Ordre non transmit sur switch fibaro

dans la chambre j’ai un qubino ZMNHDA2 Dimmer configuré comme suit dans le plugin google smarthome

commande on de type: action, sous type: other, type générique : Lumière Bouton On

dans le séjour j’ai un fibaro FGS-221 Double charge configuré comme suit dans le plugin google smarthome

commande on de type: action, sous type: other, type générique : Lumière Bouton On

les 2 modules (fibaro et qubino) sont bien actifs dans le plugin, « transmettre » et bien coché et le status est « ok » en vert

sauf que quand je demande à google d’activer la chambre (qubino), il me répond ok j’allume la lumière de la chambre, et la lumière s’allume, jusque là tout est normal

quande je demande d’activer le séjour (fibaro), il me répond ok j’allume la lumière du séjour, et là rien ne s’allume…

dans le log ci dessous jeedom semble bien transmettre les ordres…

[2021-07-06 17:16:14][DEBUG] : => {"action":"exec","apikey":"wGT0FwkF7IkMKgwvmfODit0iu79L6HH8","data":{"callback":null,"auth":null,"requestId":"14788148558178165741","commands":[{"devices":[{"customData":{"Brightness_cmdGetBrightness":"652","Brightness_cmdSetSlider":"649","OnOff_cmdGetState":"652","OnOff_cmdSetOff":"651","OnOff_cmdSetOn":"650","local_execution::apikey":"wGT0FwkF7IkMKgwvmfODit0iu79L6HH8"},"id":"76"}],"execution":[{"command":"action.devices.commands.OnOff","params":{"on":true}}]}],"error":null}}
[2021-07-06 17:16:14][DEBUG] : Request : {"action":"exec","apikey":"wGT0FwkF7IkMKgwvmfODit0iu79L6HH8","data":{"callback":null,"auth":null,"requestId":"14788148558178165741","commands":[{"devices":[{"customData":{"Brightness_cmdGetBrightness":"652","Brightness_cmdSetSlider":"649","OnOff_cmdGetState":"652","OnOff_cmdSetOff":"651","OnOff_cmdSetOn":"650","local_execution::apikey":"wGT0FwkF7IkMKgwvmfODit0iu79L6HH8"},"id":"76"}],"execution":[{"command":"action.devices.commands.OnOff","params":{"on":true}}]}],"error":null}}
[2021-07-06 17:16:14][DEBUG] : Exec result : {"commands":[{"ids":["76"],"status":"SUCCESS"}]}
[2021-07-06 17:16:34][DEBUG] : => {"action":"exec","apikey":"wGT0FwkF7IkMKgwvmfODit0iu79L6HH8","data":{"callback":null,"auth":null,"requestId":"11060552385163111532","commands":[{"devices":[{"customData":{"OnOff_cmdGetState":"1386","OnOff_cmdSetOff":"1385","OnOff_cmdSetOn":"1384","local_execution::apikey":"wGT0FwkF7IkMKgwvmfODit0iu79L6HH8"},"id":"151"}],"execution":[{"command":"action.devices.commands.OnOff","params":{"on":true}}]}],"error":null}}
[2021-07-06 17:16:34][DEBUG] : Request : {"action":"exec","apikey":"wGT0FwkF7IkMKgwvmfODit0iu79L6HH8","data":{"callback":null,"auth":null,"requestId":"11060552385163111532","commands":[{"devices":[{"customData":{"OnOff_cmdGetState":"1386","OnOff_cmdSetOff":"1385","OnOff_cmdSetOn":"1384","local_execution::apikey":"wGT0FwkF7IkMKgwvmfODit0iu79L6HH8"},"id":"151"}],"execution":[{"command":"action.devices.commands.OnOff","params":{"on":true}}]}],"error":null}}
[2021-07-06 17:16:34][DEBUG] : Exec result : {"commands":[{"ids":["151"],"status":"SUCCESS"}]}

que se passe t-il ???

merci pour votre aide


Oui on commence par dire bonjour.

Est ce que vous modules fonctionnent correctement sous jeedom ? Lors d’une action sur le widget dans le dashboard ?
Il faudrait voir le log temps réel et le log zwave au moment de l’action via gsh pour voir où cela coince.

Vous parlez de la config génétique pour le on mais avez vous configuré le off et l’état ?

oups désolé pour l’oubli du bonjour… la faute au copier coller et la non relecture…

oui mon switch fibaro fonctionne très bien sur le widget…

voici le log openzwave avec les 2 requêtes sur mon qubino en premier puis sur mon fibaro…

