Problème suite à réinstallation complète de Jeedom


J’ai eu un soucis de matériel et j’ai été obligé de réinstaller/réappliquer le backup de Jeedom.
Depuis, j’ai un soucis avec google cast.
Plus aucune commande ne fonctionne.
J’ai supprimé un des éléments pour tester, mais lors du nouveau scan, rien ne se passe.

J’ai tenté des relances du démon, et aussi une réinstallation des dépendances, mais toujours pareil.

Lorsque je lance le scan, je vois uniquement cette erreur dans les logs :
[2020-07-04 19:00:57][ERROR] : ZEROCONF START------Exception on zeroconf monitoring : module 'zeroconf' has no attribute 'BadTypeInNameException'

J’ai lu sur plusieurs sujets qu’il pouvait y avoir des conflits de version avec zeroconf. Quelqu’un peut-il m’aider sur le sujet svp ?

Merci d’avance.


Je n’ai pas la réponse, mais pour aider il faut coller ici le journal d’installation des dépendances.
Il faut le placer entre blocs code.

Voici les logs lorsque je réinstalle les dépendances :

[2020-07-04 21:27:17][DEBUG] : This is a message from googlecast program local
[2020-07-04 21:28:16][DEBUG] : This is a message from googlecast program local
[2020-07-04 21:28:16][INFO] : Process stopped !
[2020-07-04 21:30:14][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : cmd=getconfig|data=cast_build_revision
[2020-07-04 21:30:15][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Error while accessing device (offline ?)
[2020-07-04 21:30:15][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result error (previous result) : 1.42.172094
[2020-07-04 21:30:15][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result error (with default) : 1.42.172094 => 1.42.172094
[2020-07-04 21:30:15][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : cmd=getconfig|data=opencast_pin_code
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Error while accessing device (offline ?)
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result error (previous result) : unknown
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result error (with default) : unknown => unknown
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : cmd=getconfig|data=cast_build_revision
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : Request response content : Array (     [bssid] => 78:11:dc:4a:29:8e     [build_version] => 180336     [cast_build_revision] => 1.42.180336     [closed_caption] => Array         (         )      [connected] => 1     [ethernet_connected] =>      [has_update] =>      [hotspot_bssid] => FA:8F:CA:3C:8E:80     [ip_address] =>     [locale] => fr     [location] => Array         (             [country_code] => FR             [latitude] => 255             [longitude] => 255         )      [mac_address] => 00:00:00:00:00:00     [name] => Smart Clock     [opt_in] => Array         (             [crash] => 1             [opencast] =>              [stats] => 1         )      [public_key] => MIIBCgKCAQEAo37bqyEWm1T5FLwIn+016rh7DaQGtHHGfnFHhhsc8Nw0rInNm91oiKjBcvTOwGJ7K8cz+s32pJ8mQDiJI/9NbqLCOHoqnaZpXvmJsAAkzEEmCKRoVo3ZFmWStTcM4iB6Szs7noHRDw90qWMt8F8imlp6nQiALCKMKda0wx0drkGAEjO6gvJw/lePTAKuC0RfD6B/BJQxGyq+a4Xfk+bh6JXE75pPiWDkIZIIX6+IB27hNogY2ECh3Pr+3ml5oIuMVGkXy1JcW3rekfE0sT2Jx8P4eDO4CTGltfM7g8zWNSx/lxnUjwQR+6tWysShaqBkbFxZnA6lDATvC5zi2lsPbwIDAQAB     [release_track] => gb-stable-channel     [setup_state] => 60     [setup_stats] => Array         (             [historically_succeeded] => 1             [num_check_connectivity] => 0             [num_connect_wifi] => 0             [num_connected_wifi_not_saved] => 0             [num_initial_eureka_info] => 0             [num_obtain_ip] => 0         )      [ssdp_udn] => 85840f88-28c0-719e-3d86-e6efc4f8487f     [ssid] => reyur-wifi-5g     [time_format] => 2     [timezone] => Europe/Paris     [tos_accepted] => 1     [uma_client_id] => f6cf1fd3-73b0-4efc-a9d0-30e16d712a1e     [uptime] => 24617.367074     [version] => 10     [wpa_configured] => 1     [wpa_id] => 0     [wpa_state] => 10 )
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result success : 1.42.180336 => 1.42.180336
