Jeedom smart Zwave : pas d'inclusion

Par contre j’ai vu quelque chose qui ressemble au SUC

Tu trouveras ça en cliquant sur le bouton réseau Z-wave, onglet résumé

voici :

Non, c’est une smart déjà donc pas recommandé d’aller changer quoi que ce soit.
Ca marche sorti de la boite.

Et de toute facon le mode suc perso jamais activé et je ne vois pas ce que ca apporte quand tu as ta clé toujours branchée… mais je n’ai probablement pas assez lu sur la question

2 « J'aime »

merci Mips mais ça ne m’aide pas

Ca aide de pas aller casser quelque chose de plus il me semble…

Il faudrait passer les logs en debug, sauver, redémarrer le démon et les donner ici comme déjà demandé par @mich0111; il faut tous les logs.
Attention de bien utiliser le bouton </> lors de la rédaction du message pour formater les logs comme expliqué ici: Comment nous aider à vous aider - ou Comment poser une bonne question?

A moins que je ne dise une bêtise, est-ce une smart z-wave?
Si non, il a bien ajouté une clé.
Dans ce cas, ce n’est plus une config d’origine et il faut bien l’adapter.

c’est une Jeedom smart Zwave reçue la semaine dernière, neuve
Sinon pour les logs : j’ai mis la Zwave en mode debug mais pas d’info dans analyse/logs

Alors je dis une bêtise, ne pas tenir compte de mon précédent message

Juste pour tester un truc, as-tu un autre device z-wave?

non j’ai acheté la smart et un door/winndow pour faire un essai

Voici le log de openzwave :

2020-12-28 11:39:07][INFO] : Lancement démon openzwave : /usr/bin/python /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../resources/openzwaved/  --device /dev/ttyS1 --loglevel info --port 8083 --config_folder /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../resources/openzwaved/config --data_folder /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../data --callback --apikey *********************************** --suppressRefresh 0 --cycle 0.3 --pid /tmp/jeedom/openzwave/
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Start openzwaved
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Log level : info
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Device : /dev/ttyS1
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Callback :
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Cycle : 0.3
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Check if the port REST server available
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : --> pass
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Check OpenZWave Devices Database
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : --> pass
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Validate zwcfg configuration file(s)
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : ... check: /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../data/zwcfg_0xf3e6277e.xml
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : ... check: /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../data/zwcfg_0xe3a7b132.xml
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : ... check: /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../data/zwcfg_0xe0ddd0f1.xml
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : ... check: /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../data/zwcfg_0xd776d73c.xml
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : ... check: /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../data/zwcfg_0xcc4a366b.xml
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : ******** The ZWave network is being started ********
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Start Openzwave network.
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : OpenZwave Library Version 1.4.0
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Python-OpenZwave Wrapper Version 0.3.1
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : --> pass
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Waiting for network to become ready
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Driver ready using library Static Controller version Z-Wave 3.99
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : home_id 0xcc4a366b, controller node id is 1
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Openzwave network are started with homeId cc4a366b.
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : A node has been added to OpenZWave list id:[1] model:[UZB Z-Wave USB Adapter].
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : All the initialisation queries on a node have been completed. id:[1] model:[UZB Z-Wave USB Adapter].
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : Openzwave network is ready with 1 nodes (0 are sleeping). All nodes are queried, the network is fully functional.
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : ZWave configuration written to user directory.
[2020-12-28 10:39:09][INFO] : write configuration file
[2020-12-28 11:39:10][INFO] : Démon openzwave lancé
[2020-12-28 10:40:17][INFO] : 200 GET /network?type=info&info=getStatus&apikey=*********************************** ( 4.54ms
[2020-12-28 10:40:24][INFO] : Start the Inclusion Process to add a Node to the Network with Security CC if the node is supports it
[2020-12-28 10:40:24][INFO] : The command is starting. (Starting)
[2020-12-28 10:40:24][INFO] : 200 GET /controller?type=addNode&security=1&apikey=*********************************** ( 4.14ms
[2020-12-28 10:40:24][INFO] : Controller is waiting for a user action. (Waiting)
[2020-12-28 10:44:34][INFO] : 200 GET /network?type=info&info=getStatus&apikey=*********************************** ( 2.59ms
[2020-12-28 10:45:03][INFO] : 200 GET /network?type=info&info=getStatus&apikey=*********************************** ( 3.64ms
[2020-12-28 10:45:38][INFO] : Controller action cancelCommand
[2020-12-28 10:45:38][INFO] : 200 GET /controller?type=action&action=cancelCommand&apikey=*********************************** ( 3.24ms
[2020-12-28 10:45:38][INFO] : The command was cancelled. (Cancel)
[2020-12-28 10:45:38][INFO] : The command has completed successfully. (Completed)
[2020-12-28 10:46:44][INFO] : 200 GET /network?type=info&info=getStatus&apikey=*********************************** ( 2.59ms
[2020-12-28 10:46:50][INFO] : Start the Inclusion Process to add a Node to the Network with Security CC if the node is supports it
[2020-12-28 10:46:50][INFO] : The command is starting. (Starting)
[2020-12-28 10:46:50][INFO] : 200 GET /controller?type=addNode&security=1&apikey=*********************************** ( 3.42ms
[2020-12-28 10:46:50][INFO] : Controller is waiting for a user action. (Waiting)
[2020-12-28 10:46:56][INFO] : Controller action cancelCommand
[2020-12-28 10:46:56][INFO] : 200 GET /controller?type=action&action=cancelCommand&apikey=*********************************** ( 3.02ms
[2020-12-28 10:46:56][INFO] : The command was cancelled. (Cancel)
[2020-12-28 10:46:56][INFO] : The command has completed successfully. (Completed)

