req.query.device,'DEBUG'); config.logger('{Remote} ║ Souci, le serveur Amazon est bien disponible ? Erreur sur : ['+entityType+"/"+req.query.device+"]",'ERROR'); } //config.logger('deviceStatesErrors>'+JSON.stringify(deviceStatesErrors),'DEBUG'); //config.logger('>'+JSON.stringify(deviceStates),'DEBUG'); //config.logger('>entity>'+JSON.stringify(deviceStates."0"),'DEBUG'); var toReturn = []; try { //config.logger('1','DEBUG'); //config.logger('deviceStatesErrors>'+JSON.stringify(deviceStatesErrors),'DEBUG'); if (JSON.stringify(deviceStates[0]) === undefined) { //config.logger('2','DEBUG'); //config.logger('0>'+JSON.stringify(errors[0]),'DEBUG'); //config.logger('--->'+JSON.stringify(errors),'DEBUG'); //config.logger('--0->'+JSON.stringify(errors[0]),'DEBUG'); //config.logger('{Remote} : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!','DEBUG'); config.logger('{Remote} ║ Il y a une erreur sur la communication le device : [['+JSON.stringify(errors[0]['code'])+"]]",'DEBUG'); //config.logger('1','DEBUG'); toReturn.push({ 'entityType': entityType, 'type': req.query.type, 'applicanceId': req.query.device, // 'name': capabilityState['name'], // 'value': capabilityState['value'], 'error': JSON.stringify(errors[0]['code']) }); //config.logger('20','DEBUG'); } else { //config.logger('3','DEBUG'); // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //config.logger('0>'+JSON.stringify(deviceStates[0]),'DEBUG'); // provoque souci // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //config.logger('>deviceState>>'+JSON.stringify(deviceStates[0]),'DEBUG'); //config.logger('>entity>>'+JSON.stringify(deviceStates[0].entity),'DEBUG'); //config.logger('queryState:entityId>'+JSON.stringify(deviceStates[0].entity.entityId),'DEBUG'); if (JSON.stringify(deviceStates[0].entity.entityType) != undefined) entityType=JSON.stringify(deviceStates[0].entity.entityType); //config.logger('queryState:entityType>'+JSON.stringify(deviceStates[0].entity.entityType),'DEBUG'); //config.logger('>entityType>>'+JSON.stringify(deviceStates[0].entity.entityType),'DEBUG'); var capabilityState=JSON.parse(deviceStates[0].capabilityStates[0]); var capabilityStates=deviceStates[0].capabilityStates; //config.logger('>>>capabilityState>>'+JSON.stringify(capabilityState),'DEBUG'); //config.logger('>>>entityType>>'+entityType,'DEBUG'); //for (value in capabilityStates) { //config.logger(value+"<=>"+capabilityStates[value],'DEBUG'); //} toReturn.push({ 'entityType': entityType, 'type': req.query.type, 'applicanceId': req.query.device, // 'name': capabilityState['name'], // 'value': capabilityState['value'], 'capabilityStates': capabilityStates }); //config.logger('queryState:name>'+capabilityState['name'],'DEBUG'); //config.logger('queryState:>value>'+capabilityState['value'],'DEBUG'); } } catch(error) { //config.logger('deviceStates.entity.entityId>NON trouvé sur '+entityType+"/"+req.query.device,'DEBUG'); //config.logger('{Remote} ║ deviceStates.entity.entityId>NON trouvé sur ['+entityType+"/"+req.query.device+"]",'ERROR'); } /* for (var deviceState in deviceStates[0]) { //config.logger('>deviceState>>'+JSON.stringify(deviceState),'DEBUG'); for (var entity in deviceState) { config.logger('>>>>'+JSON.stringify(entity),'DEBUG'); config.logger('>>>>>'+JSON.stringify(deviceState.entity),'DEBUG'); //var device = notifications[serial]; toReturn.push({ 'entityType': entityType, 'applicanceId': req.query.device, 'deviceState': deviceState.capabilityStates, 'entityType2': entityType }); } }*/ if (toReturn == "") { toReturn.push("vide"); } config.logger('{Remote} ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════','INFO'); res.status(200).json(toReturn); }); //config.logger("fini"); //config.logger('Alexa*********************************************************************'); //res.status(200).json({value: "Send"}); //ne teste pas le résultat }; // Les boucles qui lancent les commandes sur chaques device d'un multiroom // PAS UTILISÉ function boucleSurSerials_setTunein (req, callback) { forEachDevices(req.query.device, (serial) => { alexa.setTunein(serial, req.query.station, function(testErreur){ if (testErreur) traiteErreur(testErreur); } ); }); } function boucleSurSerials_sendMultiSequenceCommand (req, actions, callback) { if (!!req.query.text) req.query.value=req.query.text; // dans l'hypothèse où la valeur est dans un champ text /* Version initiale qui donne le résultat alexa.sendSequenceCommand(req.query.device, 'speak', req.query.text, function(err) { if (err) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Speak', err)); res.status(200).json({}); }); let Commands = []; var test = ('volume' in req.query === true) && (req.query.volume != ""); if (test) Commands.push({command: 'volume', value: req.query.volume}); Commands.push({command: SpeakouAnnouncement, value: req.query.text}); if (('lastvolume' in req.query === true) && test) Commands.push({command: 'volume', value: req.query.lastvolume}); */ forEachDevices(req.query.device, (serial) => { alexa.sendMultiSequenceCommand(serial, actions, "SerialNode", function(testErreur){ if (testErreur) { traiteErreur(testErreur, actions, req.query); } } ); }); } //PAS UTILISÉ function boucleSurSerials_sendCommand (req, callback) { //pas sur qu'on l'utilise encore !!!!!!!!!!!! forEachDevices(req.query.device, (serial) => { alexa.sendCommand(serial, req.query.command, function(testErreur){ if (testErreur) traiteErreur(testErreur); config.logger('{API}: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>on est la 8888888888>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK Refresh playinfo '); } ); //setTimeout(function() { RefreshApresCommand (serial); }, 5000); }); } /* function RefreshApresCommand (serial) { config.logger('{API}: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>on est la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK Refresh playinfo '); Appel_getPlayerInfo(serial, function(retourAmazon) { fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/playerInfo-'+serial+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => { config.logger('{API}: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>on est la 5555>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK Refresh playinfo '); //if (err) return res.sendStatus(500) }); config.logger('{API}: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>on est la 66666>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK Refresh playinfo '); //res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); } */ /***** Alexa.Notifications.SendMobilePush ***** URL /push?device=?&text=? device - String - name of the device text - String - Text to display in the push notification */ CommandAlexa.Push = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /Push avec paramètres -> device: ' + req.query.device+' & text: ' + req.query.text); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Push', 'Missing parameter "device"')); if ('text' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Push', 'Missing parameter "text"')); let Commands = []; //Commands.push({command: 'volume', value: '60'}); Commands.push({command: 'notification', value: req.query.text}); //Commands.push({command: 'volume', value: '10'}); boucleSurSerials_sendMultiSequenceCommand(req, Commands); res.status(200).json({value: "Send"}); //ne teste pas le résultat//supprimé 16/11/2019 }; /* CommandAlexa.MultipleNext = function(req,res){ res.type('json'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /MultipleNext avec paramètres -> device: ' + req.query.device+' & nb: ' + req.query.text); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.MultipleNext', 'Missing parameter "device"')); //if ('text' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.MultipleNext', 'Missing parameter "text"')); req.query.command="next"; alexa.sendCommand(req.query.device, req.query.command, function(){ alexa.sendCommand(req.query.device, req.query.command, function(){ alexa.sendCommand(req.query.device, req.query.command, function(){ }); }); }); res.status(200).json({value: "Send"}); //ne teste pas le résultat//supprimé 16/11/2019 } */ /***** DeleteReminder ***** URL: /deletereminder Return the list of reminders [{ id - String - id of the reminder (unique identifier) }] */ CommandAlexa.deleteReminder = function(req,res){ config.logger('{API}: deleteReminder' ); LancementCommande("deleteReminder",req); res.type('json'); if ('id' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.DeleteReminder', 'Missing parameter "id"')); const notification = { 'id': req.query.id }; alexa.deleteNotification(notification, function(err) { if (err) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Notifications.DeleteReminder', err)); res.status(200).json({}); }); }; //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ne fonctionne