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : cmd=getconfig|data=opencast_pin_code
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : Request response content : Array (     [bssid] => 78:11:dc:4a:29:8e     [build_version] => 180336     [cast_build_revision] => 1.42.180336     [closed_caption] => Array         (         )      [connected] => 1     [ethernet_connected] =>      [has_update] =>      [hotspot_bssid] => FA:8F:CA:3C:8E:80     [ip_address] =>     [locale] => fr     [location] => Array         (             [country_code] => FR             [latitude] => 255             [longitude] => 255         )      [mac_address] => 00:00:00:00:00:00     [name] => Smart Clock     [opt_in] => Array         (             [crash] => 1             [opencast] =>              [stats] => 1         )      [public_key] => MIIBCgKCAQEAo37bqyEWm1T5FLwIn+016rh7DaQGtHHGfnFHhhsc8Nw0rInNm91oiKjBcvTOwGJ7K8cz+s32pJ8mQDiJI/9NbqLCOHoqnaZpXvmJsAAkzEEmCKRoVo3ZFmWStTcM4iB6Szs7noHRDw90qWMt8F8imlp6nQiALCKMKda0wx0drkGAEjO6gvJw/lePTAKuC0RfD6B/BJQxGyq+a4Xfk+bh6JXE75pPiWDkIZIIX6+IB27hNogY2ECh3Pr+3ml5oIuMVGkXy1JcW3rekfE0sT2Jx8P4eDO4CTGltfM7g8zWNSx/lxnUjwQR+6tWysShaqBkbFxZnA6lDATvC5zi2lsPbwIDAQAB     [release_track] => gb-stable-channel     [setup_state] => 60     [setup_stats] => Array         (             [historically_succeeded] => 1             [num_check_connectivity] => 0             [num_connect_wifi] => 0             [num_connected_wifi_not_saved] => 0             [num_initial_eureka_info] => 0             [num_obtain_ip] => 0         )      [ssdp_udn] => 85840f88-28c0-719e-3d86-e6efc4f8487f     [ssid] => reyur-wifi-5g     [time_format] => 2     [timezone] => Europe/Paris     [tos_accepted] => 1     [uma_client_id] => f6cf1fd3-73b0-4efc-a9d0-30e16d712a1e     [uptime] => 24617.426608     [version] => 10     [wpa_configured] => 1     [wpa_id] => 0     [wpa_state] => 10 )
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result success : unknown => unknown
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][INFO] : Lancement démon googlecast : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/ --loglevel debug --socketport 55012 --sockethost --callback --apikey 69HOxpIEqvbLbAsrvYRrMhW1dRJl2Hkj --ttsweb --ttslang fr-FR --ttsengine jeedomtts --ttsspeed 0.8 --ttscache 1 --ttsgapikey none --gcttsvoice fr-FR-Standard-A --ttsdefaultrestoretime 1300 --ttsdefaultsilenceduration 300 --daemonname local --cyclefactor 1 --defaultstatus ' '
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : cmd=getconfig|data=cast_build_revision
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : Request response content : Array (     [bssid] => 78:11:dc:4a:29:8e     [build_version] => 195690     [cast_build_revision] => 1.46.195690     [closed_caption] => Array         (         )      [connected] => 1     [ethernet_connected] =>      [has_update] =>      [hotspot_bssid] => FA:8F:CA:6F:91:E0     [ip_address] =>     [locale] => fr     [location] => Array         (             [country_code] => FR             [latitude] => 255             [longitude] => 255         )      [mac_address] => 20:DF:B9:39:91:9A     [name] => Google Home SDB     [noise_level] => -89     [opt_in] => Array         (             [crash] =>              [opencast] =>              [stats] =>          )      [public_key] => MIIBCgKCAQEAzYMDHN8AEkkizFEbSXjRvXskYxCSy/8bRNWNWCUQ5zJm1qVWzZTeloMbUH4a8MeABBOpACNX3C7iUwT9IUFTZpTxi3GO8lI5Fm8hLUlEXmw0ub/SQ4aS0WwI0ejgWPcwhKYsQoPBIvwCXQ/gSrw/7QIh6nCr79vpMjcwGDbZLVqSrwlklW1Q+Pvyrmef5f4pUJvdp9uEUuKq+3EfAEsXyyhNaNzfpSmPuKgRQsMfwoJfR8UFtdL8rsdigqcP+pigcfCsgx5iQkNtwrkGczl/uw0rDc1csqZb5g/LTG/MqZoPTOLan/4XvNe2xPoBV02bP82Q4GdJ1zsqdwSvRdyvCQIDAQAB     [release_track] => stable-channel     [setup_state] => 60     [setup_stats] => Array         (             [historically_succeeded] => 1             [num_check_connectivity] => 0             [num_connect_wifi] => 0             [num_connected_wifi_not_saved] => 0             [num_initial_eureka_info] => 0             [num_obtain_ip] => 0         )      [signal_level] => -52     [ssdp_udn] => 5a558218-753c-7f5b-3089-e392600f1ad0     [ssid] => reyur-wifi-5g     [time_format] => 2     [timezone] => Europe/Paris     [tos_accepted] => 1     [uptime] => 67112.535338     [version] => 10     [wpa_configured] => 1     [wpa_id] => 0     [wpa_state] => 10 )