[2021-07-07 13:58:14][INFO] : Send command to node 7 on class 38 instance 1 index 0 value 255
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : check_data type :Byte
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : Searching refresh for : 345|1|82
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][INFO] : 200 GET /node?node_id=7&instance_id=1&cc_id=38&index=0&type=setvalue&value=255&apikey=CfRxjNt738mWiPC6XAlKG54dhXyqWqiT ( 1.54ms
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 2, nodeId : 7
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : addValueId : ValueID : 72057594160185345
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : addValueId : GetCommandClassId : 38, GetType : 1
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : addValueId : Notification : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': False, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594160185345L, 'index': 0, 'nodeId': 7, 'value': 99, 'label': u'Level', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Byte'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 7}
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': False, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594160185345L, 'index': 0, 'nodeId': 7, 'value': 99, 'label': u'Level', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Byte'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 7}]
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification ValueChanged : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': False, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594160185345L, 'index': 0, 'nodeId': 7, 'value': 99, 'label': u'Level', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Byte'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 7}
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : value_update. 7 Level
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][INFO] : Received Switch multilevel report from node 7: Level=99
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : A node value has been updated. nodeId:7 value:Level
[2021-07-07 13:58:14][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'7': {'3810': {'instance': 1, 'node_id': 7, 'CommandClass': 38, 'value': 99, 'index': 0}}}}
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php?apikey=CfRxjNt738mWiPC6XAlKG54dhXyqWqiT HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 2, nodeId : 7
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : addValueId : ValueID : 72057594160185345
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : addValueId : GetCommandClassId : 38, GetType : 1
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : addValueId : Notification : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': False, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594160185345L, 'index': 0, 'nodeId': 7, 'value': 99, 'label': u'Level', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Byte'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 7}
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': False, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594160185345L, 'index': 0, 'nodeId': 7, 'value': 99, 'label': u'Level', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Byte'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 7}]
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification ValueChanged : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': False, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594160185345L, 'index': 0, 'nodeId': 7, 'value': 99, 'label': u'Level', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Byte'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 7}
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : value_update. 7 Level
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][INFO] : Received Switch multilevel report from node 7: Level=99
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : A node value has been updated. nodeId:7 value:Level
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'7': {'3810': {'instance': 1, 'node_id': 7, 'CommandClass': 38, 'value': 99, 'index': 0}}}}
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-07-07 13:58:15][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php?apikey=CfRxjNt738mWiPC6XAlKG54dhXyqWqiT HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 2, nodeId : 7
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : addValueId : ValueID : 72057594160382464
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : addValueId : GetCommandClassId : 50, GetType : 0
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : addValueId : Notification : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594160382464L, 'index': 32, 'nodeId': 7, 'value': False, 'label': u'Exporting', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Bool'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 7}
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594160382464L, 'index': 32, 'nodeId': 7, 'value': False, 'label': u'Exporting', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Bool'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 7}]
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification ValueChanged : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594160382464L, 'index': 32, 'nodeId': 7, 'value': False, 'label': u'Exporting', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Bool'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 7}
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : value_update. 7 Exporting
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][INFO] : Received Meter report from node 7: Exporting=False
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : A node value has been updated. nodeId:7 value:Exporting
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 2, nodeId : 7
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : addValueId : ValueID : 72057594160382082
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : addValueId : GetCommandClassId : 50, GetType : 2
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : addValueId : Notification : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594160382082L, 'index': 8, 'nodeId': 7, 'value': 11.5, 'label': u'Power', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'W', 'type': 'Decimal'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 7}
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594160382082L, 'index': 8, 'nodeId': 7, 'value': 11.5, 'label': u'Power', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'W', 'type': 'Decimal'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 7}]
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification ValueChanged : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594160382082L, 'index': 8, 'nodeId': 7, 'value': 11.5, 'label': u'Power', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'W', 'type': 'Decimal'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 7}
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : value_update. 7 Power
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][INFO] : Received Meter report from node 7: Power=11.5W
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : A node value has been updated. nodeId:7 value:Power
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'7': {'5018': {'instance': 1, 'node_id': 7, 'CommandClass': 50, 'value': 11.5, 'index': 8}, '50132': {'instance': 1, 'node_id': 7, 'CommandClass': 50, 'value': False, 'index': 32}}}}
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-07-07 13:58:16][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php?apikey=CfRxjNt738mWiPC6XAlKG54dhXyqWqiT HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 2, nodeId : 26
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : addValueId : ValueID : 72057594479149568
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : addValueId : GetCommandClassId : 50, GetType : 0
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : addValueId : Notification : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594479149568L, 'index': 32, 'nodeId': 26, 'value': False, 'label': u'Exporting', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Bool'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 26}
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594479149568L, 'index': 32, 'nodeId': 26, 'value': False, 'label': u'Exporting', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Bool'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 26}]
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification ValueChanged : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594479149568L, 'index': 32, 'nodeId': 26, 'value': False, 'label': u'Exporting', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Bool'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 26}