pas, Response: {"message":"user not authorized"} // Faudra creuser /* CommandAlexa.disableReminder = function(req,res){ LancementCommande("disableReminder",req); res.type('json'); if ('id' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.disableReminder', 'Missing parameter "id"')); const notification = { 'id': req.query.id }; const value = { 'status': 'OFF' }; config.logger('*************di>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<' ); console.log(notification); alexa.changeNotification(notification,value,function(err) { if (err) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Notifications.disableReminder', err)); res.status(200).json({}); }); } CommandAlexa.enableReminder = function(req,res){ LancementCommande("enableReminder",req); res.type('json'); if ('id' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.disableReminder', 'Missing parameter "id"')); const notification = { 'id': req.query.id }; config.logger('*************en>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<' ); alexa.deleteNotification(notification, function(err) { if (err) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Notifications.disableReminder', err)); res.status(200).json({}); }); } */ app.get('/checkAuth', CommandAlexa.checkAuth); app.get('/query', CommandAlexa.query); app.get('/command', CommandAlexa.Command); app.get('/SmarthomeCommand', CommandAlexa.SmarthomeCommand); app.get('/querySmarthomeDevices', CommandAlexa.querySmarthomeDevices); app.get('/volume', CommandAlexa.Volume); app.get('/textCommand', CommandAlexa.textCommand); app.get('/speak', CommandAlexa.Speak); app.get('/DisplayPower', CommandAlexa.DisplayPower); app.get('/announcement', CommandAlexa.Announcement); app.get('/radio', CommandAlexa.Radio); app.get('/push', CommandAlexa.Push); //app.get('/multiplenext', CommandAlexa.MultipleNext); app.get('/deletereminder', CommandAlexa.deleteReminder); //app.get('/enablereminder', CommandAlexa.enableReminder); //app.get('/disablereminder', CommandAlexa.disableReminder); /***** Alexa.Routine ***** URL /routine?device=?&name=? device - String - name of the device routine - String - name of routine */ //app.get('/routine', (req, res) => { CommandAlexa.Routine = function(req,res){ LancementCommande("Routine",req); //config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /Routine avec paramètres -> device: ' + req.query.device+' & value: ' + req.query.routine); res.type('json'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Routine', 'Missing parameter "device"')); //config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Device : ' + req.query.device, 'DEBUG'); if ('routine' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Routine', 'Missing parameter "routine"')); //config.logger('{API}: routine: ' + req.query.routine); alexa.getAutomationRoutines2(function(niveau0) { var routineaexecuter = ""; for (var serial in niveau0) { if (niveau0.hasOwnProperty(serial)) { var routine = niveau0[serial]; if (routine.creationTimeEpochMillis == req.query.routine) routineaexecuter = routine; } } if (routineaexecuter != '') alexa.executeAutomationRoutine(req.query.device, routineaexecuter, traiteErreur); else config.logger('{API}: routine - ECHEC (introuvable) - Lancement routine: ' + req.query.routine); res.status(200).json({}); }); }; app.get('/routine', CommandAlexa.Routine); /***** Create a reminder ***** URL /reminder?device=?&text=?&when=?&recurring=? // Fix Aidom 01/03/2020 device - String - name of the device text - String - Content of the reminder when - String - Date at which the reminder should occur. Date format: YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS recurring - String - Get parameter, depending on the requests recognized by Alexa // Fix Aidom 01/03/2020 Return an empty object if the function succeed. Otherwise, an error object is returned. */ app.get('/reminder', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API}: Alexa.Reminder'); res.type('json'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Reminder', 'Missing parameter "device"')); config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Device : ' + req.query.device, 'DEBUG'); if ('text' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Reminder', 'Missing parameter "text"')); config.logger('{API}: text: ' + req.query.text); if ('when' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Reminder', 'Missing parameter "when"')); config.logger('{API}: when: ' + req.query.when); // Fix Aidom 01/03/2020 if ('recurring' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Reminder', 'Missing parameter "recurring"')); config.logger('{API}: recurring: ' + req.query.recurring); // End Fix // when: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS let dateValues = req.query.when.match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/); if (dateValues === null) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Reminder', 'Invalid "when" format. Expected: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS')); let when = new Date(dateValues[1], dateValues[2] - 1, dateValues[3], dateValues[4], dateValues[5], dateValues[6]); config.logger('{API}: when: ' + when); alexa.setReminder(req.query.device, when.getTime(), req.query.text, req.query.recurring, function(err) { // Fix Aidom 01/03/2020 if (err) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'createReminder', err)); res.status(200).json({}); }); }); /***** Create a alarm ***** URL /alarm?device=?&text=?&when=? device - String - name of the device text - String - Content of the alarm when - String - Date at which the alarm should occur. Date format: YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS Return an empty object if the function succeed. Otherwise, an error object is returned. */ app.get('/alarm', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API}: Alexa.Alarm'); res.type('json'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Alarm', 'Missing parameter "device"')); config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Device : ' + req.query.device, 'DEBUG'); if ('when' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Alarm', 'Missing parameter "when"')); config.logger('{API}: when: ' + req.query.when); if ('recurring' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Alarm', 'Missing parameter "recurring"')); config.logger('{API}: recurring: ' + req.query.recurring); config.logger('{API}: sound: ' + req.query.sound); // when: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS let dateValues = req.query.when.match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/); if (dateValues === null) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.Alarm', 'Invalid "when" format. Expected: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS')); let when = new Date(dateValues[1], dateValues[2] - 1, dateValues[3], dateValues[4], dateValues[5], dateValues[6]); config.logger('{API}: when: ' + when); alexa.setAlarm(req.query.device, when.getTime(), req.query.recurring, req.query.sound, function(err) { if (err) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'createReminder', err)); res.status(200).json({}); }); }); /***** Get devices ***** URL: /devices Return the list of Alexa devices [{ serial - String - Serial number of the device (unique identifier) name: String - name of the device. Use this name (or serial) to call as "device" parameter of others methods type: String - Device family as defined by Amazon. Known type: TABLET (for tablet device), ECHO (for ECHO device), WHA (for group of devices), VOX (for smartphone? Webpage?) online: Boolean - true when the device is connected, false otherwise, capabilities: [String] - List of available capabilties of the device, few example: VOLUME_SETTING, REMINDERS, MICROPHONE, TUNE_IN, ... }] */ app.get('/devices', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); alexa.getDevices(function(devices) { var toReturn = []; for (var serial in devices) { if (devices.hasOwnProperty(serial)) { var device = devices[serial]; toReturn.push({ 'serial': serial, 'name': device.accountName, 'family': device.deviceFamily, 'type': device.deviceType, 'online': device.online, 'capabilities': device.capabilities, 'members': device.clusterMembers }); } } res.status(200).json(toReturn); }); }); /***** Get devices ***** URL: /devices Return the list of Alexa devices [{ serial - String - Serial number of the device (unique identifier) name: String - name of the device. Use this name (or serial) to call as "device" parameter of others methods type: String - Device family as defined by Amazon. Known type: TABLET (for tablet device), ECHO (for ECHO device), WHA (for group of devices), VOX (for smartphone? Webpage?) online: Boolean - true when the device is connected, false otherwise, capabilities: [String] - List of available capabilties of