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result success : 1.46.195690 => 1.46.195690
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : cmd=getconfig|value=assistant/alarms|data=$.alarm.[0].fire_time|fnc=ts2long|reterror=Undefined
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][WARNING] : Le jeton Google Home n'est pas configuré!
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result success :  => Undefined
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : cmd=getconfig|value=assistant/alarms|data=$.alarm.[0].status|reterror=0
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][WARNING] : Le jeton Google Home n'est pas configuré!
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result success :  => 0
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : cmd=getconfig|data=opencast_pin_code
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : Request response content : Array (     [bssid] => 78:11:dc:4a:29:8e     [build_version] => 195690     [cast_build_revision] => 1.46.195690     [closed_caption] => Array         (         )      [connected] => 1     [ethernet_connected] =>      [has_update] =>      [hotspot_bssid] => FA:8F:CA:6F:91:E0     [ip_address] =>     [locale] => fr     [location] => Array         (             [country_code] => FR             [latitude] => 255             [longitude] => 255         )      [mac_address] => 20:DF:B9:39:91:9A     [name] => Google Home SDB     [noise_level] => -89     [opt_in] => Array         (             [crash] =>              [opencast] =>              [stats] =>          )      [public_key] => MIIBCgKCAQEAzYMDHN8AEkkizFEbSXjRvXskYxCSy/8bRNWNWCUQ5zJm1qVWzZTeloMbUH4a8MeABBOpACNX3C7iUwT9IUFTZpTxi3GO8lI5Fm8hLUlEXmw0ub/SQ4aS0WwI0ejgWPcwhKYsQoPBIvwCXQ/gSrw/7QIh6nCr79vpMjcwGDbZLVqSrwlklW1Q+Pvyrmef5f4pUJvdp9uEUuKq+3EfAEsXyyhNaNzfpSmPuKgRQsMfwoJfR8UFtdL8rsdigqcP+pigcfCsgx5iQkNtwrkGczl/uw0rDc1csqZb5g/LTG/MqZoPTOLan/4XvNe2xPoBV02bP82Q4GdJ1zsqdwSvRdyvCQIDAQAB     [release_track] => stable-channel     [setup_state] => 60     [setup_stats] => Array         (             [historically_succeeded] => 1             [num_check_connectivity] => 0             [num_connect_wifi] => 0             [num_connected_wifi_not_saved] => 0             [num_initial_eureka_info] => 0             [num_obtain_ip] => 0         )      [signal_level] => -51     [ssdp_udn] => 5a558218-753c-7f5b-3089-e392600f1ad0     [ssid] => reyur-wifi-5g     [time_format] => 2     [timezone] => Europe/Paris     [tos_accepted] => 1     [uptime] => 67112.965683     [version] => 10     [wpa_configured] => 1     [wpa_id] => 0     [wpa_state] => 10 )
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result success : unknown => unknown
[2020-07-04 21:30:16][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : cmd=getconfig|data=cast_build_revision
[2020-07-04 21:30:17][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Error while accessing device (offline ?)
[2020-07-04 21:30:17][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result error (previous result) : 1.44.185164
[2020-07-04 21:30:17][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result error (with default) : 1.44.185164 => 1.44.185164
[2020-07-04 21:30:17][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : cmd=getconfig|data=opencast_pin_code
[2020-07-04 21:30:18][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Error while accessing device (offline ?)
[2020-07-04 21:30:18][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result error (previous result) : unknown
[2020-07-04 21:30:18][DEBUG] : getInfoHttp : Result error (with default) : unknown => unknown
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : This is a message from googlecast program local
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : Process started. Sending known devices now...