De ce que je lis, tu as lancé une inclusion qui n’a pas abouti et tu as annulé l’inclusion parce que pas de résultat.
C’est bien ça

oui, je l’ai lancée plusieurs fois pour voir si le log l’enregistrait, je constate 1 heure de décallage sur l’heure d’enregistrement

L’heure de décalage c’est connu sur smart et ça n’a pas d’importance.

Je n’ai pas su bien tout lire car sur téléphone mais la dernière tentative d’inclusion était en mode sécurisé et n’est restée que 6s. Ce n’est pas assez.

Fait l’inclusion en mode non sécurisé, fait la à moins d’un mètre du contrôleur et appui bien rapidement 3x sur le bouton
Et puis attend. Ça peut prendre 30s ou plus avant que le module soit détecté.

j’ai refait une demande d’inclusion, j’ai la led bleue du capteur Figaro qui clignote plusieurs fois lentement, le log est en mode waiting

voici le log

[2020-12-28 10:46:56][INFO] : The command has completed successfully. (Completed)
[2020-12-28 11:06:45][INFO] : 200 GET /network?type=info&info=getStatus&apikey=hLZNE3UvLTeavWF9Mr94f64Yu79hfD3e ( 2.53ms
[2020-12-28 11:06:51][INFO] : Start the Inclusion Process to add a Node to the Network
[2020-12-28 11:06:51][INFO] : The command is starting. (Starting)
[2020-12-28 11:06:51][INFO] : 200 GET /controller?type=addNode&security=0&apikey=hLZNE3UvLTeavWF9Mr94f64Yu79hfD3e ( 4.21ms
[2020-12-28 11:06:51][INFO] : Controller is waiting for a user action. (Waiting)
[2020-12-28 11:10:20][INFO] : 200 GET /network?type=info&info=getStatus&apikey=hLZNE3UvLTeavWF9Mr94f64Yu79hfD3e ( 2.49ms

Avez-vous mis le mode debug sur le log? je n’ai pas l’impression.
Là on ne voit rien de relevant.

normalement c’est ce que j’ai fait avec ensuite une sauvegarde

Relance le démon après l’avoir mis en mode debug et sauvegarder.


