Pb de démarrage du service

Petit pb du moment , impossible de démarrer le plugin ZigBee.

Je suis sur un NUC + Debian.
J’ai réinstaller les dépendances, redémarrer le démon (vérifier la configuration du port du contrôleur, sauvegarder), j’ai même fini a réinstaller et restaurer une sauvegarde.
Mais impossible qu’il démarre. J’ai un AttributeError: module ‹ zigpy.state › has no attribute ‹ NetworkInformation ›

[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : Start zigbeed
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : Log level : debug
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigbee/deamon_1.pid
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : Apikey : 8pjg7K8tJVO1Ljd07lJyjAMe4cRaBydu
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : Callback :
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : Cycle : 0.3
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : Controller : ezsp
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : Channel : 20
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : Data folder : /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/data/1
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : Device folder : /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/data/device
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : Folder OTA : /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/data/ota
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][INFO] : Zigpy advance configuration file : None
[2022-06-17 10:11:04][DEBUG] : SQLite version for <module 'sqlite3' from '/usr/lib/python3.7/sqlite3/__init__.py'>: 3.27.2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/zigbeed.py", line 235, in <module>
    from bellows.zigbee.application import ControllerApplication
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/bellows/zigbee/application.py", line 25, in <module>
    import bellows.ezsp
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/bellows/ezsp/__init__.py", line 21, in <module>
    import bellows.types as t
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/bellows/types/__init__.py", line 3, in <module>
    from .struct import *  # noqa: F401,F403
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/bellows/types/struct.py", line 258, in <module>
    class EmberNetworkParameters(EzspStruct):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/bellows/types/struct.py", line 286, in EmberNetworkParameters
    def zigpy_network_information(self) -> app_state.NetworkInformation:
AttributeError: module 'zigpy.state' has no attribute 'NetworkInformation'

Je trouve rien à ça.

J’ai lancé une mise à jour du firmware.

2022/06/17 10:24:28 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Elelabs Zigbee adapter detected:
2022/06/17 10:24:28 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Adapter: ELR023
2022/06/17 10:24:28 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Firmware: 6.10.3-41
2022/06/17 10:24:28 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   EZSP v8
2022/06/17 10:24:29 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Elelabs Zigbee adapter detected:
2022/06/17 10:24:29 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Adapter: ELR023
2022/06/17 10:24:29 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Firmware: 6.10.3-41
2022/06/17 10:24:29 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   EZSP v8
2022/06/17 10:24:30 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Elelabs Zigbee adapter detected:
2022/06/17 10:24:30 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Adapter: ELR023
2022/06/17 10:24:30 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Firmware: 6.10.3-41
2022/06/17 10:24:30 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   EZSP v8
2022/06/17 10:24:30 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Launch in bootloader mode
2022/06/17 10:24:39 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   EZSP adapter in bootloader mode detected:
2022/06/17 10:24:39 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Gecko Bootloader v1.A.0
2022/06/17 10:24:40 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Successfully restarted into X-MODEM mode! Starting upload of the new firmware... DO NOT INTERRUPT(!)
2022/06/17 10:25:21 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Firmware upload complete
2022/06/17 10:25:21 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Rebooting NCP...
2022/06/17 10:25:28 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Elelabs Zigbee adapter detected:
2022/06/17 10:25:28 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Adapter: ELR023
2022/06/17 10:25:28 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Firmware: 6.10.3-41
2022/06/17 10:25:28 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   EZSP v8
2022/06/17 10:25:29 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Elelabs Zigbee adapter detected:
2022/06/17 10:25:29 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Adapter: ELR023
2022/06/17 10:25:29 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Firmware: 6.10.3-41
2022/06/17 10:25:29 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   EZSP v8
2022/06/17 10:25:29 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Allready in normal mode. No need to restart
2022/06/17 10:25:31 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Elelabs Zigbee adapter detected:
2022/06/17 10:25:31 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Adapter: ELR023
2022/06/17 10:25:31 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   Firmware: 6.10.3-41
2022/06/17 10:25:31 Elelabs_EzspFwUtility:   EZSP v8

Si un de vous à une idée, je suis preneur


En taguant plugin ZigBee à votre sujet ça aurait été mieux et aussi placer vos logs entre les balises image pour plus de lisibilité.

merci pour ces suggestions

Sujet original:

Démon NOK... AttributeError... Failed to connect - #14 par Poumi

Merci c’est good

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