et :

[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : ------------------------------------------------------
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : ------------------------------------------------------
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------STARTING googlecast
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Scan Timeout : 5
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Scan Frequency : 60
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Log level : debug
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Socket port : 55012
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Socket host :
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------PID file : /tmp/
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Apikey : *******************************
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------TTS Jeedom server :
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------TTS default language : fr-FR
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------TTS default engine : jeedomtts
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------TTS default speech speed : 0.8
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------TTS Google API Key (optional) : NOK
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------TTS default delay before volume restore : 1300 ms
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------TTS default silence before tts : 300 ms
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Cache status : True
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Callback :
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Event cycle : 0.5
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Main cycle : 2.0
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Default status message :  
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : -----------------------------------------------------
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : Writing PID 16278 to /tmp/
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : Init request module v2.21.0
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Network communication to jeedom OK.
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Socket interface started
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------LoopNetServer Thread started
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][INFO] : GLOBAL------Socket started and waiting for messages from Jeedom...
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Listening on: []
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : WARMUPNOTIF------ Checking file generation...
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'started': 1, 'source': 'local'}
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SCANNER------ Start scanning... (schedule)
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : ZEROCONF------ Stopping zeroconf monitoring thread...
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : ZEROCONF------ Start zeroconf monitoring thread...
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][ERROR] : ZEROCONF START------Exception on zeroconf monitoring : module 'zeroconf' has no attribute 'BadTypeInNameException'
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/pychromecast/pychromecast/", line 116, in start_discovery
service_browser = zeroconf.ServiceBrowser(
AttributeError: module 'zeroconf' has no attribute 'ServiceBrowser'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/", line 2075, in zeroconfMonitoring_start
tries=1, retry_wait=2, timeout=globals.SCAN_TIMEOUT, blocking=False, callback=ccdiscovery_callback)
File "/var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/pychromecast/pychromecast/", line 210, in get_chromecasts
listener, browser = start_discovery(internal_callback)