the device, few example: VOLUME_SETTING, REMINDERS, MICROPHONE, TUNE_IN, ... }] */ // ---- Toutes les commandes qui n'ont pas de paramètres : CommandAlexa.wakeWords = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getWakeWords(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.musicProviders = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getMusicProviders(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.discoverSmarthomeDevice = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_discoverSmarthomeDevice(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.historyFull = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getHistory(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.devicesFull = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); alexa.getDevices(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.devicePreferences = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getDevicePreferences(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.allDeviceVolumes = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getAllDeviceVolumes(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.smarthomeBehaviourActionDefinitions = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getSmarthomeBehaviourActionDefinitions(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.smarthomeGroups = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getSmarthomeGroups(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.smarthomeEntities = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getSmarthomeEntities(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.homeGroup = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getHomeGroup(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.smarthomeDevices = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getSmarthomeDevices(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.remindersFull = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getNotifications(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.carts = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getCards(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.deviceStatusList = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getDeviceStatusList(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.lists = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getLists(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; /* CommandAlexa.doNotDisturb = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); Appel_getDoNotDisturb(function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); };*/ // ---- Toutes les commandes qui ont DEVICE comme paramètre CommandAlexa.media = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.'+commandeEnvoyee, 'Missing "device"')); //config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Device : ' + req.query.device, 'DEBUG'); Appel_getMedia(req.query.device, function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'-'+req.query.device+'.json'; if(typeof JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2) == "undefined") { config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Réponse est undefined - A voir pourquoi ?!', 'DEBUG'); return res.sendStatus(500); } fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.playerInfo = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.'+commandeEnvoyee, 'Missing "device"')); config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Device : ' + req.query.device, 'DEBUG'); Appel_getPlayerInfo(req.query.device, function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'-'+req.query.device+'.json'; if(typeof JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2) == "undefined") { config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Réponse est undefined - A voir pourquoi ?!', 'DEBUG'); return res.sendStatus(500); } fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.Bluetooth = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API}: **************/'+commandeEnvoyee); res.type('json'); Appel_getBluetooth(false, function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'-'+req.query.device+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.notificationSounds = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API}: **************/'+commandeEnvoyee); res.type('json'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.'+commandeEnvoyee, 'Missing "device"')); config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Device : ' + req.query.device, 'DEBUG'); Appel_getNotificationSounds(req.query.device, function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'-'+req.query.device+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.Playlists = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.'+commandeEnvoyee, 'Missing "device"')); config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Device : ' + req.query.device, 'DEBUG'); Appel_Playlists(req.query.device, function(retourAmazon) { //config.logger('{API}: retour: ' + commandeEnvoyee); var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'-'+req.query.device+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.activities = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.'+commandeEnvoyee, 'Missing "device"')); config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Device : ' + req.query.device, 'DEBUG'); Appel_getActivities(req.query.device, function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'-'+req.query.device+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; CommandAlexa.deviceNotificationState = function(req, res) { var commandeEnvoyee = req.path.replace("/", ""); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement /'+commandeEnvoyee+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.'+commandeEnvoyee, 'Missing "device"')); config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Device : ' + req.query.device, 'DEBUG'); Appel_getDeviceNotificationState(req.query.device, function(retourAmazon) { var fichierjson = __dirname + '/data/'+commandeEnvoyee+'-'+req.query.device+'.json'; fs.writeFile(fichierjson, JSON.stringify(retourAmazon, null, 2), err => {if (err) return res.sendStatus(500);}); res.status(200).json(retourAmazon); }); }; // ---- Functions d'appel des Commandes de la librairie function Appel_getWakeWords(callback) { alexa.getWakeWords((err, res) => {if (err || !res || !res.wakeWords || !Array.isArray(res.wakeWords)) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getDevicePreferences(callback) { alexa.getDevicePreferences((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getAllDeviceVolumes(callback) { alexa.getAllDeviceVolumes((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getMusicProviders(callback) { alexa.getMusicProviders((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getHistory(callback) { //!!!!!!!!!!! remplacé alexa.getHistory((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); alexa.getCustomerHistoryRecords((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getDeviceNotificationState(serialOrName,callback) { alexa.getDeviceNotificationState(serialOrName,(err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getNotifications(callback) { alexa.getNotifications((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getSmarthomeBehaviourActionDefinitions(callback) { alexa.getSmarthomeBehaviourActionDefinitions((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getCards(callback) { alexa.getCards((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getSmarthomeGroups(callback) { alexa.getSmarthomeGroups((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getSmarthomeEntities(callback) { alexa.getSmarthomeEntities((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getHomeGroup(callback) { alexa.getHomeGroup((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_discoverSmarthomeDevice(callback) { alexa.discoverSmarthomeDevice((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getSmarthomeDevices(callback) { alexa.getSmarthomeDevices((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getDeviceStatusList(callback) { alexa.getDeviceStatusList((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getLists(callback) { alexa.getLists((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_Playlists(serialOrName,callback) { alexa.Playlists(serialOrName,(err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } /* function Appel_getDoNotDisturb(callback) { alexa.getDoNotDisturb((err, res) => {if (err) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } */ function Appel_getMedia(serialOrName,callback) { alexa.getMedia(serialOrName,(err, res) => {if (err || !res ) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getPlayerInfo(serialOrName,callback) { alexa.getPlayerInfo(serialOrName,(err, res) => {if (err || !res ) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getBluetooth(cached,callback) { alexa.getBluetooth(cached,(err, res) => {if (err || !res ) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getNotificationSounds(serialOrName, callback) { alexa.getNotificationSounds(serialOrName,(err, res) => {if (err || !res ) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } function Appel_getActivities(serialOrName,callback) { alexa.getActivities(serialOrName,(err, res) => {if (err || !res ) return callback && callback(); callback && callback(res);}); } // Tous les appels GET app.get('/wakeWords', CommandAlexa.wakeWords); app.get('/media', CommandAlexa.media); app.get('/playerInfo', CommandAlexa.playerInfo); app.get('/bluetooth', CommandAlexa.Bluetooth); app.get('/notificationSounds', CommandAlexa.notificationSounds); app.get('/activities', CommandAlexa.activities); app.get('/devicePreferences', CommandAlexa.devicePreferences); app.get('/allDeviceVolumes', CommandAlexa.allDeviceVolumes); // affiche tous les volumes, à voir l'utilité ! app.get('/homeGroup', CommandAlexa.homeGroup); app.get('/smarthomeDevices', CommandAlexa.smarthomeDevices); app.get('/smarthomeBehaviourActionDefinitions', CommandAlexa.smarthomeBehaviourActionDefinitions); app.get('/smarthomeGroups', CommandAlexa.smarthomeGroups); app.get('/smarthomeEntities', CommandAlexa.smarthomeEntities); app.get('/devicesFull', CommandAlexa.devicesFull); app.get('/historyFull', CommandAlexa.historyFull); app.get('/discoverSmarthomeDevice', CommandAlexa.discoverSmarthomeDevice); app.get('/musicProviders', CommandAlexa.musicProviders); app.get('/remindersFull', CommandAlexa.remindersFull); app.get('/lists', CommandAlexa.lists); app.get('/carts', CommandAlexa.carts); app.get('/deviceNotificationState', CommandAlexa.deviceNotificationState); app.get('/deviceStatusList', CommandAlexa.deviceStatusList); app.get('/playlists', CommandAlexa.Playlists); app.get('/playlist', CommandAlexa.playList); app.get('/playmusictrack', CommandAlexa.playMusicTrack); app.get('/getvolume', (req, res) => { res.type('json'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); if ('device' in req.query === false) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.getVolume', 'Missing parameter "device"')); config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Device : ' + req.query.device, 'DEBUG'); //var valeurvolume=""; alexa.getMedia2(req.query.device, function(devices) { //var toReturn = []; config.logger('{API}: trouve volume :'+devices.volume); //valeurvolume=devices["volume"]; res.status(200).json({ value: devices.volume }); }); }); app.get('/history', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); if ('maxRecordSize' in req.query === false) req.query.maxRecordSize = 5; if ('recordType' in req.query === false) req.query.recordType = 'VOICE_HISTORY'; const options = { maxRecordSize: req.query.maxRecordSize, recordType: req.query.recordType }; alexa.getHistory2(options, function(devices) { var toReturn = []; //console.log(devices); for (var serial in devices) { if (devices.hasOwnProperty(serial)) { var activities = devices[activities]; var device = devices[serial]; toReturn.push({ 'serial': serial, 'activityStatus': device.activityStatus, 'deviceSerialNumber': device.deviceSerialNumber, 'creationTimestamp': device.creationTimestamp, 'summary': device.description.summary }); } } res.status(200).json(toReturn); }); }); /***** routines ***** URL: /routines */ app.get('/routines', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); //config.logger('{API}: type of devices : '+typeof devices); alexa.getAutomationRoutines2(function(niveau0) { //devices='{"notifications":'+devices+'}'; //config.logger('{API}: routines2'); // config.logger(JSON.stringify(devices)); // config.logger(devices); //config.logger('{API}: type of devices : '+typeof devices); var resultatutterance; var resultatlocale; var resultattriggerTime; var resultattimeZoneId; var resultatrecurrence; //config.logger('{API}: routines3b2'); var toReturn = []; // config.logger('************DEBUG DE ROUTINES*******************'); // config.logger('************Résultat de la requète Routines : '+JSON.stringify(niveau0)); for (var serial in niveau0) { if (niveau0.hasOwnProperty(serial)) { //config.logger('************************************************'); var routine = niveau0[serial]; //config.logger('(general)----- '+routine.status); //config.logger('(general)----- '+routine.creationTimeEpochMillis); if (routine.status === 'ENABLED') { //config.logger('(SUPPRESSION)----- '+routine.creationTimeEpochMillis); alexa.executeAutomationRoutine("", routine, function(err) { //config.logger('(SUPPRESSION DEDANS)----- '+routine.creationTimeEpochMillis); //executeAutomationRoutine(serialOrName, routine, callback) //res.status(200).json({}); }); //config.logger('(SUPPRESSION)----- '+routine.creationTimeEpochMillis); } for (var serial2 in routine.triggers) { if (routine.triggers.hasOwnProperty(serial2)) { var niveau2 = routine.triggers[serial2]; resultatutterance = ""; resultatlocale = ""; resultattriggerTime = ""; resultattimeZoneId = ""; resultatrecurrence = ""; for (var triggers in niveau2.payload) { //Partie PAYLOAD if (niveau2.payload.hasOwnProperty(triggers)) { var niveau3 = niveau2.payload[triggers]; //config.logger('(triggers1)----- '+triggers.locale); //config.logger('(triggers2)----- '+niveau3.locale); //config.logger('(triggers3)----- '+triggers+' : '+niveau3); switch (triggers) { case 'utterance': resultatutterance = niveau3; break; case 'locale': resultatlocale = niveau3; break; case 'schedule': for (var schedule in niveau3) { //Partie schedule if (niveau3.hasOwnProperty(schedule)) { var niveau4 = niveau3[schedule]; //config.logger('(schedule)----- '+schedule+' : '+niveau4); switch (schedule) { case 'triggerTime': resultattriggerTime = niveau4; break; case 'timeZoneId': resultattimeZoneId = niveau4; break; case 'recurrence': resultatrecurrence = niveau4; break; } } } break; } } } } } /* for (Var serial2 in routine.sequence) //partie SEQUENCE non utilisé à ce stade { var niveau2 = routine[serial2]; config.logger('(sequence)----- '+serial2+' : '+niveau2); } */ toReturn.push({ 'status': routine.status, 'locale': resultatlocale, 'utterance': resultatutterance, 'triggerTime': resultattriggerTime, 'timeZoneId': resultattimeZoneId, 'recurrence': resultatrecurrence, 'creationTimeEpochMillis': routine.creationTimeEpochMillis, 'lastUpdatedTimeEpochMillis': routine.lastUpdatedTimeEpochMillis // 'members': device.clusterMembers }); } } res.status(200).json(toReturn); }); }); /***** Reminders ***** URL: /reminders Return the list of reminders [{ serial - String - Serial nu=mber of the device (unique identifier) name: String - name of the device. Use this name (or serial) to call as "device" parameter of others methods type: String - Device family as defined by Amazon. Known type: TABLET (for tablet device), ECHO (for ECHO device), WHA (for group of devices), VOX (for smartphone? Webpage?) online: Boolean - true when the device is connected, false oe, capabilities: [String] - List of available capabilties of the device, few example: VOLUME_SETTING, REMINDERS, MICROPHONE, TUNE_IN, ... }] */ app.get('/reminders', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); //config.logger('{API}: (reminders) Lancement','DEBUG'); alexa.getNotifications2(function(notifications) { //config.logger('{API}: (reminders) function','DEBUG'); var toReturn = []; for (var serial in notifications) { if (notifications.hasOwnProperty(serial)) { var device = notifications[serial]; toReturn.push({ 'serial': serial, 'deviceSerialNumber': device.deviceSerialNumber, 'type': device.type, 'originalTime': device.originalTime, 'musicEntity': device.musicEntity, 'soundDisplayName': device.sound.displayName, 'originalDate': device.originalDate, 'remainingTime': device.remainingTime, 'status': device.status, 'recurringPattern': device.recurringPattern, 'reminderLabel': device.reminderLabel, 'id': device.id }); } } res.status(200).json(toReturn); }); }); /***** DeleteAllAlarms ***** URL: /deleteallalarms Supprime toutes les alamrmes et/ou tous les rappels [{ }] */ app.get('/deleteallalarms', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); alexa.getNotifications2(function(notifications) { //var toReturn = []; //config.logger('{API} - prepa boucle 1:'+JSON.stringify(notifications),'INFO'); //config.logger('{API} - prepa boucle 1 nb:'+Object.keys(notifications).length,'INFO'); // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements du device selctionné const notificationsfiltrees = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.deviceSerialNumber == req.query.device); notifications = notificationsfiltrees; //config.logger('{API} - on filtre sur req.query.device:'+req.query.device,'INFO'); //config.logger('{API} - prepa