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : value_update. 26 Exporting
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][INFO] : Received Meter report from node 26: Exporting=False
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : A node value has been updated. nodeId:26 value:Exporting
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 2, nodeId : 26
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : addValueId : ValueID : 72057594479149186
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : addValueId : GetCommandClassId : 50, GetType : 2
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : addValueId : Notification : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594479149186L, 'index': 8, 'nodeId': 26, 'value': 0.0, 'label': u'Power', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'W', 'type': 'Decimal'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 26}
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594479149186L, 'index': 8, 'nodeId': 26, 'value': 0.0, 'label': u'Power', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'W', 'type': 'Decimal'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 26}]
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification ValueChanged : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594479149186L, 'index': 8, 'nodeId': 26, 'value': 0.0, 'label': u'Power', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'W', 'type': 'Decimal'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 26}
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : value_update. 26 Power
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][INFO] : Received Meter report from node 26: Power=0W
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : A node value has been updated. nodeId:26 value:Power
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'26': {'5018': {'instance': 1, 'node_id': 26, 'CommandClass': 50, 'value': 0, 'index': 8}, '50132': {'instance': 1, 'node_id': 26, 'CommandClass': 50, 'value': False, 'index': 32}}}}
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-07-07 13:58:20][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php?apikey=CfRxjNt738mWiPC6XAlKG54dhXyqWqiT HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 2, nodeId : 25
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : addValueId : ValueID : 72057594462372352
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : addValueId : GetCommandClassId : 50, GetType : 0
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : addValueId : Notification : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594462372352L, 'index': 32, 'nodeId': 25, 'value': False, 'label': u'Exporting', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Bool'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 25}
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594462372352L, 'index': 32, 'nodeId': 25, 'value': False, 'label': u'Exporting', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Bool'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 25}]
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification ValueChanged : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594462372352L, 'index': 32, 'nodeId': 25, 'value': False, 'label': u'Exporting', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Bool'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 25}
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : value_update. 25 Exporting
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][INFO] : Received Meter report from node 25: Exporting=False
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : A node value has been updated. nodeId:25 value:Exporting
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 2, nodeId : 25
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : addValueId : ValueID : 72057594462371970
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : addValueId : GetCommandClassId : 50, GetType : 2
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : addValueId : Notification : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594462371970L, 'index': 8, 'nodeId': 25, 'value': 0.0, 'label': u'Power', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'W', 'type': 'Decimal'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 25}
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594462371970L, 'index': 8, 'nodeId': 25, 'value': 0.0, 'label': u'Power', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'W', 'type': 'Decimal'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 25}]
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification ValueChanged : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_METER', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': True, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 72057594462371970L, 'index': 8, 'nodeId': 25, 'value': 0.0, 'label': u'Power', 'instance': 1, 'units': u'W', 'type': 'Decimal'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 25}
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : value_update. 25 Power
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][INFO] : Received Meter report from node 25: Power=0W
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : A node value has been updated. nodeId:25 value:Power
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'25': {'5018': {'instance': 1, 'node_id': 25, 'CommandClass': 50, 'value': 0, 'index': 8}, '50132': {'instance': 1, 'node_id': 25, 'CommandClass': 50, 'value': False, 'index': 32}}}}
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-07-07 13:58:24][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php?apikey=CfRxjNt738mWiPC6XAlKG54dhXyqWqiT HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][INFO] : Send command to node 39 on class 37 instance 2 index 0 value 255
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : check_data type :Bool
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : Searching refresh for : 271|512|4106
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][INFO] : 200 GET /node?node_id=39&instance_id=2&cc_id=37&index=0&type=setvalue&value=255&apikey=CfRxjNt738mWiPC6XAlKG54dhXyqWqiT ( 1.61ms
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 2, nodeId : 39
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : addValueId : ValueID : 144115188734967808
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : addValueId : GetCommandClassId : 37, GetType : 0
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : addValueId : Notification : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': False, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 144115188734967808L, 'index': 0, 'nodeId': 39, 'value': True, 'label': u'Switch', 'instance': 2, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Bool'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 39}
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': False, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 144115188734967808L, 'index': 0, 'nodeId': 39, 'value': True, 'label': u'Switch', 'instance': 2, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Bool'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 39}]
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification ValueChanged : {'homeId': 3730367233, 'valueId': {'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY', 'homeId': 3730367233, 'readOnly': False, 'genre': 'User', 'id': 144115188734967808L, 'index': 0, 'nodeId': 39, 'value': True, 'label': u'Switch', 'instance': 2, 'units': u'', 'type': 'Bool'}, 'notificationType': 'ValueChanged', 'nodeId': 39}
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : value_update. 39 Switch
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][INFO] : Received Switch binary report from node 39: Switch=True
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : A node value has been updated. nodeId:39 value:Switch
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'39': {'3720': {'instance': 2, 'node_id': 39, 'CommandClass': 37, 'value': True, 'index': 0}}}}
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-07-07 13:58:25][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php?apikey=CfRxjNt738mWiPC6XAlKG54dhXyqWqiT HTTP/1.1" 200 0

le on, off, et état sont configurés…

après ouverture d’un ticket voici la solution :

le soucis vient de là, comme dit le plugin ne gère pas les double switch. La seule solution c'est de supprimer les generiques type sur la sortie non utilisé et de refaire une synchronisation avec google smarthome.

Merci @Loic

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