File "/var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/pychromecast/pychromecast/", line 122, in start_discovery
AttributeError: module 'zeroconf' has no attribute 'BadTypeInNameException'
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client connected to []
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Message read from socket: {"apikey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX", "cmd": "add", "device": {"uuid": "c1b3ca06-07e8-4b39-0164-6bdfc7adcf8b", "options": {"ignore_CEC": "0"}}}
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client disconnected from []
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client connected to []
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Message read from socket: {"apikey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX", "cmd": "add", "device": {"uuid": "85840f88-28c0-719e-3d86-e6efc4f8487f", "options": {"ignore_CEC": "0"}}}
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client disconnected from []
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client connected to []
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Message read from socket: {"apikey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX", "cmd": "add", "device": {"uuid": "5a558218-753c-7f5b-3089-e392600f1ad0", "options": {"ignore_CEC": "0"}}}
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client disconnected from []
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client connected to []
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Message read from socket: {"apikey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX", "cmd": "add", "device": {"uuid": "47b4d393-5398-5a62-e0d7-8b59dddf139d", "options": {"ignore_CEC": "0"}}}
[2020-07-04 21:30:20][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client disconnected from []
[2020-07-04 21:30:21][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2020-07-04 21:30:21][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Received command from jeedom : add
[2020-07-04 21:30:21][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Add device : {'uuid': 'c1b3ca06-07e8-4b39-0164-6bdfc7adcf8b', 'options': {'ignore_CEC': '0'}}
[2020-07-04 21:30:21][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2020-07-04 21:30:21][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Received command from jeedom : add
[2020-07-04 21:30:21][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Add device : {'uuid': '85840f88-28c0-719e-3d86-e6efc4f8487f', 'options': {'ignore_CEC': '0'}}
[2020-07-04 21:30:21][DEBUG] : SCANNER------No connection to device c1b3ca06-07e8-4b39-0164-6bdfc7adcf8b
[2020-07-04 21:30:21][DEBUG] : SCANNER------No connection to device 85840f88-28c0-719e-3d86-e6efc4f8487f
[2020-07-04 21:30:21][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'devices': {'c1b3ca06-07e8-4b39-0164-6bdfc7adcf8b': {'uuid': 'c1b3ca06-07e8-4b39-0164-6bdfc7adcf8b', 'status': {'uuid': 'c1b3ca06-07e8-4b39-0164-6bdfc7adcf8b', 'is_stand_by': False, 'is_active_input': False, 'display_name': '', 'status_text': ' ', 'app_id': '', 'icon_url': '', 'is_busy': False, 'title': '', 'artist': '', 'series_title': '', 'stream_type': '', 'player_state': ''}, 'typemsg': 'info', 'lastOnline': 0, 'online': False, 'lastSent': 1593891021, 'lastOfflineSent': 1593891021, 'options': {'ignore_CEC': '0'}, 'lastScan': 1593891021}}}
[2020-07-04 21:30:21][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'devices': {'85840f88-28c0-719e-3d86-e6efc4f8487f': {'uuid': '85840f88-28c0-719e-3d86-e6efc4f8487f', 'status': {'uuid': '85840f88-28c0-719e-3d86-e6efc4f8487f', 'is_stand_by': False, 'is_active_input': False, 'display_name': '', 'status_text': ' ', 'app_id': '', 'icon_url': '', 'is_busy': False, 'title': '', 'artist': '', 'series_title': '', 'stream_type': '', 'player_state': ''}, 'typemsg': 'info', 'lastOnline': 0, 'online': False, 'lastSent': 1593891021, 'lastOfflineSent': 1593891021, 'options': {'ignore_CEC': '0'}, 'lastScan': 1593891021}}}