boucle 2:'+JSON.stringify(notifications),'INFO'); //config.logger('{API} - prepa boucle 2 nb:'+Object.keys(notifications).length,'INFO'); //config.logger('{API} - deleteallalarms req.query.type: ' + req.query.type,'DEBUG'); //config.logger('{API} - on filtre sur req.query.type:'+req.query.type,'INFO'); if ((req.query.type != 'all') && (req.query.type != 'ALL')) { var notificationsfiltrees1; if ((req.query.type.toUpperCase() == 'reminder'.toUpperCase()) || (req.query.type.toUpperCase() == 'reminders'.toUpperCase())) notificationsfiltrees1 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.type == "Reminder"); else notificationsfiltrees1 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.type == "Alarm"); //Par défaut donc notifications = notificationsfiltrees1; } //config.logger('{API} - prepa boucle 3:'+JSON.stringify(notifications),'INFO'); //config.logger('{API} - prepa boucle 3 nb:'+Object.keys(notifications).length,'INFO'); // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont un status qui correspond à req.query.status if ((req.query.status != 'all') && (req.query.status != 'ALL')) { var FiltreSurStatus = 'ON'; if ((req.query.status == 'off') || (req.query.status == 'OFF')) FiltreSurStatus = 'OFF'; const notificationsfiltrees2 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.status == FiltreSurStatus); notifications = notificationsfiltrees2; } //config.logger('{API} - prepa boucle 5:'+JSON.stringify(notifications),'INFO'); config.logger('{API} - prepa boucle 5 nb:'+Object.keys(notifications).length,'INFO'); for (var serial in notifications) { //config.logger('{API} - boucle ','INFO'); if (notifications.hasOwnProperty(serial)) { // On va parcourir les résultats et supprimer chaque enregistrement var device = notifications[serial]; config.logger('{API} - DeleteAllAlarms delete id: ' + device.id); const notification = { 'id': device.id }; //config.logger('{API} - AVANT deleteallalarms device.id: ' + device.id,'INFO'); alexa.deleteNotification(notification, function(err) {}); } } }); res.status(200).json({ value: "Fini" }); }); /***** WhenNextAlarm ***** URL: /whennextalarm Return la prochaine alarme [{ position => 1= prochaine 2=suivante ... status => Filtre sur le status (active=ON, désactive=OFF, Tous =ALL) format => Format du résultat (HOUR=réduit HH:SS) }] */ app.get('/whennextalarm', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); alexa.getNotifications2(function(notifications) { //config.logger('{API}: (WhenNextAlarm) function' ); //var toReturn = []; if (isEmpty(notifications)) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.whennextalarm', 'Retour vide')); // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements du device selctionné const notificationsfiltrees = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.deviceSerialNumber == req.query.device); notifications = notificationsfiltrees; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont le type ALARM const notificationsfiltrees1 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.type == "Alarm"); notifications = notificationsfiltrees1; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui sont supérieure à l'heure du jour //Maintenant : var d = new Date(); var date_format_str = d.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + ((d.getMonth() + 1).toString().length == 2 ? (d.getMonth() + 1).toString() : "0" + (d.getMonth() + 1).toString()) + "-" + (d.getDate().toString().length == 2 ? d.getDate().toString() : "0" + d.getDate().toString()) + " " + (d.getHours().toString().length == 2 ? d.getHours().toString() : "0" + d.getHours().toString()) + ":" + ((parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString().length == 2 ? (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString() : "0" + (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString()) + ":00"; const notificationsfiltrees4 = notifications.filter(tmp => (tmp.originalDate + ' ' + tmp.originalTime > date_format_str)); notifications = notificationsfiltrees4; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont un status qui correspond à req.query.status if ((req.query.status != 'all') && (req.query.status != 'ALL')) { var FiltreSurStatus = 'ON'; if ((req.query.status == 'off') || (req.query.status == 'OFF')) FiltreSurStatus = 'OFF'; const notificationsfiltrees2 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.status == FiltreSurStatus); notifications = notificationsfiltrees2; } // Trie par Date/Heure const notificationsfiltrees3 = notifications.sort(function(a, b) { var x = a.originalDate + a.originalTime; var y = b.originalDate + b.originalTime; return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0)); }); notifications = notificationsfiltrees3; var compteurdePosition = 1; var compteurdePositionaTrouver = 1; var stringarenvoyer = 'none'; if (req.query.position > 1) { compteurdePositionaTrouver = req.query.position; } for (var serial in notifications) { if (notifications.hasOwnProperty(serial)) { // On va parcourir les résultats en allant à la position demandée. if (compteurdePositionaTrouver == compteurdePosition) { var device = notifications[serial]; switch (req.query.format) { case 'hour': case 'HOUR': stringarenvoyer = device.originalTime.substring(0, 5); break; case 'full': case 'FULL': stringarenvoyer = device.originalDate + " " + device.originalTime; break; default: //ou HHMM stringarenvoyer = device.originalTime.substring(0, 5).replace(':', ''); // Utilisation du format HH:MM } } compteurdePosition++; } } res.status(200).json({ value: stringarenvoyer }); }); }); /***** updateallalarms ***** URL: /updateallalarms */ app.get('/updateallalarms', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); // c'était pour générer la liste des devices /*alexa.getDevices(function(devices) { var lesDevices = []; for (var serial in devices) {lesDevices.push(serial);} config.logger('{API}: DEVICES '+JSON.stringify(lesDevices), 'INFO'); */ function ajouteZero(n){ if(n <= 9){ return "0" + n; } return n; } alexa.getNotifications2(function(notifications) { //config.logger('{API}: (WhenNextAlarm) function' ); //var toReturn = []; if (isEmpty(notifications)) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.updateallalarms', 'Retour vide')); // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements du device selctionné const notificationsfiltrees = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.deviceSerialNumber == req.query.device); notifications = notificationsfiltrees; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui sont supérieure à l'heure du jour //Maintenant : var d = new Date(); var date_format_str = d.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + ((d.getMonth() + 1).toString().length == 2 ? (d.getMonth() + 1).toString() : "0" + (d.getMonth() + 1).toString()) + "-" + (d.getDate().toString().length == 2 ? d.getDate().toString() : "0" + d.getDate().toString()) + " " + (d.getHours().toString().length == 2 ? d.getHours().toString() : "0" + d.getHours().toString()) + ":" + ((parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString().length == 2 ? (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString() : "0" + (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString()) + ":00"; const notificationsfiltrees4 = notifications.filter(tmp => (tmp.originalDate + ' ' + tmp.originalTime > date_format_str)); notifications = notificationsfiltrees4; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont un status qui correspond à req.query.status //if ((req.query.status != 'all') && (req.query.status != 'ALL')) { var FiltreSurStatus = 'ON'; //if ((req.query.status == 'off') || (req.query.status == 'OFF')) FiltreSurStatus = 'OFF'; const notificationsfiltrees2 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.status == FiltreSurStatus); notifications = notificationsfiltrees2; //} // Trie par Date/Heure const notificationsfiltrees3 = notifications.sort(function(a, b) { var x = a.originalDate + a.originalTime; var y = b.originalDate + b.originalTime; return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0)); }); notifications = notificationsfiltrees3; var whennextmusicalalarminfo='none'; var musicalalarmmusicentityinfo=''; var whennextreminderinfo='none'; var whennextreminderlabelinfo=''; var whennextalarminfo='none'; whennextmusicalalarminfo='none'; whennextreminderinfo='none'; var whennexttimerinfo='none'; var toReturn = []; var original; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont le type ALARM const quelesAlarmes = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.type == "Alarm"); let device=quelesAlarmes.shift(); if (device) { //var h=device.originalTime; //var d=device.originalDate; original=new Date(device.originalDate + ' ' + device.originalTime); let formatted_date = original.getFullYear() + "-" + ajouteZero(original.