TTS Google home mini HS


Jeedom 4.2.21.
Plugin updated

Je vous sollicite concernant les plugin Googlecast et Gcast.
Mes deux google home ne fonctionnent plus.
J’ai déjà épluché les différents sujets mais je ne trouve pas de solution
Me concernant, les deux plugin ne fonctionne pas Googlecast et Gcast.

Concernant Google cast, je l’ai réinstallé et changé les moteur TTS.

Concernant Gcast, lorsque je lance « Parle » le sigle actualiser ne s’arrête pas de tourner.
(par contre lorsque je click sur muet par exemple ça fonctionne)

Googlecast à très bien marché jusqu’à peu.

si dessous le log de Googlecast.

[2022-10-10 14:47:57][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client connected to []
[2022-10-10 14:47:57][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Message read from socket: {"apikey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX", "cmd": "action", "device": {"uuid": "af68-5e56bf86b86d", "source": "googlecast"}, "command": [{"cmd": "tts", "value": "essai de jeedom", "vol": "100"}]}
[2022-10-10 14:47:57][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client disconnected from []
[2022-10-10 14:47:57][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2022-10-10 14:47:57][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Received command from jeedom : action
[2022-10-10 14:47:57][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Attempt an action on a device
[2022-10-10 14:47:57][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Action Thread Launched
[2022-10-10 14:47:57][DEBUG] : ACTION------ action - tts - 054-af68-5e56bf86b86d - essai de jeedom - none
[2022-10-10 14:47:57][DEBUG] : ACTION------TTS action
[2022-10-10 14:47:57][DEBUG] : CMD-TTS------TTS Filename hexdigest :71f5b619de7fb9a4e5fdd  (essai de jeedompicottsfr-FR300)
[2022-10-10 14:47:57][DEBUG] : CMD-TTS------Using from cache
[2022-10-10 14:47:58][DEBUG] : CMD-TTS------Sentence: 'essai de jeedom' (picotts,fr-FR)
[2022-10-10 14:47:58][DEBUG] : TTS------Estimated duration of tts media is 3.58 secondes
[2022-10-10 14:47:58][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ NOW PLAYING STATUS SEND {'uuid': '-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'title': 'TTS', 'artist': '', 'series_title': '', 'player_state': 'IDLE'}
[2022-10-10 14:47:58][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'uuid': '0ce0c8a8-8ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'nowplaying': {'uuid': '54-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'online': True, 'friendly_name': 'Google Home Mini', 'is_active_input': False, 'is_stand_by': False, 'volume_level': 100, 'volume_muted': False, 'app_id': 'CC1AD845', 'icon_url': '', 'display_name': 'Default Media Receiver', 'status_text': 'Diffusion: TTS', 'is_busy': True, 'title': 'TTS', 'album_artist': None, 'metadata_type': None, 'album_name': None, 'current_time': '0', 'artist': None, 'series_title': None, 'season': None, 'episode': None, 'image': '', 'stream_type': 'BUFFERED', 'track': None, 'player_state': 'IDLE', 'supported_media_commands': 12303, 'supports_pause': True, 'duration': None, 'content_type': 'audio/mp3', 'idle_reason': None}}
[2022-10-10 14:47:58][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Detected changes in status of Google Home Mini
[2022-10-10 14:47:58][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'uuid': '0ce0c8a8-8ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'nowplaying': {'uuid': 'f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'online': True, 'friendly_name': 'Google Home Mini', 'is_active_input': False, 'is_stand_by': False, 'volume_level': 100, 'volume_muted': False, 'app_id': 'CC1AD845', 'icon_url': '', 'display_name': 'Default Media Receiver', 'status_text': 'Default Media Receiver', 'is_busy': True, 'title': 'TTS', 'album_artist': None, 'metadata_type': None, 'album_name': None, 'current_time': '0', 'artist': None, 'series_title': None, 'season': None, 'episode': None, 'image': '', 'stream_type': 'BUFFERED', 'track': None, 'player_state': 'IDLE', 'supported_media_commands': 12303, 'supports_pause': True, 'duration': None, 'content_type': 'audio/mp3', 'idle_reason': None}}
