use DateInterval; /* SunCalc is a PHP library for calculating sun/moon position and light phases. Based on Vladimir Agafonkin's JavaScript library. Sun calculations are based on formulas. Moon calculations are based on formulas. Calculations for illumination parameters of the moon are based on formulas and Chapter 48 of "Astronomical Algorithms" 2nd edition by Jean Meeus (Willmann-Bell, Richmond) 1998. Calculations for moon rise/set times are based on article. */ // shortcuts for easier to read formulas define('PI', M_PI); define('rad', PI / 180); // date/time constants and conversions define('daySec', 60 * 60 * 24); define('J1970', 2440588); define('J2000', 2451545); // general calculations for position define('e', rad * 23.4397); // obliquity of the Earth define('J0', 0.0009); function toJulian($date) { return $date->getTimestamp() / daySec - 0.5 + J1970; } function fromJulian($j) { if (!is_nan($j)) { $dt = new DateTime("@" . round(($j + 0.5 - J1970) * daySec)); $dt->setTimezone((new DateTime())->getTimezone()); return $dt; } } function toDays($date) { return toJulian($date) - J2000; } function rightAscension($l, $b) { return atan2(sin($l) * cos(e) - tan($b) * sin(e), cos($l)); } function declination($l, $b) { return asin(sin($b) * cos(e) + cos($b) * sin(e) * sin($l)); } function azimuth($H, $phi, $dec) { return atan2(sin($H), cos($H) * sin($phi) - tan($dec) * cos($phi)); } function altitude($H, $phi, $dec) { return asin(sin($phi) * sin($dec) + cos($phi) * cos($dec) * cos($H)); } function siderealTime($d, $lw) { return rad * (280.16 + 360.9856235 * $d) - $lw; } // calculations for sun times function julianCycle($d, $lw) { return round($d - J0 - $lw / (2 * PI)); } function approxTransit($Ht, $lw, $n) { return J0 + ($Ht + $lw) / (2 * PI) + $n; } function solarTransitJ($ds, $M, $L) { return J2000 + $ds + 0.0053 * sin($M) - 0.0069 * sin(2 * $L); } function hourAngle($h, $phi, $d) { return acos((sin($h) - sin($phi) * sin($d)) / (cos($phi) * cos($d))); } // returns set time for the given sun altitude function getSetJ($h, $lw, $phi, $dec, $n, $M, $L) { $w = hourAngle($h, $phi, $dec); $a = approxTransit($w, $lw, $n); return solarTransitJ($a, $M, $L); } // general sun calculations function solarMeanAnomaly($d) { return rad * (357.5291 + 0.98560028 * $d); } function eclipticLongitude($M) { $C = rad * (1.9148 * sin($M) + 0.02 * sin(2 * $M) + 0.0003 * sin(3 * $M)); // equation of center $P = rad * 102.9372; // perihelion of the Earth return $M + $C + $P + PI; } function hoursLater($date, $h) { $dt = clone $date; return $dt->add(new DateInterval('PT' . round($h * 3600) . 'S')); } class DecRa { public $dec; public $ra; public function __construct($d, $r) { $this->dec = $d; $this->ra = $r; } } class DecRaDist extends DecRa { public $dist; public function __construct($d, $r, $dist) { parent::__construct($d, $r); $this->dist = $dist; } } class AzAlt { public $azimuth; public $altitude; public function __construct($az, $alt) { $this->azimuth = $az; $this->altitude = $alt; } } class AzAltDist extends AzAlt { public $dist; public function __construct($az, $alt, $dist) { parent::__construct($az, $alt); $this->dist = $dist; } } function sunCoords($d) { $M = solarMeanAnomaly($d); $L = eclipticLongitude($M); return new DecRa( declination($L, 0), rightAscension($L, 0) ); } function moonCoords($d) { // geocentric ecliptic coordinates of the moon $L = rad * (218.316 + 13.176396 * $d); // ecliptic longitude $M = rad * (134.963 + 13.064993 * $d); // mean anomaly $F = rad * (93.272 + 13.229350 * $d); // mean distance $l = $L + rad * 6.289 * sin($M); // longitude $b = rad * 5.128 * sin($F); // latitude $dt = 385001 - 20905 * cos($M); // distance to the moon in km return new DecRaDist( declination($l, $b), rightAscension($l, $b), $dt ); } class SunCalc { public $date; public $lat; public $lng; // sun times configuration (angle, morning name, evening name) private $times = [ [-0.833, 'sunrise', 'sunset'], [-0.3, 'sunriseEnd', 'sunsetStart'], [-6, 'dawn', 'dusk'], [-12, 'nauticalDawn', 'nauticalDusk'], [-18, 'nightEnd', 'night'], [6, 'goldenHourEnd', 'goldenHour'] ]; // adds a custom time to the times config private function addTime($angle, $riseName, $setName) { $this->times[] = [$angle, $riseName, $setName]; } public function __construct($date, $lat, $lng) { $this->date = $date; $this->lat = $lat; $this->lng = $lng; } // calculates sun position for a given date and latitude/longitude public function getSunPosition() { $lw = rad * -$this->lng; $phi = rad * $this->lat; $d = toDays($this->date); $c = sunCoords($d); $H = siderealTime($d, $lw) - $c->ra; return new AzAlt( azimuth($H, $phi, $c->dec), altitude($H, $phi, $c->dec) ); } // calculates sun times for a given date and latitude/longitude public function getSunTimes() { $lw = rad * -$this->lng; $phi = rad * $this->lat; $d = toDays($this->date); $n = julianCycle($d, $lw); $ds = approxTransit(0, $lw, $n); $M = solarMeanAnomaly($ds); $L = eclipticLongitude($M); $dec = declination($L, 0); $Jnoon = solarTransitJ($ds, $M, $L); $result = [ 'solarNoon' => fromJulian($Jnoon), 'nadir' => fromJulian($Jnoon - 0.5) ]; for ($i = 0, $len = count($this->times); $i < $len; $i += 1) { $time = $this->times[$i]; $Jset = getSetJ($time[0] * rad, $lw, $phi, $dec, $n, $M, $L); $Jrise = $Jnoon - ($Jset - $Jnoon); $result[$time[1]] = fromJulian($Jrise); $result[$time[2]] = fromJulian($Jset); } return $result; } public function getMoonPosition($date) { $lw = rad * -$this->lng; $phi = rad * $this->lat; $d = toDays($date); $c = moonCoords($d); $H = siderealTime($d, $lw) - $c->ra; $h = altitude($H, $phi, $c->dec); // altitude correction for refraction $h = $h + rad * 0.017 / tan($h + rad * 10.26 / ($h + rad * 5.10)); return new AzAltDist( azimuth($H, $phi, $c->dec), $h, $c->dist ); } public function getMoonIllumination() { $d = toDays($this->date); $s = sunCoords($d); $m = moonCoords($d); $sdist = 149598000; // distance from Earth to Sun in km $phi = acos(sin($s->dec) * sin($m->dec) + cos($s->dec) * cos($m->dec) * cos($s->ra - $m->ra)); $inc = atan2($sdist * sin($phi), $m->dist - $sdist * cos($phi)); $angle = atan2(cos($s->dec) * sin($s->ra - $m->ra), sin($s->dec) * cos($m->dec) - cos($s->dec) * sin($m->dec) * cos($s->ra - $m->ra)); return [ 'fraction' => (1 + cos($inc)) / 2, 'phase' => 0.5 + 0.5 * $inc * ($angle < 0 ? -1 : 1) / PI, 'angle' => $angle ]; } public function getMoonTimes($inUTC = false) { $t = clone $this->date; if ($inUTC) { $t->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); } $t->setTime(0, 0, 0); $hc = 0.133 * rad; $h0 = $this->getMoonPosition($t, $this->lat, $this->lng)->altitude - $hc; $rise = 0; $set = 0; // go in 2-hour chunks, each time seeing if a 3-point quadratic curve crosses zero (which means rise or set) for ($i = 1; $i <= 24; $i += 2) { $h1 = $this->getMoonPosition(hoursLater($t, $i), $this->lat, $this->lng)->altitude - $hc; $h2 = $this->getMoonPosition(hoursLater($t, $i + 1), $this->lat, $this->lng)->altitude - $hc; $a = ($h0 + $h2) / 2 - $h1; $b = ($h2 - $h0) / 2; $xe = -$b / (2 * $a); $ye = ($a * $xe + $b) * $xe + $h1; $d = $b * $b - 4 * $a * $h1; $roots = 0; if ($d >= 0) { $dx = sqrt($d) / (abs($a) * 2); $x1 = $xe - $dx; $x2 = $xe + $dx; if (abs($x1) <= 1) { $roots++; } if (abs($x2) <= 1) { $roots++; } if ($x1 < -1) { $x1 = $x2; } } if ($roots === 1) { if ($h0 < 0) { $rise = $i + $x1; } else { $set = $i + $x1; } } elseif ($roots === 2) { $rise = $i + ($ye < 0 ? $x2 : $x1); $set = $i + ($ye < 0 ? $x1 : $x2); } if ($rise != 0 && $set != 0) { break; } $h0 = $h2; } $result = []; if ($rise != 0) { $result['moonrise'] = hoursLater($t, $rise); } if ($set != 0) { $result['moonset'] = hoursLater($t, $set); } if ($rise == 0 && $set == 0) { $result[$ye > 0 ? 