[NoIP] error while executing Python script:

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2021-11-02 09:55:40 noip [Multimédia][NoIP] error while executing Python script:

dernière version stable

des logs une version de plugin / jeedom une page santé … ???

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Version : 2021-08-15 19:24:05

[2021-10-23 20:08:07][ERROR] : [Multimédia][NoIP] file content empty
[2021-10-30 11:48:36][ERROR] : [Multimédia][NoIP] error while executing Python script:
[2021-10-31 07:44:35][ERROR] : [Multimédia][NoIP] error while executing Python script:
[2021-11-01 06:26:33][ERROR] : [Multimédia][NoIP] error while executing Python script:
[2021-11-02 02:38:03][INFO] : Lancement script No-Ip : sudo python3 /var/www/html/plugins/noip/core/class/../../resources/noip-renew.py klein.antoine@gmail.com "#####" 7 1 /var/www/html/plugins/noip/core/class/../.. 2
[2021/11/02 01:38:07] - Debug level: 2
[2021/11/02 01:38:07] - Opening https://www.noip.com/login...
[2021/11/02 01:38:15] - Logging in...
[2021/11/02 01:38:17] - DEBUG: Element by name login not found: Message: element not interactable
(Session info: headless chrome=89.0.4389.114)
[2021/11/02 01:38:17] - DEBUG: Element by attr data-action=login not found: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//button[@data-action="login"]"}
(Session info: headless chrome=89.0.4389.114)
[2021/11/02 01:38:27] - Opening https://my.noip.com/dynamic-dns...
[2021/11/02 01:38:36] - Expiration days label does not match the expected pattern
[2021-11-02 02:38:37][DEBUG] : [Multimédia][NoIP] file content: {"msg": "Expiration days label does not match the expected pattern"}
[2021-11-02 02:38:37][ERROR] : [Multimédia][NoIP] error while executing Python script:
[2021-11-02 02:38:37][DEBUG] : Prochaine vérification automatique pour NoIP : 2021-11-02 09:55:00
[2021-11-02 09:55:05][INFO] : Lancement script No-Ip : sudo python3 /var/www/html/plugins/noip/core/class/../../resources/noip-renew.py klein.antoine@gmail.com "#####" 7 1 /var/www/html/plugins/noip/core/class/../.. 2
[2021/11/02 08:55:10] - Debug level: 2
[2021/11/02 08:55:10] - Opening https://www.noip.com/login...
[2021/11/02 08:55:18] - Logging in...
[2021/11/02 08:55:20] - DEBUG: Element by name login not found: Message: element not interactable
(Session info: headless chrome=89.0.4389.114)
[2021/11/02 08:55:20] - DEBUG: Element by attr data-action=login not found: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//button[@data-action="login"]"}
(Session info: headless chrome=89.0.4389.114)
[2021/11/02 08:55:30] - Opening https://my.noip.com/dynamic-dns...
[2021/11/02 08:55:39] - Expiration days label does not match the expected pattern
[2021-11-02 09:55:40][DEBUG] : [Multimédia][NoIP] file content: {"msg": "Expiration days label does not match the expected pattern"}
[2021-11-02 09:55:40][ERROR] : [Multimédia][NoIP] error while executing Python script:
[2021-11-02 09:55:40][DEBUG] : Prochaine vérification automatique pour NoIP : 2021-11-03 04:47:00

Salut @Nemeraud, il y a déjà un sujet en cours sur ce problème, on attend l’intervention du dev.

Erreur Phyton

1 « J'aime »

Bonjour @Bison

désolé, pas trouvé celui là, je suis tombé sur un autre mais qui était clos, merci

1 « J'aime »

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