[2022-10-10 14:47:58][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Manage previous status : Removing previous playercmd!
[2022-10-10 14:47:58][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Detected changes in status of Google Home Mini
[2022-10-10 14:47:58][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'uuid': '5e56bf86b86d', 'nowplaying': {'uuid': 'ab86d', 'online': True, 'friendly_name': 'Google Home Mini', 'is_active_input': False, 'is_stand_by': False, 'volume_level': 100, 'volume_muted': False, 'app_id': 'CC1AD845', 'icon_url': '', 'display_name': 'Default Media Receiver', 'status_text': 'Diffusion: TTS', 'is_busy': True, 'title': 'TTS', 'album_artist': None, 'metadata_type': None, 'album_name': None, 'current_time': '0', 'artist': None, 'series_title': None, 'season': None, 'episode': None, 'image': '', 'stream_type': 'BUFFERED', 'track': None, 'player_state': 'IDLE', 'supported_media_commands': 12303, 'supports_pause': True, 'duration': None, 'content_type': 'audio/mp3', 'idle_reason': None}}
[2022-10-10 14:47:58][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'uuid': 'f68-5e56bf86b86d', 'nowplaying': {'uuid': 'e56bf86b86d', 'online': True, 'friendly_name': 'Google Home Mini', 'is_active_input': False, 'is_stand_by': False, 'volume_level': 100, 'volume_muted': False, 'app_id': 'CC1AD845', 'icon_url': '', 'display_name': 'Default Media Receiver', 'status_text': 'Diffusion: TTS', 'is_busy': True, 'title': 'TTS', 'album_artist': None, 'metadata_type': None, 'album_name': None, 'current_time': '0', 'artist': None, 'series_title': None, 'season': None, 'episode': None, 'image': '', 'stream_type': 'BUFFERED', 'track': None, 'player_state': 'IDLE', 'supported_media_commands': 12303, 'supports_pause': True, 'duration': None, 'content_type': 'audio/mp3', 'idle_reason': None}}
[2022-10-10 14:47:58][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'uuid': 'ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'nowplaying': {'uuid': '-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'online': True, 'friendly_name': 'Google Home Mini', 'is_active_input': False, 'is_stand_by': False, 'volume_level': 100, 'volume_muted': False, 'app_id': 'CC1AD845', 'icon_url': '', 'display_name': 'Default Media Receiver', 'status_text': 'Diffusion: TTS', 'is_busy': True, 'title': 'TTS', 'album_artist': None, 'metadata_type': None, 'album_name': None, 'current_time': '0', 'artist': None, 'series_title': None, 'season': None, 'episode': None, 'image': '', 'stream_type': 'BUFFERED', 'track': None, 'player_state': 'IDLE', 'supported_media_commands': 12303, 'supports_pause': True, 'duration': None, 'content_type': 'audio/mp3', 'idle_reason': None}}
[2022-10-10 14:47:58][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'uuid': '-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'nowplaying': {'uuid': '6bf86b86d', 'online': True, 'friendly_name': 'Google Home Mini', 'is_active_input': False, 'is_stand_by': False, 'volume_level': 100, 'volume_muted': False, 'app_id': 'CC1AD845', 'icon_url': '', 'display_name': 'Default Media Receiver', 'status_text': 'Diffusion: TTS', 'is_busy': True, 'title': 'TTS', 'album_artist': None, 'metadata_type': None, 'album_name': None, 'current_time': '0', 'artist': None, 'series_title': None, 'season': None, 'episode': None, 'image': '', 'stream_type': 'BUFFERED', 'track': None, 'player_state': 'IDLE', 'supported_media_commands': 12303, 'supports_pause': True, 'duration': None, 'content_type': 'audio/mp3', 'idle_reason': None}}