'alwaysUp' : 'alwaysDown'] = true; } return $result; } } // Définitions de variables perso : $LatObservateur = 50.0000000000; $LongObservateur = -1.0000000000; setlocale(LC_TIME, 'fr','fr_FR','fr_FR@euro','fr_FR.utf8','fr-FR','fra'); // Indication de localité pour les dates et heures (GMT, etc.) // Variables contenues dans un tableau '$sunTimes' en retour de la fonction 'getSunTimes()' // [solarNoon] [nadir] [sunrise] [sunset] [sunriseEnd] [sunsetStart] [dawn] [dusk] [nauticalDawn] [nauticalDusk] [nightEnd] [night] [goldenHourEnd] [goldenHour] // ##### TESTS ##### //$test = new SunCalc(new DateTime(), $LatObservateur, $LongObservateur); //print_r($test->getSunTimes()); //print_r($test->getMoonIllumination()); //print_r($test->getMoonTimes()); //print_r(getMoonPosition(new DateTime(), $LatObservateur, $LongObservateur)); // ##### Infos solaires ##### // initialise library class with date and coordinates today's sunlight times $sc = new SunCalc(new DateTime(), $LatObservateur, $LongObservateur); $sunTimes = $sc->getSunTimes(); // Appel fonction pour récupérer un tableau avec les infos sur le soleil $sunriseStr = $sunTimes['sunrise']->format('H:i'); // On lit la variable 'sunrise' de ce tableau $sunsetStr = $sunTimes['sunset']->format('H:i'); // On lit la variable 'sunset' de ce tableau $sunNoonStr = $sunTimes['solarNoon']->format('H:i'); // On lit la variable 'solarNoon' de ce tableau $sunnadirStr = $sunTimes['nadir']->format('H:i'); // On lit la variable 'nadir' de ce tableau $sunrisePos = $sc->getSunPosition($sunTimes['sunrise']);// Récupération des infos de position du soleil au lever $sunriseAzimuth = $sunrisePos->azimuth * 180 / M_PI; // Extraction de l'azimuth du soleil en degrés $sunriseAltitude = $sunrisePos->altitude; // Extraction de l'altitude // ##### Infos lunaires ##### $mc = new SunCalc(new DateTime(), $LatObservateur, $LongObservateur); $moonTimes = $mc->getMoonTimes(); $moonriseStr = $moonTimes['moonrise']->format('H:i'); $moonsetStr = $moonTimes['moonset']->format('H:i'); // Vérif si flag 'alwaysUp' (0 lever/coucher de lune car au-dessus de l'horizon tout le jour) ou 'alwaysDown' (toujours sous horizon) : if ($moonTimes['alwaysup']) { $moonriseStr = "levée depuis hier"; $moonsetStr = "ne se couche pas"; } if ($moonTimes['alwaysdown']) { $moonriseStr = "pas de lever"; $moonsetStr = "pas de coucher"; } // Lister les noms des variables (= clés) contenues dans un tableau : /* foreach (array_keys($sunTimes) as $key) {$retourliste1 .= "[" . $key . "] ";} */ // Lister les index des noms de variables contenues dans un tableau, puis leurs valeurs: /*foreach ($moonTimes as $key => $value) { $retourliste2 .= '[' . $key . '] :'; foreach($value as $valeur) {$retourliste2 .= '\n {' . $valeur . '}';} $retourliste2 .= '\n'; }*/ // On affecte à la variable Jeedom 'v_blablabla', le contenu de la variable PHP '$xxxxxxx', que l’on pourra afficher par exemple dans un virtuel : $scenario->setData('v_soleil_lever', $sunriseStr); $scenario->setData('v_soleil_zenith', $sunNoonStr); $scenario->setData('v_soleil_coucher', $sunsetStr); $scenario->setData('v_lune_lever', $moonriseStr); $scenario->setData('v_lune_coucher', $moonsetStr);