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + ajouteZero(original.getDate()) + " " + ajouteZero(original.getHours()) + ":" + ajouteZero(original.getMinutes()) + ":" + ajouteZero(original.getSeconds()); whennextalarminfo=formatted_date; } const quelesMinuteurs = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.type == "Timer"); device=quelesMinuteurs.shift(); // config.logger('{API}: (---) :'+JSON.stringify(device)); //config.logger('{API}: (---) :'+device.remainingTime); if (device) { let A = new Date(); A.setSeconds(device.remainingTime/1000); var secondes = A.getSeconds(); if(secondes < 10) secondes = "0" + secondes; var minutes = A.getMinutes(); if(minutes < 10) minutes = "0" + minutes; var jours = A.getDate(); if(jours < 10) jours = "0" + jours; var month = []; month[0] = "01"; month[1] = "02"; month[2] = "03"; month[3] = "04"; month[4] = "05"; month[5] = "06"; month[6] = "07"; month[7] = "08"; month[8] = "09"; month[9] = "10"; month[10] = "11"; month[11] = "12"; //whennexttimerinfo=minutes+" "+A.getHours()+" "+jours+ " "+month[A.getMonth()]+ " "+A.getDay()+ " "+A.getFullYear(); whennexttimerinfo=A.getFullYear()+"-"+month[A.getMonth()]+"-"+jours+ " "+A.getHours()+":"+minutes+":"+secondes; //2019-12-02 19:04:01 } const quelesAlarmesMusicales = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.type == "MusicAlarm"); device=quelesAlarmesMusicales.shift(); if (device) { original=new Date(device.originalDate + ' ' + device.originalTime); let formatted_date = original.getFullYear() + "-" + ajouteZero(original.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + ajouteZero(original.getDate()) + " " + ajouteZero(original.getHours()) + ":" + ajouteZero(original.getMinutes()) + ":" + ajouteZero(original.getSeconds()); whennextmusicalalarminfo=formatted_date; musicalalarmmusicentityinfo=device.musicEntity; } const quelesRappels = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.type == "Reminder"); device=quelesRappels.shift(); if (device) { original=new Date(device.originalDate + ' ' + device.originalTime); let formatted_date = original.getFullYear() + "-" + ajouteZero(original.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + ajouteZero(original.getDate()) + " " + ajouteZero(original.getHours()) + ":" + ajouteZero(original.getMinutes()) + ":" + ajouteZero(original.getSeconds()); whennextreminderinfo=formatted_date; whennextreminderlabelinfo=device.reminderLabel; } toReturn.push({ 'musicalalarmmusicentityinfo': musicalalarmmusicentityinfo, 'whennextalarminfo': whennextalarminfo, 'whennextmusicalalarminfo': whennextmusicalalarminfo, 'whennextreminderinfo': whennextreminderinfo, 'whennexttimerinfo': whennexttimerinfo, 'whennextreminderlabelinfo': whennextreminderlabelinfo }); res.status(200).json(toReturn); }); //});// retour de alexa.getDevices }); /***** WhenNextMusicalAlarm ***** URL: /whennextalarm Return la prochaine alarme musicale [{ position => 1= prochaine 2=suivante ... status => Filtre sur le status (active=ON, désactive=OFF, Tous =ALL) format => Format du résultat (HOUR=réduit HH:SS) }] */ app.get('/whennextmusicalalarm', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); alexa.getNotifications2(function(notifications) { //config.logger('{API}: (WhenNextAlarm) function' ); //var toReturn = []; if (isEmpty(notifications)) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.whennextalarm', 'Retour vide')); // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements du device selctionné const notificationsfiltrees = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.deviceSerialNumber == req.query.device); notifications = notificationsfiltrees; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont le type ALARM const notificationsfiltrees1 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.type == "MusicAlarm"); notifications = notificationsfiltrees1; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui sont supérieure à l'heure du jour //Maintenant : var d = new Date(); var date_format_str = d.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + ((d.getMonth() + 1).toString().length == 2 ? (d.getMonth() + 1).toString() : "0" + (d.getMonth() + 1).toString()) + "-" + (d.getDate().toString().length == 2 ? d.getDate().toString() : "0" + d.getDate().toString()) + " " + (d.getHours().toString().length == 2 ? d.getHours().toString() : "0" + d.getHours().toString()) + ":" + ((parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString().length == 2 ? (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString() : "0" + (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString()) + ":00"; const notificationsfiltrees4 = notifications.filter(tmp => (tmp.originalDate + ' ' + tmp.originalTime > date_format_str)); notifications = notificationsfiltrees4; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont un status qui correspond à req.query.status if ((req.query.status != 'all') && (req.query.status != 'ALL')) { var FiltreSurStatus = 'ON'; if ((req.query.status == 'off') || (req.query.status == 'OFF')) FiltreSurStatus = 'OFF'; const notificationsfiltrees2 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.status == FiltreSurStatus); notifications = notificationsfiltrees2; } // Trie par Date/Heure const notificationsfiltrees3 = notifications.sort(function(a, b) { var x = a.originalDate + a.originalTime; var y = b.originalDate + b.originalTime; return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0)); }); notifications = notificationsfiltrees3; var compteurdePosition = 1; var compteurdePositionaTrouver = 1; var stringarenvoyer = 'none'; var stringMusicarenvoyer = 'none'; if (req.query.position > 1) { compteurdePositionaTrouver = req.query.position; } for (var serial in notifications) { if (notifications.hasOwnProperty(serial)) { // On va parcourir les résultats en allant à la position demandée. if (compteurdePositionaTrouver == compteurdePosition) { var device = notifications[serial]; stringMusicarenvoyer = device.musicEntity; switch (req.query.format) { case 'hour': case 'HOUR': stringarenvoyer = device.originalTime.substring(0, 5); break; case 'full': case 'FULL': stringarenvoyer = device.originalDate + " " + device.originalTime; break; default: //ou HHMM stringarenvoyer = device.originalTime.substring(0, 5).replace(':', ''); // Utilisation du format HH:MM } } compteurdePosition++; } } res.status(200).json({ value: stringarenvoyer, music: stringMusicarenvoyer }); }); }); /***** musicalalarmmusicentity ***** Return la musique de la prochaine alarme musicale [{ position => 1= prochaine 2=suivante ... status => Filtre sur le status (active=ON, désactive=OFF, Tous =ALL) }] */ app.get('/musicalalarmmusicentity', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); alexa.getNotifications2(function(notifications) { if (isEmpty(notifications)) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.whennextalarm', 'Retour vide')); // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements du device selctionné const notificationsfiltrees = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.deviceSerialNumber == req.query.device); notifications = notificationsfiltrees; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont le type ALARM const notificationsfiltrees1 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.type == "MusicAlarm"); notifications = notificationsfiltrees1; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui sont supérieure à l'heure du jour //Maintenant : var d = new Date(); var date_format_str = d.