[2020-07-04 21:30:22][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2020-07-04 21:30:22][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Received command from jeedom : add
[2020-07-04 21:30:22][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Add device : {'uuid': '5a558218-753c-7f5b-3089-e392600f1ad0', 'options': {'ignore_CEC': '0'}}
[2020-07-04 21:30:22][DEBUG] : SCANNER------ Start scanning... (schedule)
[2020-07-04 21:30:22][DEBUG] :  MEMORY---- Total CPU time used : 3.814s (190.68%)  |  Last 2 sec : 3.814s (190.68%)  | Memory : 34 Mo
[2020-07-04 21:30:22][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2020-07-04 21:30:22][DEBUG] : ZEROCONF------ Stopping zeroconf monitoring thread...
[2020-07-04 21:30:22][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Received command from jeedom : add
[2020-07-04 21:30:22][DEBUG] : ZEROCONF------ Start zeroconf monitoring thread...
[2020-07-04 21:30:22][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Add device : {'uuid': '47b4d393-5398-5a62-e0d7-8b59dddf139d', 'options': {'ignore_CEC': '0'}}
[2020-07-04 21:30:22][ERROR] : ZEROCONF START------Exception on zeroconf monitoring : module 'zeroconf' has no attribute 'BadTypeInNameException'
[2020-07-04 21:30:22][DEBUG] : Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/pychromecast/pychromecast/", line 116, in start_discovery
service_browser = zeroconf.ServiceBrowser(
AttributeError: module 'zeroconf' has no attribute 'ServiceBrowser'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/", line 2075, in zeroconfMonitoring_start
tries=1, retry_wait=2, timeout=globals.SCAN_TIMEOUT, blocking=False, callback=ccdiscovery_callback)
File "/var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/pychromecast/pychromecast/", line 210, in get_chromecasts
listener, browser = start_discovery(internal_callback)
File "/var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/pychromecast/pychromecast/", line 122, in start_discovery
AttributeError: module 'zeroconf' has no attribute 'BadTypeInNameException'
[2020-07-04 21:30:23][DEBUG] : SCANNER------No connection to device c1b3ca06-07e8-4b39-0164-6bdfc7adcf8b
[2020-07-04 21:30:23][DEBUG] : SCANNER------No connection to device 85840f88-28c0-719e-3d86-e6efc4f8487f
[2020-07-04 21:30:23][DEBUG] : SCANNER------No connection to device 5a558218-753c-7f5b-3089-e392600f1ad0
[2020-07-04 21:30:23][DEBUG] : SCANNER------No connection to device 47b4d393-5398-5a62-e0d7-8b59dddf139d
[2020-07-04 21:30:23][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'devices': {'5a558218-753c-7f5b-3089-e392600f1ad0': {'uuid': '5a558218-753c-7f5b-3089-e392600f1ad0', 'status': {'uuid': '5a558218-753c-7f5b-3089-e392600f1ad0', 'is_stand_by': False, 'is_active_input': False, 'display_name': '', 'status_text': ' ', 'app_id': '', 'icon_url': '', 'is_busy': False, 'title': '', 'artist': '', 'series_title': '', 'stream_type': '', 'player_state': ''}, 'typemsg': 'info', 'lastOnline': 0, 'online': False, 'lastSent': 1593891023, 'lastOfflineSent': 1593891023, 'options': {'ignore_CEC': '0'}, 'lastScan': 1593891023}}}
[2020-07-04 21:30:23][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'devices': {'47b4d393-5398-5a62-e0d7-8b59dddf139d': {'uuid': '47b4d393-5398-5a62-e0d7-8b59dddf139d', 'status': {'uuid': '47b4d393-5398-5a62-e0d7-8b59dddf139d', 'is_stand_by': False, 'is_active_input': False, 'display_name': '', 'status_text': ' ', 'app_id': '', 'icon_url': '', 'is_busy': False, 'title': '', 'artist': '', 'series_title': '', 'stream_type': '', 'player_state': ''}, 'typemsg': 'info', 'lastOnline': 0, 'online': False, 'lastSent': 1593891023, 'lastOfflineSent': 1593891023, 'options': {'ignore_CEC': '0'}, 'lastScan': 1593891023}}}