[2022-10-10 14:47:59][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d': {'uuid': '6bf86b86d', 'typemsg': 'info', 'status': {'uuid': '9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'title': 'TTS', 'artist': '', 'series_title': '', 'player_state': 'IDLE', 'uri': '', 'friendly_name': 'Google Home Mini', 'is_active_input': False, 'is_stand_by': False, 'volume_level': 100, 'volume_muted': False, 'app_id': 'CD845', 'icon_url': '', 'display_name': 'Default Media Receiver', 'status_text': 'Diffusion: TTS', 'is_busy': True, 'stream_type': 'BUFFERED'}, 'lastOnline': 1665405993, 'online': True, 'lastSent': 1665406078, 'lastOfflineSent': 0, 'options': {'ignore_CEC': '0'}, 'lastScan': 1665406056}}}
[2022-10-10 14:48:02][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ getPreviousPlayerCmd {}
[2022-10-10 14:48:02][DEBUG] : TTS------Resume is not possible!
[2022-10-10 14:48:02][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Detected changes in status of Google Home Mini
[2022-10-10 14:48:02][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'054-af68-5e56bf86b86d': {'uuid': '0ce0c8a8-8ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'status': {'uuid': '0ce0c8a8-8ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'uri': '', 'friendly_name': 'Google Home Mini', 'is_active_input': False, 'is_stand_by': False, 'volume_level': 100, 'volume_muted': False, 'app_id': 'CC1AD845', 'icon_url': '', 'display_name': 'Default Media Receiver', 'status_text': 'Diffusion: TTS', 'is_busy': True, 'title': 'TTS', 'artist': '', 'series_title': '', 'stream_type': 'BUFFERED', 'player_state': 'BUFFERING'}, 'typemsg': 'info', 'lastOnline': 1665405993, 'online': True, 'lastSent': 1665406082, 'lastOfflineSent': 0, 'options': {'ignore_CEC': '0'}, 'lastScan': 1665406056}}}
[2022-10-10 14:48:14][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ NOW PLAYING heartbeat for f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d in seconds : 16
[2022-10-10 14:48:22][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ NOW PLAYING heartbeat for f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d in seconds : 24
[2022-10-10 14:48:31][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ NOW PLAYING heartbeat for 9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d in seconds : 33
[2022-10-10 14:48:37][DEBUG] : SCANNER------ Start scanning... (schedule)
[2022-10-10 14:48:37][DEBUG] :  MEMORY---- Total CPU time used : 3.478s (2.74%)  |  Last 61 sec : 0.615s (1.01%)  | Memory : 26 Mo
[2022-10-10 14:48:39][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ NOW PLAYING heartbeat for f9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d in seconds : 41
[2022-10-10 14:48:47][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ NOW PLAYING heartbeat for 8ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d in seconds : 49
[2022-10-10 14:48:55][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ NOW PLAYING heartbeat for 0ce09-af68-5e56bf86b86d in seconds : 65
[2022-10-10 14:49:11][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ NOW PLAYING heartbeat for c8a8-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d in seconds : 73
[2022-10-10 14:49:19][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ NOW PLAYING heartbeat for 054-af68-5e56bf86b86d in seconds : 81
[2022-10-10 14:49:27][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ NOW PLAYING heartbeat for 09-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d in seconds : 89
[2022-10-10 14:49:35][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ NOW PLAYING heartbeat for 08ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d in seconds : 97
[2022-10-10 14:49:35][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Detected changes in status of Google Home Mini