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + ((d.getMonth() + 1).toString().length == 2 ? (d.getMonth() + 1).toString() : "0" + (d.getMonth() + 1).toString()) + "-" + (d.getDate().toString().length == 2 ? d.getDate().toString() : "0" + d.getDate().toString()) + " " + (d.getHours().toString().length == 2 ? d.getHours().toString() : "0" + d.getHours().toString()) + ":" + ((parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString().length == 2 ? (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString() : "0" + (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString()) + ":00"; const notificationsfiltrees4 = notifications.filter(tmp => (tmp.originalDate + ' ' + tmp.originalTime > date_format_str)); notifications = notificationsfiltrees4; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont un status qui correspond à req.query.status if ((req.query.status != 'all') && (req.query.status != 'ALL')) { var FiltreSurStatus = 'ON'; if ((req.query.status == 'off') || (req.query.status == 'OFF')) FiltreSurStatus = 'OFF'; const notificationsfiltrees2 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.status == FiltreSurStatus); notifications = notificationsfiltrees2; } // Trie par Date/Heure const notificationsfiltrees3 = notifications.sort(function(a, b) { var x = a.originalDate + a.originalTime; var y = b.originalDate + b.originalTime; return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0)); }); notifications = notificationsfiltrees3; var compteurdePosition = 1; var compteurdePositionaTrouver = 1; //var stringarenvoyer = 'none'; var stringMusicarenvoyer = 'none'; if (req.query.position > 1) { compteurdePositionaTrouver = req.query.position; } for (var serial in notifications) { if (notifications.hasOwnProperty(serial)) { // On va parcourir les résultats en allant à la position demandée. if (compteurdePositionaTrouver == compteurdePosition) { var device = notifications[serial]; stringMusicarenvoyer = device.musicEntity; /* switch (req.query.format) { case 'hour': case 'HOUR': stringarenvoyer = device.originalTime.substring(0, 5); break; case 'full': case 'FULL': stringarenvoyer = device.originalDate + " " + device.originalTime; break; default: //ou HHMM stringarenvoyer = device.originalTime.substring(0, 5).replace(':', ''); // Utilisation du format HH:MM }*/ } compteurdePosition++; } } res.status(200).json({ value: stringMusicarenvoyer }); }); }); /***** WhenNextReminder ***** URL: /whennextreminder Return le prochain rappel [{ position => 1= prochaine 2=suivante ... status => Filtre sur le status (active=ON, désactive=OFF, Tous =ALL) format => Format du résultat (HOUR=réduit HH:SS) }] */ app.get('/whennextreminder', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); alexa.getNotifications2(function(notifications) { if (isEmpty(notifications)) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.whennextreminder', 'Retour vide')); // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements du device selctionné const notificationsfiltrees = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.deviceSerialNumber == req.query.device); notifications = notificationsfiltrees; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont le type ALARM const notificationsfiltrees1 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.type == "Reminder"); notifications = notificationsfiltrees1; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui sont supérieure à l'heure du jour //Maintenant : var d = new Date(); var date_format_str = d.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + ((d.getMonth() + 1).toString().length == 2 ? (d.getMonth() + 1).toString() : "0" + (d.getMonth() + 1).toString()) + "-" + (d.getDate().toString().length == 2 ? d.getDate().toString() : "0" + d.getDate().toString()) + " " + (d.getHours().toString().length == 2 ? d.getHours().toString() : "0" + d.getHours().toString()) + ":" + ((parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString().length == 2 ? (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString() : "0" + (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString()) + ":00"; const notificationsfiltrees4 = notifications.filter(tmp => (tmp.originalDate + ' ' + tmp.originalTime > date_format_str)); notifications = notificationsfiltrees4; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont un status qui correspond à req.query.status if ((req.query.status != 'all') && (req.query.status != 'ALL')) { var FiltreSurStatus = 'ON'; if ((req.query.status == 'off') || (req.query.status == 'OFF')) FiltreSurStatus = 'OFF'; const notificationsfiltrees2 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.status == FiltreSurStatus); notifications = notificationsfiltrees2; } // Trie par Date/Heure const notificationsfiltrees3 = notifications.sort(function(a, b) { var x = a.originalDate + a.originalTime; var y = b.originalDate + b.originalTime; return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0)); }); notifications = notificationsfiltrees3; var compteurdePosition = 1; var compteurdePositionaTrouver = 1; var stringarenvoyer = 'none'; if (req.query.position > 1) { compteurdePositionaTrouver = req.query.position; } for (var serial in notifications) { if (notifications.hasOwnProperty(serial)) { if (compteurdePositionaTrouver == compteurdePosition) { var device = notifications[serial]; //C'est bon, on est sur la bonne position, on renvoie le résultat switch (req.query.format) { case 'hour': case 'HOUR': stringarenvoyer = device.originalTime.substring(0, 5); break; case 'full': case 'FULL': stringarenvoyer = device.originalDate + " " + device.originalTime; break; default: //ou HHMM stringarenvoyer = device.originalTime.substring(0, 5).replace(':', ''); // Utilisation du format HH:MM } } compteurdePosition++; } } res.status(200).json({ value: stringarenvoyer }); }); }); /***** WhenNextReminderLabel ***** URL: /whennextreminderlabel Return le texte du prochain rappel [{ position => 1= prochaine 2=suivante ... status => Filtre sur le status (active=ON, désactive=OFF, Tous =ALL) }] */ app.get('/whennextreminderlabel', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API} ╔═══════[Lancement '+req.path+' sur '+req.query.device, 'INFO'); res.type('json'); alexa.getNotifications2(function(notifications) { if (isEmpty(notifications)) return res.status(500).json(error(500, req.route.path, 'Alexa.whennextreminder', 'Retour vide')); // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements du device selctionné const notificationsfiltrees = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.deviceSerialNumber == req.query.device); notifications = notificationsfiltrees; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont le type ALARM const notificationsfiltrees1 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.type == "Reminder"); notifications = notificationsfiltrees1; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui sont supérieure à l'heure du jour //Maintenant : var d = new Date(); var date_format_str = d.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + ((d.getMonth() + 1).toString().length == 2 ? (d.getMonth() + 1).toString() : "0" + (d.getMonth() + 1).toString()) + "-" + (d.getDate().toString().length == 2 ? d.getDate().toString() : "0" + d.getDate().toString()) + " " + (d.getHours().toString().length == 2 ? d.getHours().toString() : "0" + d.getHours().toString()) + ":" + ((parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString().length == 2 ? (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString() : "0" + (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString()) + ":00"; const notificationsfiltrees4 = notifications.filter(tmp => (tmp.originalDate + ' ' + tmp.originalTime > date_format_str)); notifications = notificationsfiltrees4; // Filtre et ne garde que les enregistrements qui ont un status qui correspond à req.query.status if ((req.query.status != 'all') && (req.query.status != 'ALL')) { var FiltreSurStatus = 'ON'; if ((req.query.status == 'off') || (req.query.status == 'OFF')) FiltreSurStatus = 'OFF'; const notificationsfiltrees2 = notifications.filter(tmp => tmp.status == FiltreSurStatus); notifications = notificationsfiltrees2; } // Trie par Date/Heure const notificationsfiltrees3 = notifications.sort(function(a, b) { var x = a.originalDate + a.originalTime; var y = b.originalDate + b.originalTime; return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0)); }); notifications = notificationsfiltrees3; var compteurdePosition = 1; var compteurdePositionaTrouver = 1; var stringarenvoyer = 'none'; if (req.query.position > 1) { compteurdePositionaTrouver = req.query.position; } for (var serial in notifications) { if (notifications.hasOwnProperty(serial)) { if (compteurdePositionaTrouver == compteurdePosition) { var device = notifications[serial]; stringarenvoyer=device.reminderLabel; //C'est bon, on est sur la bonne position, on renvoie le résultat /* switch (req.query.format) { case 'hour': case 'HOUR': stringarenvoyer = device.originalTime.substring(0, 5); break; case 'full': case 'FULL': stringarenvoyer = device.originalDate + " " + device.originalTime; break; default: //ou HHMM stringarenvoyer = device.originalTime.substring(0, 5).replace(':', ''); // Utilisation du format HH:MM }*/ } compteurdePosition++; } } res.status(200).json({ value: stringarenvoyer }); }); }); /***** Stop the server *****/ app.get('/stop', (req, res) => { //config.logger('{API}: Shuting down','INFO'); config.logger('{API} ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════╗','INFO'); config.logger('{API} ║ Lien au serveur Amazon En COURS D ARRET ║' ,'INFO'); config.logger('{API} ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════╝','INFO'); res.status(200).json({}); server.close(() => { process.exit(0); }); }); /***** Restart server *****/ app.get('/restart', (req, res) => { config.logger('{API}: Restart'); res.status(200).json({}); config.logger('{API}: ******************************************************************'); config.logger('{API}: *****************************Relance forcée du