Pour moi, aucun de ces logs n’est le log d’installation des dépendances du plugin.

Ah, je pense que c’est mieux ça :

Launch install of googlecast dependancies
-- Current OS version :
Description:	Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
-- Updating repo...
Get:1 buster InRelease [15.0 kB]
Hit:2 buster InRelease
Fetched 15.0 kB in 6s (2416 B/s)
Reading package lists...
-- Installation of python3 and dependancies
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
build-essential is already the newest version (12.6).
python-dev is already the newest version (2.7.16-1).
python3 is already the newest version (3.7.3-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
-- Installed version of Python :
Python 3.7.3
Your version of python is compatible with this plugin.
-- Installation of pip for python3 and necessary libraries
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python-requests is already the newest version (2.21.0-1).
python3-dev is already the newest version (3.7.3-1).
python3-pip is already the newest version (18.1-5+rpt1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
-- Installation of audio sox library
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
sox is already the newest version (14.4.2+git20190427-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
-- Installation of TTS libraries
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Package libttspico-utils is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package 'libttspico-utils' has no installation candidate
-- Installation of libav/ffmpeg libraries
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
ffmpeg is already the newest version (7:4.1.4-1+rpt7~deb10u1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.
-- Upgrade setuptools with command pip3 if not up to date
Looking in indexes:,
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=42.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (49.1.0)
-- Installed version of pip :
pip 18.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.7)
-- Installation of python library 'requests' with command pip3
Looking in indexes:,
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.21.0 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (2.21.0)
-- Installation of python library 'protobuf' with command pip3
Looking in indexes:,
Requirement already satisfied: protobuf>=3.11.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (3.12.2)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from protobuf>=3.11.0) (49.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.9 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from protobuf>=3.11.0) (1.12.0)
-- Installation of python library 'zeroconf' with command pip3
Looking in indexes:,
Requirement already satisfied: zeroconf>=0.25.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (0.27.1)
-- Installation of python library 'click, bs4 and six' for TTS with command pip3
Looking in indexes:,
Requirement already satisfied: click in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (7.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: bs4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (0.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (1.12.0)
Requirement already satisfied: beautifulsoup4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from bs4) (4.9.1)
Requirement already satisfied: soupsieve>1.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from beautifulsoup4->bs4) (2.0.1)
-- Installation of python library 'tqdm, websocket-client, casttube' for plex/youtube with command pip3
Looking in indexes:,
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (4.47.0)
Requirement already satisfied: websocket-client in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (0.57.0)
Requirement already satisfied: casttube in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (0.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from websocket-client) (1.12.0)
-- Installation of dependencies is done !

Quel est le résultat des commandes suivantes sous ssh :

pip --version
pip3 --version

On peut avoir une copie ecran de la pages santé et sur quel type de box est tu ?

Hello @olive
Pour les commandes demandées :

jeedom@jeedom:~ $ pip --version
pip 18.1 from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip (python 2.7)
jeedom@jeedom:~ $ pip3 --version
pip 18.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.7)

Je tourne sur un RPI 3B.
Voici la capture :

Pour le plugin qui est KO, ça n’a rien à voir, c’est BLEA.
Pour la partie réseau, apparemment, quelquechose est mal configuré, mais je ne sais pas quoi. Depuis que j’ai réinstallé jeedom de 0 ce matin, j’ai remarqué que ça a changé de à
L’accès externe est très aléatoire, et j’ai déjà du redémarrer plusieurs fois le DNS Jeedom.

Merci pour votre aide.

C’est bon pour les pip’s
juste pour vérifier

python3 --version
python --version

au cas ou il y est du python3.5 quel que part …

jeedom@jeedom:~ $ python3 --version
Python 3.7.3
jeedom@jeedom:~ $ python --version
Python 2.7.16

ça semble bon!

Oui pour les python c’est ok le seul truc que je vois dans le log est
cette partie

-- Installation of TTS libraries Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... 
Reading state information... 
Package libttspico-utils is not available, but is referred to by another package. 
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source 
E: Package 'libttspico-utils' has no installation candidate

Et j’ai pas trop d’idées la …

essai cela

sudo apt-get install libttspico-utils

Echec :frowning:

Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Aucune version du paquet libttspico-utils n'est disponible, mais il existe dans                                                                                         la base
de données. Cela signifie en général que le paquet est manquant, qu'il est deven                                                                                        u obsolète
ou qu'il n'est disponible que sur une autre source

E: Le paquet « libttspico-utils » n'a pas de version susceptible d'être installé                                                                                        e

Je ne sais pas ce que ça vaut, mais sur un autre forum, je vois qu’en récupérant sur un FTP les dépendances et en les installant, ça marche : (dernier message du fil)

je viens de voir ça aussi

Ce ne serait pas le faite d’avoir mis picotts dans ta configuration ?

fait une copie d’ecran de ta conf plugin ?

moi je met ça :

Non, j’ai les valeurs par défaut :

je suis pas sure que les config TTS fonctionne …

J’ai dit des bétises je viens d’installer une version toute neuve dans une VM et ca fonctionne

Ok, vraiment bizarre tout ça.
J’hésite à tout recommencer de 0 encore une fois, mais ça risque de redonner exactement la même chose une fois mon backup restauré :confused:
Merci pour ton aide en tout cas.

Tu a essayé de supprimer le plugin puis de le réinstaller ?