[2022-10-10 14:49:35][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'uuid': -8ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'nowplaying': {'uuid': 'f9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'online': True, 'friendly_name': 'Google Home Mini', 'is_active_input': False, 'is_stand_by': False, 'volume_level': 100, 'volume_muted': False, 'app_id': 'CC1AD845', 'icon_url': '', 'display_name': 'Default Media Receiver', 'status_text': 'Default Media Receiver', 'is_busy': True, 'title': 'TTS', 'album_artist': None, 'metadata_type': None, 'album_name': None, 'current_time': '0', 'artist': None, 'series_title': None, 'season': None, 'episode': None, 'image': '', 'stream_type': 'BUFFERED', 'track': None, 'player_state': 'IDLE', 'supported_media_commands': 12303, 'supports_pause': True, 'duration': None, 'content_type': 'audio/mp3', 'idle_reason': 'ERROR'}}
[2022-10-10 14:49:35][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'uuid': '-8ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'nowplaying': {'uuid': 'f9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'online': True, 'friendly_name': 'Google Home Mini', 'is_active_input': False, 'is_stand_by': False, 'volume_level': 100, 'volume_muted': False, 'app_id': 'CC1AD845', 'icon_url': '', 'display_name': 'Default Media Receiver', 'status_text': 'Default Media Receiver', 'is_busy': True, 'title': 'TTS', 'album_artist': None, 'metadata_type': None, 'album_name': None, 'current_time': '0', 'artist': None, 'series_title': None, 'season': None, 'episode': None, 'image': '', 'stream_type': 'BUFFERED', 'track': None, 'player_state': 'BUFFERING', 'supported_media_commands': 12303, 'supports_pause': True, 'duration': None, 'content_type': 'audio/mp3', 'idle_reason': None}}
[2022-10-10 14:49:36][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'0ce0c8a8-8ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d': {'uuid': '-8ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'status': {'uuid': '0ce0c8a8-8ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'uri': '', 'friendly_name': 'Google Home Mini', 'is_active_input': False, 'is_stand_by': False, 'volume_level': 100, 'volume_muted': False, 'app_id': 'CC1AD845', 'icon_url': '', 'display_name': 'Default Media Receiver', 'status_text': 'Default Media Receiver', 'is_busy': True, 'title': 'TTS', 'artist': '', 'series_title': '', 'stream_type': 'BUFFERED', 'player_state': 'BUFFERING'}, 'typemsg': 'info', 'lastOnline': 1665405993, 'online': True, 'lastSent': 1665406175, 'lastOfflineSent': 0, 'options': {'ignore_CEC': '0'}, 'lastScan': 1665406117}}}
[2022-10-10 14:49:36][DEBUG] : ZEROCONF------ Signal detected from chromecast on zeroconf network : Google Home Mini
[2022-10-10 14:49:39][DEBUG] : SCANNER------ Start scanning... (schedule)
[2022-10-10 14:49:39][DEBUG] :  MEMORY---- Total CPU time used : 4.065s (2.15%)  |  Last 62 sec : 0.587s (0.95%)  | Memory : 26 Mo
[2022-10-10 14:49:51][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ NOW PLAYING heartbeat for 0ce0c8a8-8ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d in seconds : 16
[2022-10-10 14:49:51][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'uuid': 'ef9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'nowplaying': {'uuid': 'f9-f054-af68-5e56bf86b86d', 'online': True, 'friendly_name': 'Google Home Mini', 'is_active_input': False, 'is_stand_by': False, 'volume_level': 100, 'volume_muted': False, 'app_id': 'CC1AD845', 'icon_url': '', 'display_name': 'Default Media Receiver', 'status_text': 'Default Media Receiver', 'is_busy': True, 'title': 'TTS', 'album_artist': None, 'metadata_type': None, 'album_name': None, 'current_time': '0', 'artist': None, 'series_title': None, 'season': None, 'episode': None, 'image': '', 'stream_type': 'BUFFERED', 'track': None, 'player_state': 'IDLE', 'supported_media_commands': 12303, 'supports_pause': True, 'duration': None, 'content_type': 'audio/mp3', 'idle_reason': 'ERROR'}}


J’ai remis une sauvegarde d’un mois avant et ça marche.
J’ai mis la dernière version du core.
Il ne me reste plus que le plugin Play TTS a mettre à jour.
A l’époque il me fallait ce plugin pour faire parler mes google home.
Je ferai cela un autre jour pour voir si il y a du changement.

1 « J'aime »

Tous les plugins sont à jours (sauf Google Agenda…) et ça marche pour le moment.
Pas compris ce qu’il c’est passé.