Serveur*************'); config.logger('{API}: ******************************************************************'); startServer(); }); /* Main */ fs.readFile(config.cookieLocation, 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (err) { config.logger('{API}: Error while loading the file: ' + config.cookieLocation); config.logger('{API}: ' + err); process.exit(-1); } try { config.cookie = JSON.parse(data); startServer(); // remonté de 5 lignes, inutile de lancer le serveur si cookier pose souci } catch (err) { config.logger('{API}: *********************************************************************'); config.logger('{API}: *********************************************************************'); config.logger('{API}: ** Relancez la génération du COOKIE AMAZON, il y a un souci dessus **'); config.logger('{API}: *********************************************************************'); config.logger('{API}: *********************************************************************'); config.logger('{API}: '); httpPost('message_add', {message: "Relancez la génération du COOKIE AMAZON, il y a un souci dessus"}); //config.logger('{API}: ' + err); } }); function startServer(force=false) { if (force||(Date.now()-dernierStartServeur)>20000) { dernierStartServeur=Date.now(); alexa = null; alexa = new Alexa(); let lancerOuPasMQTT=false; if (force) config.logger('{API} ╠═══════════════════[Relance du lien au Serveur Amazon (avec nouveau cookie)]═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════','INFO'); else { config.logger(' ','INFO'); config.logger('{API} ╔═══════════════════[Lancement du lien au Serveur Amazon]═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════','INFO'); lancerOuPasMQTT=config.useWsMqtt; } alexa.init({ cookie: config.cookie, logger: config.logger, alexaServiceHost: config.alexaServiceHost, cookieRefreshInterval: config.cookieRefreshInterval, useWsMqtt: lancerOuPasMQTT }, (err) => { // Unable to init alexa if (err) { config.logger('{API} ╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════','ERROR'); config.logger("{API} ║ Souci dans l'initiatlisation du serveur " + err ,'ERROR'); config.logger("{API} ║ ou le serveur " + config.alexaServiceHost + " n'est pas joignable" ,'ERROR'); config.logger('{API} ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════','ERROR'); process.exit(-1); } if (alexa.cookieData) { if (alexa.cookieaSauvegarder) { fs.writeFile(config.cookieLocation, JSON.stringify(alexa.cookieData), 'utf8', (err) => { if (err) { config.logger('{API}: Error while saving the cookie to: ' + config.cookieLocation); config.logger('{API}: ' + err); } config.logger('{API} ╠═══> New cookie saved to:' + config.cookieLocation,'DEBUG'); config.logger("{API} ╠═══> On doit relancer l'initialisation avec le nouveau Cookie",'DEBUG'); startServer(true); }); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sauvegarde a supprimer plus tard, pour trouver souci du cookie qui n'est plus valide Sigalou /* var d = new Date(); var date_format_str = d.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + ((d.getMonth() + 1).toString().length == 2 ? (d.getMonth() + 1).toString() : "0" + (d.getMonth() + 1).toString()) + "-" + (d.getDate().toString().length == 2 ? d.getDate().toString() : "0" + d.getDate().toString()) + "_" + (d.getHours().toString().length == 2 ? d.getHours().toString() : "0" + d.getHours().toString()) + ":" + ((parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString().length == 2 ? (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString() : "0" + (parseInt(d.getMinutes() / 5) * 5).toString()) + ":00"; fs.writeFile("/var/www/html/plugins/alexaapi/resources/data/alexa-cookie_"+date_format_str+".json", JSON.stringify(alexa.cookieData), 'utf8', (err) => { config.logger('{API} ╠═══> Copie du cookie saved to:' + "/var/www/html/plugins/alexaapi/resources/data/alexa-cookie_"+date_format_str+".json",'DEBUG'); }); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ } // Start the server if (server) { config.logger('{API} ╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════','INFO'); config.logger('{API} ║ Le lien vers le serveur Amazon est bien lancé sur le port ' + server.address().port ,'INFO'); config.logger('{API} ╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════','INFO'); } else { server = app.listen(config.listeningPort, () => { config.logger('{API} ╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════','INFO'); config.logger('{API} ║ Activation du port ' + server.address().port ,'INFO'); config.logger('{API} ╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════','INFO'); //server.close(() => { //server = app.listen(config.listeningPort); //}); }); } } else { config.logger('{API} ╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════','INFO'); config.logger('{API} ║ Ne devrait jamais arriver !! On a pas de cookieData' ,'INFO'); config.logger('{API} ╠════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════','INFO'); } }); } else { config.logger('{API}: ******************** Lancement Serveur annulé (dernière relance trop récente)***********************'); } } //alexa.sendSequenceCommand(serial, 'speak', req.query.text, GestionErreur); //Gestion des erreurs et surtout pour détecter les ConnexionClose function traiteErreur(err, commandesEnErreur=null, queryEnErreur=null) { if (err) { //config.logger('{API}: ******************************************************************'); //config.logger('{API}: *****************************ERROR********************************'); //config.logger('{API}: ******************************************************************'); if (err.message == "Connexion Close") { config.logger("{API} ╠═══>Connexion Close détectée et donc relance du lien au serveur Amazon", 'WARNING'); startServer(); } else if (err.message == "Unauthorized") { config.logger("{API} ╠═══>Unauthorized détecté et donc relance du lien au serveur Amazon", 'WARNING'); startServer(); } //else //{ if (Array.isArray(commandesEnErreur)) { config.logger("Alexa-API: "+err+" Commands: "+JSON.stringify(commandesEnErreur)+" Query: "+JSON.stringify(queryEnErreur), 'ERROR'); if (!(queryEnErreur.replay)) { // si c'est pas défini c'est que c'est le premier essai, donc on rejoue var listeCommandesEnErreur=[]; listeCommandesEnErreur.push(commandesEnErreur); httpPost('commandesEnErreur', { queryEnErreur: queryEnErreur, listeCommandesEnErreur: commandesEnErreur }); config.logger("{API} ╠═══>"+commandesEnErreur.length+" commandes en erreur: "+JSON.stringify(commandesEnErreur)+" query: "+JSON.stringify(queryEnErreur), 'WARNING'); } else { config.logger("{API} ╠═══>Traitement de l'erreur (2ème tour): "+err+" sur les commandes: "+JSON.stringify(commandesEnErreur)+" Query: "+JSON.stringify(queryEnErreur), 'ERROR'); config.logger("{API} ╠═══>ICI IL FAUDRAIT RELANCER LE LIEN SERVEUR", 'ERROR'); } } else if (typeof (commandesEnErreur) == "string") { config.logger("{API} ╠═══>"+err+" Command: "+commandesEnErreur+" Query: "+JSON.stringify(queryEnErreur), 'ERROR'); if (!(queryEnErreur.replay)) { // si c'est pas défini c'est que c'est le premier essai, donc on rejoue httpPost('commandesEnErreur', { queryEnErreur: queryEnErreur, listeCommandesEnErreur: commandesEnErreur }); config.logger("{API} ╠═══>commande en erreur: "+commandesEnErreur+" query: "+JSON.stringify(queryEnErreur), 'WARNING'); } else { config.logger("{API} ╠═══>Traitement de l'erreur (2ème tour): "+err+" sur la commande: "+JSON.stringify(commandesEnErreur)+" Query: "+JSON.stringify(queryEnErreur), 'ERROR'); config.logger("{API} ╠═══>ICI IL FAUDRAIT RELANCER LE LIEN SERVEUR", 'ERROR'); } } //config.logger('{API}: ******************************************************************'); //config.logger('{API}: ******************************************************************'); //} } } function httpPost(nom, jsonaenvoyer) { //config.logger && config.logger('httpPost httpPost httpPost httpPost httpPost httpPost httpPost httpPost httpPost httpPost httpPost '+nom); var url=IPJeedom+"/plugins/alexaapi/core/php/jeeAlexaapi.php?apikey="+ClePlugin+"&nom="+nom; config.logger && config.logger('URL envoyée: '+url, "DEBUG"); jsonaenvoyer=JSON.stringify(jsonaenvoyer); config.logger && config.logger('DATA envoyé:'+jsonaenvoyer,'DEBUG'); request.post(url, { json : true, gzip : false, multipart: [ { body: jsonaenvoyer } ] }, function (err, response, json) { if (!err && response.statusCode == 200) { //if(!json.result && json.error) //{ // //error json.error // } // else { // //json.result; // } } else { //error err est une erreur html } }); /**/ } // config.logger(JSON.stringify(devices)); function error(status, source, title, detail) { let error = { 'status': status, 'title': title, 'detail': detail }; config.logger('{API}: ' + title + ': ' + detail,'DEBUG'); return error; }