2020-12-28 12:36:05][INFO] : Lancement démon openzwave : /usr/bin/python /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../resources/openzwaved/  --device /dev/ttyS1 --loglevel debug --port 8083 --config_folder /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../resources/openzwaved/config --data_folder /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../data --callback --apikey hLZNE3UvLTeavWF9Mr94f64Yu79hfD3e --suppressRefresh 0 --cycle 0.3 --pid /tmp/jeedom/openzwave/
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Start openzwaved
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Log level : debug
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/openzwave/
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Device : /dev/ttyS1
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Apikey : hLZNE3UvLTeavWF9Mr94f64Yu79hfD3e
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Callback :
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Cycle : 0.3
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Initial disabled nodes list: []
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Init request module v2.12.4
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : "GET /plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php?apikey=hLZNE3UvLTeavWF9Mr94f64Yu79hfD3e HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Check if the port REST server available
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : --> pass
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Check OpenZWave Devices Database
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : --> pass
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Validate zwcfg configuration file(s)
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : ... check: /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../data/zwcfg_0xf3e6277e.xml
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : ... check: /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../data/zwcfg_0xe3a7b132.xml
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : ... check: /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../data/zwcfg_0xe0ddd0f1.xml
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : ... check: /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../data/zwcfg_0xd776d73c.xml
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : ... check: /var/www/html/plugins/openzwave/core/class/../../data/zwcfg_0xcc4a366b.xml
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Create network object.
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Use sqlite version : (u'3.16.2',)
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : connect to the louie dispatcher
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : ******** The ZWave network is being started ********
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Start Openzwave network.
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : OpenZwave Library Version 1.4.0
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Python-OpenZwave Wrapper Version 0.3.1
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : --> pass
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Waiting for network to become ready
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Writing PID 28074 to /tmp/jeedom/openzwave/
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 18, nodeId : 1
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'DriverReady', 'nodeId': 1}]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification DriverReady : {'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'DriverReady', 'nodeId': 1}
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Create object node (node_id:1)
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Driver ready using library Static Controller version Z-Wave 3.99
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : home_id 0xcc4a366b, controller node id is 1
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Network home_id: [0xcc4a366b] controller: [home_id: [0xcc4a366b] id: [1] name: [1Z-Wave Plus USB Controller] product: [UZB Z-Wave USB Adapter] capabilities: set(['primaryController']) library: [Static Controller version Z-Wave 3.99]]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Openzwave network are started with homeId cc4a366b.
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 6, nodeId : 1
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'NodeAdded', 'nodeId': 1}]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification NodeAdded : {'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'NodeAdded', 'nodeId': 1}
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Create object node (node_id:1)
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : A node has been added to OpenZWave list id:[1] model:[UZB Z-Wave USB Adapter].
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification Node : home_id: [0xcc4a366b] id: [1] name: [1Z-Wave Plus USB Controller] model: [UZB Z-Wave USB Adapter]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 8, nodeId : 1
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'NodeProtocolInfo', 'nodeId': 1}]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification NodeProtocolInfo : {'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'NodeProtocolInfo', 'nodeId': 1}
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification Node : home_id: [0xcc4a366b] id: [1] name: [1Z-Wave Plus USB Controller] model: [UZB Z-Wave USB Adapter]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 21, nodeId : 1
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'EssentialNodeQueriesComplete', 'nodeId': 1}]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification EssentialNodeQueriesComplete : {'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'EssentialNodeQueriesComplete', 'nodeId': 1}
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 0, nodeId : 1
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : addValueId : ValueID : 72057594055229441
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : addValueId : GetCommandClassId : 32, GetType : 1
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : addValueId : Notification : {'homeId': 3427415659, 'valueId': {'index': 0, 'units': None, 'type': 'Byte', 'nodeId': 1, 'value': None, 'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC', 'instance': 1, 'readOnly': False, 'homeId': 3427415659, 'label': None, 'genre': '', 'id': 72057594055229441L}, 'notificationType': 'ValueAdded', 'nodeId': 1}
