plugin-ZIGBEE Beta

ConBee 2 n’existe pas dans la liste déroulante des type de contrôleur.

Juste un bug de présentation donc (beaucoup confusionnent encore ConBee 2 et Deconz).
Une nouvelle petite modification pour le plug in ZigBee beta :slight_smile:

Et pour les infos sur les télécommandes Ikéa avec la zigate, quelqu’un en a ? :grin:
J’ai vu plein d’infos sur le forum pour la Conbee2 et Deconz mais aucune procédure pour la zigate…

Je met le log de démarrage du démon qui présente des fails dans les configs !

 Start zigbeed
[2021-01-10 17:29:52][INFO] : Log level : debug
[2021-01-10 17:29:52][INFO] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigbee/
[2021-01-10 17:29:52][INFO] : Device : /dev/ttyACM1
[2021-01-10 17:29:52][INFO] : Apikey : 0kpxNVcHk4gvsP9Ee0iXGuWBuSn3SX7p
[2021-01-10 17:29:52][INFO] : Callback :
[2021-01-10 17:29:52][INFO] : Cycle : 0.3
[2021-01-10 17:29:52][INFO] : Controller : deconz
[2021-01-10 17:29:52][INFO] : Channel : 11
[2021-01-10 17:29:52][INFO] : Data folder : /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/data/1
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][INFO] : Find device : /dev/ttyACM1
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][INFO] : LOADER------Import de la configuration specifics.danfoss
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][INFO] : LOADER------Import de la configuration specifics.danfoss.details
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][INFO] : LOADER------Import de la configuration specifics.develco
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][INFO] : LOADER------Import de la configuration specifics.develco.details
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Writing PID 1025 to /tmp/jeedom/zigbee/
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Init request module v2.21.0
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : "GET /plugins/zigbee/core/php/jeeZigbee.php?apikey=0kpxNVcHk4gvsP9Ee0iXGuWBuSn3SX7p HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Using selector: EpollSelector
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : [start_zigbee] Init zigbee network with config : {'database_path': '/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/data/1/network_deconz.db', 'device': {'path': '/dev/ttyACM1'}, 'network': {'channel': 11}}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<function connect.<locals>.connector at 0x7fba667b70>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691a40>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS devices (ieee ieee, nwk, status)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b20>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'PRAGMA user_version = 3', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691a40>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ieee_idx ON devices(ieee)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS endpoints (ieee ieee, endpoint_id, profile_id, device_type device_type, status, FOREIGN KEY(ieee) REFERENCES devices(ieee) ON DELETE CASCADE)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691a40>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'PRAGMA user_version = 3', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS endpoint_idx ON endpoints(ieee, endpoint_id)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691a40>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS clusters (ieee ieee, endpoint_id, cluster, FOREIGN KEY(ieee, endpoint_id) REFERENCES endpoints(ieee, endpoint_id) ON DELETE CASCADE)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'PRAGMA user_version = 3', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691a40>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS cluster_idx ON clusters(ieee, endpoint_id, cluster)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS neighbors (device_ieee ieee NOT NULL, extended_pan_id ieee NOT NULL,ieee ieee NOT NULL, nwk INTEGER NOT NULL, struct INTEGER NOT NULL, permit_joining INTEGER NOT NULL, depth INTEGER NOT NULL, lqi INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(device_ieee) REFERENCES devices(ieee) ON DELETE CASCADE)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691a40>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'PRAGMA user_version = 3', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS neighbors_idx ON neighbors(device_ieee)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691a40>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS node_descriptors (ieee ieee, value, FOREIGN KEY(ieee) REFERENCES devices(ieee) ON DELETE CASCADE)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'PRAGMA user_version = 3', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691a40>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS node_descriptors_idx ON node_descriptors(ieee)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS output_clusters (ieee ieee, endpoint_id, cluster, FOREIGN KEY(ieee, endpoint_id) REFERENCES endpoints(ieee, endpoint_id) ON DELETE CASCADE)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691a40>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'PRAGMA user_version = 3', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS output_cluster_idx ON output_clusters(ieee, endpoint_id, cluster)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691a40>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS attributes (ieee ieee, endpoint_id, cluster, attrid, value, FOREIGN KEY(ieee) REFERENCES devices(ieee) ON DELETE CASCADE)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691a40>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS attribute_idx ON attributes(ieee, endpoint_id, cluster, attrid)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS groups (group_id, name)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691a40>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'PRAGMA user_version = 3', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS group_idx ON groups(group_id)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c00>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_members (group_id, ieee ieee, endpoint_id,
FOREIGN KEY(ieee, endpoint_id)
REFERENCES endpoints(ieee, endpoint_id) ON DELETE CASCADE)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'PRAGMA user_version = 3', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c00>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS group_members_idx ON group_members(group_id, ieee, endpoint_id)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS relays (ieee ieee, relays,
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c00>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'PRAGMA user_version = 3', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS relays_idx ON relays(ieee)', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method commit of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning None
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Loading application state from %s
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'SELECT * FROM devices', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning [(00:21:2e:ff:ff:06:94:8e, 0, 2)]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning []
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning None
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'SELECT * FROM node_descriptors', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning [(00:21:2e:ff:ff:06:94:8e, b'\x10@\x0f5\x11Y=\x00@\x00=\x00\x00')]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning []
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning None
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'SELECT * FROM endpoints', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning [(00:21:2e:ff:ff:06:94:8e, 1, 260, 5, 1), (00:21:2e:ff:ff:06:94:8e, 80, 56832, 1, 1)]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning []
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning None
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'SELECT * FROM clusters', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning [(00:21:2e:ff:ff:06:94:8e, 1, 25)]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning []
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691c70>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning None
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'SELECT * FROM output_clusters', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning []
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning None
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'SELECT * FROM attributes WHERE attrid=4 OR attrid=5', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning []
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning None
