Equipment creation error

When I create a user in this Jeedom this image appears:

I have to create another one to get it right.

Creating the bottom menu I get this error and I can’t continue:

All this has appeared after connecting through websoket. The mobile app would open, username and password, user, and then close. I have uninstalled Jeedom connects from the mobile but this problem continues now.

Any ideas?

Jeedom Core : 4.3.11
Version JC : 1.6.0 stable
DNS Jeedom : oui
Statut Démon : Stoppé - ()

Equipements :
  Pilar : non enregistré
  ReadySystems : v1.6.0 stable sur android [os : 31] (polling)


Please try to deactivate any browser addons, try another browser and/or try in private mode.

« Hello »
(Still usefull nowadays)

By « user » you mean « equipment/device » ?

Is that the first time JC is installed on this jeedom instance ?

I have several installations of Atlas among others. Here shows one of them and it works correctly. There is a problem in the icon directory search.

1 « J'aime »

and what is the link between your first initial topic, my answer and your last reply?

can you please stay focus on one subject? can you also please answer our questions and try what we suggest?

I have tried with chrome and Edge without addons and the same result.

The link is that I work with the same PC and I only have problems on one Jeedom Connect.
I have tried what you suggest and the same error appears with different browsers without blocking and in private mode.

No answer to my previous question.

Lets assume i’m right.
The answer is here :

OK, it worked. Thank you

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