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3427415659, 'valueId': {'index': 0, 'units': None, 'type': 'Byte', 'nodeId': 1, 'value': None, 'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC', 'instance': 1, 'readOnly': False, 'homeId': 3427415659, 'label': None, 'genre': '', 'id': 72057594055229441L}, 'notificationType': 'ValueAdded', 'nodeId': 1}]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification ValueAdded : {'homeId': 3427415659, 'valueId': {'index': 0, 'units': None, 'type': 'Byte', 'nodeId': 1, 'value': None, 'commandClass': 'COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC', 'instance': 1, 'readOnly': False, 'homeId': 3427415659, 'label': None, 'genre': '', 'id': 72057594055229441L}, 'notificationType': 'ValueAdded', 'nodeId': 1}
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Create object value (valueId:72057594055229441)
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 9, nodeId : 1
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'NodeNaming', 'nodeId': 1}]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification NodeNaming : {'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'NodeNaming', 'nodeId': 1}
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification Node : home_id: [0xcc4a366b] id: [1] name: [1Z-Wave Plus USB Controller] model: [UZB Z-Wave USB Adapter]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 22, nodeId : 1
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'NodeQueriesComplete', 'nodeId': 1}]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification NodeQueriesComplete : {'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'NodeQueriesComplete', 'nodeId': 1}
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : All the initialisation queries on a node have been completed. id:[1] model:[UZB Z-Wave USB Adapter].
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification Node : home_id: [0xcc4a366b] id: [1] name: [1Z-Wave Plus USB Controller] model: [UZB Z-Wave USB Adapter]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 25, nodeId : 255
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'AllNodesQueried', 'nodeId': 255}]
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Z-Wave Notification AllNodesQueried : {'homeId': 3427415659, 'notificationType': 'AllNodesQueried', 'nodeId': 255}
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : Openzwave network is ready with 1 nodes (0 are sleeping). All nodes are queried, the network is fully functional.
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : ZWave configuration written to user directory.
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][INFO] : write configuration file
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'network': {'state': {'value': 5}}}
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2020-12-28 11:36:06][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php?apikey=hLZNE3UvLTeavWF9Mr94f64Yu79hfD3e HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2020-12-28 12:36:07][INFO] : Démon openzwave lancé
[2020-12-28 11:36:07][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2020-12-28 11:36:07][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'network': {'state': {'value': 10}}}
[2020-12-28 11:36:07][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2020-12-28 11:36:08][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php?apikey=hLZNE3UvLTeavWF9Mr94f64Yu79hfD3e HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2020-12-28 11:36:30][INFO] : 200 GET /network?type=info&info=getStatus&apikey=hLZNE3UvLTeavWF9Mr94f64Yu79hfD3e ( 4.13ms
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][INFO] : Start the Inclusion Process to add a Node to the Network
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 28, nodeId : 0
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'controllerState': 'Starting', 'controllerError': 'None', 'controllerErrorInt': 0, 'notificationType': 'ControllerCommand', 'nodeId': 0, 'controllerStateInt': 1, 'controllerErrorDoc': 'None.', 'homeId': 3427415659, 'controllerStateDoc': 'The command is starting.'}]
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : Z-Wave ControllerCommand : {'controllerState': 'Starting', 'controllerError': 'None', 'controllerErrorInt': 0, 'notificationType': 'ControllerCommand', 'nodeId': 0, 'controllerStateInt': 1, 'controllerErrorDoc': 'None.', 'homeId': 3427415659, 'controllerStateDoc': 'The command is starting.'}
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][INFO] : The command is starting. (Starting)
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : The controller is busy ? True
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][INFO] : 200 GET /controller?type=addNode&security=0&apikey=hLZNE3UvLTeavWF9Mr94f64Yu79hfD3e ( 3.82ms
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : notif_callback : new notification
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : notif_callback : Notification type : 28, nodeId : 0
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : notif_callback : call callback context
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : zwcallback args=[{'controllerState': 'Waiting', 'controllerError': 'None', 'controllerErrorInt': 0, 'notificationType': 'ControllerCommand', 'nodeId': 0, 'controllerStateInt': 4, 'controllerErrorDoc': 'None.', 'homeId': 3427415659, 'controllerStateDoc': 'Controller is waiting for a user action.'}]
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : Z-Wave ControllerCommand : {'controllerState': 'Waiting', 'controllerError': 'None', 'controllerErrorInt': 0, 'notificationType': 'ControllerCommand', 'nodeId': 0, 'controllerStateInt': 4, 'controllerErrorDoc': 'None.', 'homeId': 3427415659, 'controllerStateDoc': 'Controller is waiting for a user action.'}
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][INFO] : Controller is waiting for a user action. (Waiting)
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : The controller is busy ? True
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : notif_callback : end
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'controller': {'state': {'value': 1}}}
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2020-12-28 11:36:36][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php?apikey=hLZNE3UvLTeavWF9Mr94f64Yu79hfD3e HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2020-12-28 11:37:39][INFO] : 200 GET /network?type=info&info=getStatus&apikey=hLZNE3UvLTeavWF9Mr94f64Yu79hfD3e ( 2.53ms