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Checking quirks for None None (00:21:2e:ff:ff:06:94:8e)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.gledopto.soposhgu10.SoposhGU10'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {11, 13} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.netvox.z308e3ed.Z308E3ED'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class ''>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class ''>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1, 2} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class ''>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1, 2} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.smartthings.multi.SmartthingsMultiPurposeSensor'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.smartthings.tag_v4.SmartThingsTagV4'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.xbee.xbee3_io.XBee3Sensor'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {232, 230} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.xbee.xbee_io.XBeeSensor'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {232, 230} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.gledopto.soposhgu10.SoposhGU10'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {11, 13} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.netvox.z308e3ed.Z308E3ED'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class ''>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class ''>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1, 2} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class ''>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1, 2} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.smartthings.multi.SmartthingsMultiPurposeSensor'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.smartthings.tag_v4.SmartThingsTagV4'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.xbee.xbee3_io.XBee3Sensor'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {232, 230} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.xbee.xbee_io.XBeeSensor'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {232, 230} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.gledopto.soposhgu10.SoposhGU10'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {11, 13} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.netvox.z308e3ed.Z308E3ED'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class ''>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class ''>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1, 2} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class ''>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1, 2} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.smartthings.multi.SmartthingsMultiPurposeSensor'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.smartthings.tag_v4.SmartThingsTagV4'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.xbee.xbee3_io.XBee3Sensor'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {232, 230} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Considering <class 'zhaquirks.xbee.xbee_io.XBeeSensor'>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {232, 230} {80, 1}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'SELECT * FROM attributes', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning []
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning None
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'SELECT * FROM groups', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning [(1, 'Capteur')]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Adding group: 1, Capteur
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning []
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning None
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'SELECT * FROM group_members', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning []
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning None
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'SELECT * FROM relays', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning []
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning None
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fba6a19d0>, 'SELECT * FROM neighbors', [])
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning <sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method fetchmany of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>, 64)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning []
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : executing functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fba691b90>)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : returning None
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Connection made
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.protocol_version: 34>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a02000800010022
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a02000a000300220b01
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter protocol_version response: [267]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.version (0,)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0d0300090000000000
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0d0300090000075826
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Version response: 26580700
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.device_state (0, 0, 0)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0704000800000000
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0704000700a200
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Device state response: [<DeviceState.128|APSDE_DATA_REQUEST_SLOTS_AVAILABLE|2: 162>, 0, 0]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Network state transition: OFFLINE -> CONNECTED
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.mac_address: 1>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a05000800010001
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a050010000900018e9406ffff2e2100
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter mac_address response: [00:21:2e:ff:ff:06:94:8e]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.aps_designed_coordinator: 9>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a06000800010009
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a0600090002000901
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter aps_designed_coordinator response: [1]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.write_parameter (5, <NetworkParameter.watchdog_ttl: 38>, b'X\x02\x00\x00')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0b07000c0005002658020000
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0b07000800010026
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Write parameter watchdog_ttl: SUCCESS
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.device_state (0, 0, 0)
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0708000800000000
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0708000700a200
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Device state response: [<DeviceState.128|APSDE_DATA_REQUEST_SLOTS_AVAILABLE|2: 162>, 0, 0]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.nwk_panid: 5>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a09000800010005
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a09000a000300054372
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter nwk_panid response: [0x7243]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.nwk_address: 7>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a0a000800010007
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a0a000a000300070000
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter nwk_address response: [0x0000]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.nwk_extended_panid: 8>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a0b000800010008
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a0b0010000900088e9406ffff2e2100
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter nwk_extended_panid response: [00:21:2e:ff:ff:06:94:8e]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.channel_mask: 10>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a0c00080001000a
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a0c000c0005000a00800000
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter channel_mask response: [<Channels.CHANNEL_15: 32768>]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.aps_extended_panid: 11>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a0d00080001000b
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a0d00100009000b0000000000000000
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter aps_extended_panid response: [00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.trust_center_address: 14>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a0e00080001000e
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a0e00100009000e8e9406ffff2e2100
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter trust_center_address response: [00:21:2e:ff:ff:06:94:8e]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.security_mode: 16>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a0f000800010010
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a0f00090002001003
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter security_mode response: [3]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.current_channel: 28>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a1000080001001c
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a1000090002001c0f
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter current_channel response: [15]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.protocol_version: 34>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a11000800010022
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a11000a000300220b01
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter protocol_version response: [267]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Command Command.read_parameter (1, <NetworkParameter.nwk_update_id: 36>, b'')
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Send: 0x0a12000800010024
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0a1200090002002400
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : Read parameter nwk_update_id response: [0]
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][INFO] : [00:21:2e:ff:ff:06:94:8e][listener.device_initialized] new=False
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : [start_zigbee] Init and start http server : {'database_path': '/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/data/1/network_deconz.db', 'device': {'path': '/dev/ttyACM1'}, 'network': {'channel': 11}}
[2021-01-10 17:29:53][DEBUG] : [start_zigbee] Start zigbee network

J’ai continué les tests et après avoir inclus le capteur dans la ConBEE par l’application Windows, il y a du changement dans les logs de Jeedom.
Il y a aussi du changement sur le capteur qui clignote 2x à chaque émission, je suppose que c’est un acquittement de la ConBEE.

Voici ce que me donne le log de Jeedom une fois le capteur inclu sous Windows:

[2021-01-10 18:09:26][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x0e47000700aa00
[2021-01-10 18:09:26][DEBUG] : Device state changed response: [<DeviceState.128|APSDE_DATA_REQUEST_SLOTS_AVAILABLE|APSDE_DATA_INDICATION|2: 170>, 0]
[2021-01-10 18:09:26][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x1c48000c00050002c747ffcd
[2021-01-10 18:09:26][DEBUG] : Command Command.aps_data_indication (1, 1)
[2021-01-10 18:09:26][DEBUG] : Send: 0x1747000800010001
[2021-01-10 18:09:26][DEBUG] : Frame received: 0x17470031002a00220200000102c7470104010000130018190a0500420c6c756d692e7765617468657200affff7090000cd
[2021-01-10 18:09:26][DEBUG] : APS data indication response: [42, <DeviceState.APSDE_DATA_REQUEST_SLOTS_AVAILABLE|2: 34>, <DeconzAddress address_mode=ADDRESS_MODE.NWK address=0x0000>, 1, <DeconzAddress address_mode=ADDRESS_MODE.NWK address=0x47c7>, 1, 260, 0, b'\x18\x19
\x05\x00B\', 0, 175, 255, 247, 9, 0, 0, -51]
[2021-01-10 18:09:26][DEBUG] : Received frame from unknown device: 0x47c7
[2021-01-10 18:09:26][DEBUG] : 'aps_data_indication' response from <DeconzAddress address_mode=ADDRESS_MODE.NWK address=0x47c7>, ep: 1, profile: 0x0104, cluster_id: 0x0000, data: b'18190a0500420c6c756d692e77656174686572'

Ton inclusion c’est mal passé tu l’as inclus avec les prises et non avec jeedom.

Sur certaine ampoule on a mis une commande de delai ou transition en s qu’il faut configuré a la valeur voulu avant d’envoyer l’ordre de changement de couleur.

Ca sera mis petit a petit pour tous les équipements (mais il faudra régénérer les commandes) mais c’est loin d’etre classé prioritaire chez nous donc pas la peine de le demander pour votre ampoule en particulier.

Bonjour @Loic, tu ne veux pas répondre à mon problème ?

Malheureusement les log ne semble pas etre avec la derniere maj du plugin

Si dès que nj’y arrive je traite dans l’ordre et aussi vite que je peux…

PS : ca sert a rien de demander comme ca ca donne juste envie de meme pas y repondre…

Je ne vois aucun bug… Tu lui demande de refaire les commandes faut ABSOLUMENT faire un F5 après c’est normal (on changera peut etre ca plus tard mais la c’est toujours de la beta on est pas encore a ce niveau de finition sur le plugin)
Tu changes les commandes ca peut parfois changer les ID ou non (ca depend du logical id, du nom et de pas mal d’autre chose). Donc normal que suivant les cas il faille ou non refaire les scénarions

J’essaie d’être à jour… Ca va trop vite :slight_smile:
A quel message fais-tu référence (j’en ai produit qq uns…) ?

Je sais que c’est en beta, j’essaye juste de remonter mes observations pour potentiellement améliorer la release. Rien de plus.
J’utilise la beta. J’en suis très satisfait pour l’instant…

@Loic est-ce ok pour toi ?

Tu devrais avoir du ::event dans le log zigbee pour le drop (mais c’est nouveau depuis samedi matin)

De quoi ok ? j’arrive plus a suivre la

Désolé, je n’ai pas compris!

J’ai ajouté la description de trois device qui ne sont pas dans ta base à priori. Je voulais savoir si ces données étaient ok pour les ajouter. J’ai cru comprendre que c’était un des objectifs de ce fil!

Merci @Loic.
Ta réponse me rassure quelque part :blush:
Je vais réessayer. Après appuie sur les boutons, tu confirmes que quand on clique sur les tests des commandes « info » on doit avoir une réponse (comme pour les commandes Sonoff par exemple) ?

Tu as la derniere valeur que l’équipement a transmis il n’y a AUCUNE interrogation de l’équipement.